

#16 Report | Quote[en] 

Just to clarify:
That discussion is about 2 months old? Maybe older.
And, it was in AoI, the first time and last one I talked to you as I stated before.

#17 Report | Quote[en] 

Funny how in 7 years of playing this game i was never accused of cheating, yet since this incident and your persistant whining I have been contacted by CSR's twice. Yenno you have dragged my name through the mud because of nothing more than obnoxious ignorance and jealousy and I have had enough of this crap. Keep it up or get over it, i really dont care either way but as i said before you are better off being in my friends list than being in my way. For the friends I have and the people I love im here to stay mate and I dont avoid obstacles. Anyone who has trekked with me knows i go through them.

Last edited by Beeficus (9 years ago)


#18 Report | Quote[en] 

The thing is... You're really mistaken.
Please, could a CSR save me and say that I have never ticket him!
I barely talk about you. I could count about 2 time where I stated your name in any chat after AoI-Talks...
Believe me, if you're getting /tells from anyone that has nothing to do with me.
I don't care that much about you as you might think :)

#19 Report | Quote[en] 

I never said you ticketed me. I said you dragged my name through the mud. You spout nonsense about me in public chats and people see your baseless accusations and repeat them. People want to know why the angry tone of my post? I have to put up with this crap but I dont have to take it lying down. Im done with you Yenno.


#20 Report | Quote[en] 

I don't talk about you, I didn't drag your name anywhere.
I am done too. :)

#21 Report | Quote[en] 

Good luck Beefi!


#22 Report | Quote[en] 

While this may not be my fight I have seen enough to draw my own conclusion: I love you guys! But really this will continue to just go in circles and amounts to nothing. While your feelings for each other might not be awesome you both obviously care enough about each other to post back. Again not my fight but I think at this point it has become just an endless circle of he said she said. I wish you both the best and hope you can bring this to a close at some point. You both have been around for a long time and we all see each other here everyday :) I don't even know what I'm rambling about anymore. See ya and
Peace out!

#23 Report | Quote[en] 

Thanks yaka, i have a new appreciation for the crap you had to put up with from me all those years ago.


#24 Report | Quote[en] 

you can control 4 or 5 toons at same time without using any third part software. Try to find auto focus on windows. You can change it to auto focus any window your mouse is over in 1 or 5mS. So all you need to do is to pass your mouse over a window and keep pressing same key. So a macro ( at game ) will do the action you want. so if you keep 4 window at same monitor you can do a little circle and control 4 toons at same time. You just need practice to do it. you also can use a macro program to repeat same action on all windows with same name. So YES is possible to control 4 or 5 toons using legal situation and illegal programs. Question is many players here don´t know anything about Programs, computers or whatever ( they don´t need to know ) but once you have no skills to do something doesn´t mean the other guy is a cheater. I saw some guys killing bosses with only 2 toons in a perfect heal sync, melee sync. Should I say they are cheating? My opnion is they are good, I would like to do the same, but I can´t .

#25 Report | Quote[en] 

A last word about the multiboxing question (just for information for all):

Ryzom Team News - 2012/10/29
Multiaccount limitation
We do not tolerate the abusive utilization of many accounts. In order to prevent that abuse, we fixed a limitation on the server: Starting now, only 4 accounts per IP address are allowed to log in at any one time. After that, an error message will be shown and further logins will be denied. Particular cases (big families, public places etc...) will be reviewed individually upon request. Please email to support@ryzom.com.

I doubt that the limitation of 4acc/addr may be interpreted in the way that a player is expected to use >1 IP to comply :). But as long as the limit is not exceeded it is not justified to blame someone for abuse, though one may doubt such style of playing which is a matter of taste.

Personally, I could not imagine to play with so many characters. My co-character and ingame little sister Diwu is not a slave or a "pod", but a character in her own right, frequently taking the lead, sometimes quarreling with me in RP, and costing playtime as well as reflection about her role - a schizophrenia I as creator of both characters enjoy. I can't imagine how to do the same with a crowd of alts.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#26 Report | Quote[en] 

With respect to the limitations on a singlr IP address, Could you possibly use a free, public, proxy? There are some good such proxies in China, Russia, or Brazil..

Just saying....


I don't have anything interesting to say anything here

Just move along....

