
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Ryzom Forge meeting's agenda - 5th of october 2015, 19:30 UTC

on IRC (freenode) #ryzomforge 

1 Dev Group
1.1 Maintenance on Atys server
1.2 Paypal as payment option
1.3 Few fixes

2 Ark Group
2.1 Patchet issue on Mac
2.2 Small fixes

3 Level Design Group

4 Graphic Group

5 Music Group

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
1 Dev Group

1.1 Maintenance on Atys server
Atys game server will be closed on wednesday 7th october for some hours (less than one day if everything goes well) for maintenance. Indeed, a hard disk is showing some signs of weakness and will be changed to be on the safe side before all the game server is affected as well. We prefer to act now instead of waiting that what happens on Yubo test server also happens on the game server (Yubo was unavailable for one month). The problem with Yubo started exactly the same way. A technician of OVH will act. The official announcement:

1.2 Paypal as payment option
  • Paypal app has been closed for two days to fix a problem: when a player payed for several months of playing Ryzom, only the first one was automatically given. The other ones needed to be given manually. This is fixed now.
  • Paypal as payment option has been added on For the moment it is available for free trial accounts moving to payed one only. It is still to add it for payed accounts wanted to move from WorldPay to Paypal.
Prices reminder using Paypal:
  • 1-month subscription: €8.95 /month = €8.95
  • 3-month subscription: €8.50 /month = €25.50 
  • 6-month subscription: €7.95 /month = €47.70
  • 1-year subscription: €7.50 /month = €90.00
Zakkk: But when the account is not subscribed anymore, it's not possible to use the IG application.
Gaueko: If it was subscribed, then is the same situation as in the already subbed ones that want to change from WorlPay to PayPal.
talkIRC: if you want to pay via paypal and are already unsubscribed you can log in to and access the paypal via WebIG to make a payment on an accountFor any other issue with the payment, contact please. 

1.3 Few fixes
  • The payment with credit card for new players is working again.- When registering new account, a player sings now for the current Code of Conduct and not for the old one.
  • Photo Contest has been removed from Ryzom's facebook page.
  • Longer titles are available on the forum posts now, so we are able to use longer ones for multilingual posts. Thank you Nimetu. Also added a way to handle long titles easier if title is over 100 characters. This is visible after you press preview or on edit.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
2 Ark Group

2.1 Patchet issue on Mac
Patchlet Issue on Mac is now fixed.
If anyone has any other problem related with Mac, contact or use #ryzommac. 

2.2 Small fixes
  • Removal of OOC TP to Almati Woods by NH (it was supposed to be activated during one Atysmas event only but we forgot to remove it).
  • Scheduled: small move of several Marauder teleports that are buggy (not on the floor but flying, etc). They still need the new teleportation position and to be tested. 

Q: any news from our event La Firme?
A: nothing yet Zakkk. Riasan is working hard on it, but there are no news by now. 
Zakkk: Thanks, I'm at his disposal if he needs details or if he doesn't understand what I've written in the scripts

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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3 Level Design Group

Ptitbill: Nothing new, the Level-Design Team for Ryzom Forge is working hard, everyone on his project, and as for me I'm preparing the next of the Encyclopedia and some suprises about which, of course, I won't speak. Of course I'm always looking for voluntaries eager to join us, if you have ideas and want to implement them on Atys, contact me!

TalkIRC: I always have ideas, but like to test them out a little on the Yubo before I bother anyone offical with them. I also like to do all my writting before I do anything, to ensure that I've already got a story to go with things (the stories are good even if the content never comes). But that's it from me this time around, thanks.

Gaueko: Be sure that any new idea is sent to Lore Team for validation too. Or to Level Design, who will share with us for validation.

Q: can we imagine some stuff like eggs could be obtain not only on OCC event ?
A: right your idea and share your idea with any Lore or LD Team member for the validation Zendae. We work together for the missions validations so it will be the same. Since I am in the Lore Team you can send to me directly if you wish to
TalkIRC: one advantage to them is that they can't be traded from homin to homin, but in great numbers they could be very overpowering durring pvp, i think that would have to be a consideration to be taken into account, but i do like the idea in general.

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]
4 Groupe Infographie

4.1 Bannières des villes

Q: avons nous des nouvelles des bannières des villes Trkers?
R: (Aucune réponse).

Gaueko: si quelqu'un à quelque chose pour les villes, envoyer un mail à Tamarea ou moi ( /


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#6 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
5 Music Group

5.1 Creation of new music:
Gaueko has created some ambient songs for the game. 

Gaueko: Once we have a place to share with all we will inform you. Maybe someone gets inspired to join me! And I call again for musicians or interested people that wants to join me, in the Group or in the Team.

Q: did you inspire from the music when we enter a city?
A: No. The work we are tasked to make in the Music Group is to make ambient music for the missions / game. For example, if the mission tells you to "visit" Primary Roots, you get a horror song when you enter on Primary Roots. Missions, or could be music triggered when entering a region too, but music that will be of joy, horror or action. The music you hear when you enter a city, could be of inspiration for the Music Team when witting songs for each race. But that will depend on the Musical Lore we are working on by now. Missions, or could be music triggered when entering a region too, but music that will be of joy, horror or action.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

2.2 Small fixes
  • Removal of OOC TP to Almati Woods by NH (it was supposed to be activated during one Atysmas event only but we forgot to remove it).
  • Scheduled: small move of several Marauder teleports that are buggy (not on the floor but flying, etc). They still need the new teleportation position and to be tested. 
Is that the one at Yrkanis? I think that is the only way that marauders can get to Kitin Lair, thought it was there because of that, not just a one-off Atymas thing


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

Bina: from what I heard they can take the teleport at temples, so they can still get there. Or there would still be the pacts from the occupations, that they could get with invul, no?


#9 Report | Quote[es] 

Temples teleporters can be used by the Marauders, not the one near Fairhaven since is the only one that checks the fame. Occupation teleporters are available too.

We are working on a teleporter for the Marauders to Almati Wood though. As I already told other times, due to a Lore validation we are waiting, we can´t implement it yet. I hope we have more news about this soon.

Have a great day on Atys!


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

...... Occupation teleporters are available too.

The teleport pacts available from the occupation NPCs cannot be used by marauders. Our only access to Almati now is via the temples- Larvester is now a giant pain ;p


#11 Report | Quote[es] 

Thank you Marichia.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

[Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual, and be respectful with WinchGate staff.]

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Luckily you can load up your bag with endless amounts of larvester components, so a trip to KL is needed only monthly, maybe weekly? And for most KL occupations it is similar- grab a huge amount of occupation components at once.

The real reason a Marauder would need to travel to KL frequently is to check for kizokoo. It seems wrong to impede them from checking a boss, but on same token Almanti is strictly controlled by Kara/Kami/Rangers so any access is pretty generous. :/

#14 Report | Quote[es] 

Not sure where the Marauders were living all those years when we were left behind. I thought the old lands were our home so access shouldn't be a problem.

#15 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Temples teleporters can be used by the Marauders, not the one near Fairhaven since is the only one that checks the fame. Occupation teleporters are available too.

We are working on a teleporter for the Marauders to Almati Wood though. As I already told other times, due to a Lore validation we are waiting, we can´t implement it yet. I hope we have more news about this soon.

Have a great day on Atys!

So making marauders to go to the temples is more in keeping with the Lore than to go to NH?   O.o

Last edited by Lacuna (9 years ago)


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