#18 Added by Bones 9 years ago
#19 Added by Bones 9 years ago
#20 Added by Talkirc 9 years ago
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
#21 Added by Klrs 9 years ago
#22 Added by Rook 9 years ago
#23 Added by Binarabi 9 years ago
#24 Added by Bitttymacod 9 years ago
#25 Added by Irfidel 9 years ago
Last edited by Irfidel (9 years ago)
#26 Added by Mjollren 9 years ago
#27 Added by Bitttymacod 9 years ago
At some point, you will have to suck it up and understand your player base needs a fun (or addictive) activity to perform constantly, without a lot of time investment on the player's part.
Digging is not fun. Leveling is not fun and can't be done in large groups. Roleplay requires Event Team intervention or a lot of scripting and make-believe. There is nothing I can think of that will keep me *entertained* for 3 continuous hours in Ryzom, without getting bloody repetitive. Recipe-making for a select few, perhaps.
#28 Added by Mjollren 9 years ago
I have not met an MMO that does not involve a lot of time investment on the player's part and a significant amount of grind. As for the staying power of new players, churn is also a feature of all games.
Digging is not fun for YOU, it's fun for me. Leveling CAN be done in large groups (e.g. Shalah and Plod teams, and use of multiple teams in the same area). You say that there should be a fun or addictive activity and then you criticise repetitiveness. The two are inversely related (see any dungeon crawler).
If you have ideas for things that will improve the game, make them explicit and work them out (in detail). As Irfidel pointed out, some things do get implemented, some things don't.
#29 Added by Rook 9 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Rook (9 years ago)
#30 Added by Yenno 9 years ago
IGrinding is not funny in this game.
#31 Added by Placio 9 years ago
#32 Added by Daomei 9 years ago
BitttymacodI have not met an MMO that does not involve a lot of time investment on the player's part and a significant amount of grind. As for the staying power of new players, churn is also a feature of all games.That grind must be either fun or addictive (think rats pressing a lever for random cheese drops addictive, there's a study on this). Ryzom promises neither. You grind just because you're required to - impossible to hit some mobs or players otherwise - not because you want to unlock some high level fun content.
Nothing is fun about pressing "4" to heal, for 30 minutes/level at 240. .. For every person that says Ryzom's grind is fun, I hear 10-20 others who say it's not, or just quietly slip away because of the state of affairs.
Last edited by Daomei (9 years ago)
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