#27 Report | Quote[en] 

i've tried 4 times to write a post on this thread, and everytime i keep slaping myself in the head saying is this really what the powers that be waste time on?

we've lost alot of income over the stupid x number of accounts bs, yaka had many sub's, firstdo had many sub's, iwishiwasfive had many sub's, safrina had many sub's, how many 100's of dollars a month did ryzom cost it's self restricting these players that put in great effort to learn to run more then one toon.

no, not everyone can do it, but then again not everyone can fly a plane, race a car, drive a boat, shoot a silver dollat at 1000m, build a nuclear reactor, go to the space station, fly to the moon, sky dive, i could go on for hours, to be able to do anything requires effort, those that put in the effort reap a reward, given the ever smaller population of ryzom this is going to become more and more common, and the steam community at large are going to be coming from games like WoW and EQO and SW, Diablo 3, ect, where multiboxing is a common and valid way of life. i love ryzom but sometimes we're still too hung up on what one person can do that someone else can't, in order to do anything, one must put in effort and try, and try, and try, and sooner or later they will find they can do it as well.

on all other things spoken on here, i will not get involved with, but as for the topic of running more then one toon, get with the times cause it's the normal way many people play mmo's these days, ryzom's only going to kill it's self off by always attacking people paying 50, 60, 100 $ a month, i have to wonder about the owners of the game, do you want to make money, or piss off paying players and cause them to stop paying you and pay someone else?

i'm not saying ryzom should be like other games, but there are some things that are just plain stupid from a business point of view, and telling someone they can't pay you for the ability to play more then x toons is just stupid, it's like someone telling you that you can only drink 4 can's of coke out of a 6 pack you paid for.

beef, i don't really know you, but personally i thank you for paying so many sub's your helping to ensure that ryzom doesn't go offline, and if you can do things i can't do, well, i'm sure i can learn to sooner or later.

just my 2 dappers from the 4th attempt to like a draft of a reply on this thread.



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#28 Report | Quote[en] 

It does take a lot of practise and a lot of prep, for example starting small and building up. Making a follow, heal and careplan macro on the alts and just using them for those 3 tasks to begin with. Slowly over time you adjust the macros and get used to doing the tasks you are set up for more easily and eventually add another task and set up the macros and get used to doing that too, adjusting and editing and getting more comfortable until you eventually add another and so on.

I cant really count of the wasted hours of changing all of my desktops, skillbars, macros, stanzas to try out an idea only to end up changing it all back the next day or having a better idea to try. Really I am no better than any decent gamer like yourself, Talk and I am pretty sure if you got the sudden urge to play 4, 7, 9 toons at once (hypothetically) you would probably be able to run rings around me and teach me some new tricks in no time.

The most helpful tricks for seamlessly switching between clients were things TI mentioned years ago when I was on the other side of a similar argument. At the time I didnt think it possible to run more than 4 or 5 toons and control them all manually but I was wrong. Its not only possible to run a full team yourself manually, its actually pretty easy once you get used to it. If I had put in the time and effort all those years ago and gotten as good as Yaka, Nit and company, I might have actually been able to give them a decent fight.

Last edited by Beeficus (9 years ago)


#29 Report | Quote[en] 

Its not only possible to run a full team (of toons) yourself manually, its actually pretty easy once you get used to it.

Whow, lot's of technical skills needed for running so many toons, it seems.
Nice for the players who can do so. Nice for Winch Gate who get lots of subscription money.

So, winwin for everybody?
Yet, am I allowed to raise some concerns?

So - how will other players feel about it? A massive multiplayer online roleplaying game is about real social interaction between real persons who run their avatars, or am I wrong with this? Maybe I am wrong, but I think the social aspect is very relevant in sandbox mmorpgs like ryzom.

Just imagine:
Would it be really fun for a new player to be trecked by a team of multiple toons instead of real players?
Would other players really accept to see bosses killed by a team of several toons instead of real players?

So it is 'technical skills' versus 'social skills'.

Personally I would feel like playing with a team of non-personal-characters - and then, would there be a need to subscribe an mmorpg?

There are pros for allowing multiple toons, but there are grave cons too, I think.

Edited 18 times | Last edited by Nuzanshi (9 years ago)

#30 Report | Quote[en] 

Now i feel bad for using my character name ...


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