
#16 Report | Quote[en] 

Luckily you can load up your bag with endless amounts of larvester components, so a trip to KL is needed only monthly, maybe weekly? And for most KL occupations it is similar- grab a huge amount of occupation components at once.

The real reason a Marauder would need to travel to KL frequently is to check for kizokoo. It seems wrong to impede them from checking a boss, but on same token Almanti is strictly controlled by Kara/Kami/Rangers so any access is pretty generous. :/

The higher occs should be availble to Mara in camp. We are talking game mechanics here - why should one faction be excluded from game content without being given something else as compensation.  Mara should have had access to higher occs and Almati a long time ago, or give us something else that other factions cannot have.  As for IC access, your delusion of control of Almati is a very funny.  A child could sneak in without you knowing.  We are mara we don't take handouts from simple minded homins that worship stuffed furry animals, or a drunk pole dancer :P

Last edited by Lacuna (9 years ago)


#17 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
As already stated in an other thread, I agree to the general idea of marauder players' access to Almati, even with an own teleporter (which, not to pamper them too much, should be accessible only via NPC in marauder camp, not via crystal teleport).

Yet I disagree with the idea to give marauders their own occupation access. Indeed, every marauder may choose to keep her/his civ fame above -50 and enter every city unattacked to practise whatever occupation. Otherwise it would be more of a sneak and run challenge, but why should everything be easy for marauders?

In fact, marauders already enjoy a couple of privileges, much more in comparison with Rangers. Even if Rangers will eventually have teleport access to the prime roots, it will be but a point to point connection, without the possibility to teleport there when dead (mind that I welcome that things are not made too easy for Rangers). Marauders have more PR teleport opportunities than others, as far as I am informed. Their zyn crystal is technically superior to the pacts of the factions etc.

I supported the implementation of a normal infrastructure such as tatooists, hair stylists etc. in the marauder camp. Yet I fail to see that this camp is a full blown city, and the marauders should have every of the advantages a non insurgent homin in the new territories enjoys.

Last edited by Daomei (9 years ago)


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#18 Report | Quote[es] 

Yep, I can agree to that. I was just concerned with the thing about me using a Karavan Priestess to teleport me. I don't think we should have it an easier and also agree that the only way to Almati should be through a single NPC in camp.

#19 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Daomei as far as I am aware the fame level for safely entering cities is classed as a bug and is to be changed so that just being mara will be enough to make guards aggro.  That will make sneaking in impossible in Pyr/Zorai and possibly FH.  Yrk is doable.  I think having our own is more consistent: why should occ npcs talk to us when vendors etc won't?

It is not about making it easy that I think we should have higher occ npcs in camp but to make it fair and consistent.  I am not saying mara should have it all, but if mara don't get higher occ access they should have something else that only mara can have.  I think the same should be true with Rangers. Make these two factions different from the religions. Yes make them harder, but give them things that make this worth the trade off.

Yes the zun crystal is superior, and I think that is offset by other things we can't do such as use hawkers etc.  We shouldnt get it all, but we should at least have a finished faction!  Yes we have more tps in PR but we have less on surface and NO respawn point in camp.  The pros from mara need to be balanced with the cons.  The access to almati and to occs is not balancing a great tp system but a legacy of an unfinished faction.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Lacuna (9 years ago)


#20 Report | Quote[en] 

[Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual, and be respectful with WinchGate staff. Foul language, insulting, defamatory, obscene, xenophobic or anti-semitic talk is prohibited.]

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#21 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
Lacuna: I am aware that short after the fusion, the possiblity of marauders to enter cities unattacked was classified as a bug. Yet, "PvP jewels" are, strictly spoken, a bug as well (have a look into the code, it is just an omission), but has been considered a customary right of PvP fighters and will not be touched.

Likewise, city access of "small" marauders may be considered a feature and not become subject of change. That would be a valid, viable, and not too much resource consuming compromise allowing marauders to take advantage of the occupations.

And no, I am against "fair treatment" of marauders, as much as I am against "equal teleports" for Rangers (in fact, I would favor a couple of things harder in my organization, or at least tasks which require much skill and risk).

Marauders are the outcasts of the new territories, an insurgent force opposing everything hold dear by the rest of the homins there. The rest of hominity may have their quarrels, but they are limited by treaties and rules of conduct. One cannot expect that those who are bandits and terrorists in the eyes of the majority of homins in the new lands, openly striving to destroy their nations and to suppress their cults, will receive fair treatment.

I agree that life on the bark should be sustainable and interesting for a marauder player, and I would like roleplay and PvE opportunities being created making marauder life besides digging, crafting, and PvP more interesting (and am open for any reasonable proposal). Yet I would like the same for Kami, Kara, the four peoples, and of course for my organization as well. There is a shortage of development manpower, you know.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#22 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

I understand that there is limited resources for development. That is why I think we will never get our occ even though it is supposedly in the pipeline.

Yes, if our fame is not to low we can get into cities and do occs, but we cannot hand these items in to NH due to fame. And as you say, it doesn't make any sense why we should.  I don't think NH or the occ npcs in cities should speak to Mara at all. That is why i would like our own occ for faction points. One that is hard and does not give any dappers.

I would like the higher occs cloned to camp much like hairdressers etc were.  But I also do not think Mara should be allowed to do Cartographer, Florist, Water Carrier or Butcher, or hand in their mats.

Last edited by Lacuna (9 years ago)


#23 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
Ok, your point taken. I do not fully buy it, but it is a reasonable proposal.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#24 Report | Quote[en] 

Since Rangers are supposed to support all hominity and protect against kitins, lore-wise, it seems it would be good for them to use 'ANY' teleport. But I do not see how that would help the game unfortunatley since everyone would want to be Ranger for that. Hence, I am not really for that. Not sure how to balance that in game-play yet.

I have to support Daomei's remarks too. +1

If they don't SUBMIT to the 'Stuffed furry animals,' or [Edited: Foul language, insulting, defamatory, obscene, xenophobic or anti-semitic talk is prohibited.], then too bad for them. It is a choice they made. No KL for them. Is it fair? Yes, I believe so. If you want, give them something else, like any hawkers in pr will deliver mats to the village or something.

What about Rangers? Well, they are responsible for keeping the kitins back into KL. They have a camp there for that. So they must be there.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)

#25 Report | Quote[en] 

If they don't SUBMIT to the 'Stuffed furry animals,' or [Edited], then too bad for them. It is a choice they made. No KL for them. Is it fair? Yes, I believe so.

If no KL for maras, then Kizokoo would need to be moved to a region accessible to maras.
If you want, give them something else, like any hawkers in pr will deliver mats to the village or something.

And for those mara who don't dig PR? Hawkers in PR not really of value given there are no dig spots where most mats are available in close proximity, and I don't know of many who choose PR as the place to dig mats for craft grind ;p

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


#26 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
Marichia: Marauders may access Almati freely and check for kizokoo. Only, they have to lie at the temples. For you, that should be easier than for me, because, as an inhabitant of the sharük, I feel bound to our four pillars, and truth is one of them. Moreover, rangers' precepts bind me to a friendly stance towards the cults, and lying them in the face is not really friendly. So my conflict is more severe than yours.

I would like both of them being resolved, by a hidden path to our headquartes for us, and a teleport for the marauders. As your ethical yardstick seems to be more flexible than ours, I tend to consider your conflict less pressing. Or does it put a load on your conscience to brazenly lie to a kami or kami priest/ess?


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#27 Report | Quote[en] 


If they don't SUBMIT to the 'Stuffed furry animals,' or 'Pole Dancer,' then too bad for them. It is a choice they made. No KL for them. Is it fair? Yes,

No KL for you too then, Naema.  Your logic must stay consistant.  If Mara can't go for this reason then neither should you.

Excluding mara from using hawkers is fair, we are hated. Excluding us from KL is not! There is no rp reason for doing so.  Mara is a choice and this choice has pros and cons; that is fair.  What mara are complaining about is not the cons that should apply but the lack of content that should be their for us. We are not complaining about mara being hard we are asking for it what should be there anyway.

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago) | Reason: Edit to fix language button.


#28 Report | Quote[de] 

@ Dao

Bitte mach dieses multi lingual gedönse weg, wenn du nur in einer Sprache antwortest ^^ dadurch wird die Übersetzungsfunktion ausgeschaltet ^^(also durch dieses [ BB ] wird das ausgeschaltet ^^)

muss nur die passende Sprache für den text einstellen, das reicht aus beim absenden ;)

danke :)

Last edited by Remigra (9 years ago)


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#29 Report | Quote[en] 

wrong thread xD

Last edited by Bones (9 years ago) | Reason: wrong thread

#30 Report | Quote[en] 

Marichia: Marauders may access Almati freely and check for kizokoo.

My reply was specifically in response to Naema suggesting that mara get no KL access.

Only, they have to lie at the temples. For you, that should be easier than for me, because, as an inhabitant of the sharük, I feel bound to our four pillars, and truth is one of them. Moreover, rangers' precepts bind me to a friendly stance towards the cults, and lying them in the face is not really friendly. So my conflict is more severe than yours.

I would like both of them being resolved, by a hidden path to our headquartes for us, and a teleport for the marauders. As your ethical yardstick seems to be more flexible than ours, I tend to consider your conflict less pressing. Or does it put a load on your conscience to brazenly lie to a kami or kami priest/ess?

I think the mara yardstick is more rigid by virtue of the fact that we don't have to/want to appease all. Rangers should receive co-operation from the temples- maras shouldn't. And again, depending on how one chooses to play it, I would dispute the notion that all mara have no conscience about lying- "mara" doesn't equal "liar" in my book- some are honest to a fault. I'd actually rather not have to talk to the temples at all :) The simple fact is that the game mechanics shouldn't be forcing us to the temples in the first place.

Last edited by Marichia (9 years ago)


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