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#21 [en] 

so many WRN (warning) and INF (information) entries it'd make you puke, and it's the same BS over and over again, none of which is game breaking.... untill the file fills my hard drive and i try to make a map marker, or log out (which if the log file has ate all the HD space, just crashes out because there's no room on the drive to save your data on)

so i ask ANYONE: is there a way to TOTALLY disable logging?

i've tried most logical things like adding to config.ini a line that says things like this:
DisableLog = 1;
NoLog = 1;

but neither of those have done anything to solve the problem, not sure what else to do, i can't just make the ryzom folder read-only either, because then you couldn't save when you log out, or make a new map marker.

tried to make the log files 'read-only' as well, then ryzom just creates client0001.log (and limits those files to 5 MB each) i had to delete over 1000 log files after that attempt.

this isn't a new issue, but it's sure making it's self known again in a very big way.


after thought: not sure why the verboselog = 1; in the config file isn't working anymore, it had stopped this problem in the past, but now doesn't appear to work as a solution to insane log files.

Last edited by Talkirc (1 year ago) | Reason: after thought added


Remickla (atys)
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#22 [en] 

Turning verboselog on increases the amount of info it logs, probably better to turn that off.

Have you tried making the log file read only?
Didn't see that part in your post, nvm :P

Last edited by Magez (1 year ago)


#23 [en] 

deleted the logs on 5-19-23... today it's alerady showing as 28 MB's.... i'll post exceprts from that log because it only took 20 seconds to load, but it's the same BS every time.

You copy-paste ryzom_client_r.exe to different accounts and run them at the same time from same directory? This might interfere with log rotation, I don't have first hand experience in that.

Log lines you quoted seem to be standard startup log and not the dominant ones that are filling the file when ingame.

Anyway, client_default.cfg has NegFilters for DBG, WRN, INF that you can add to client.cfg and then lines containing those strings would not shown in log.
2023/05/19 20:49:06 WRN 281c ryzom_client_r - talkBAK.exe driver_opengl_extension.cpp 767 NL3D::NLDRIVERGL::setupEXTVertexWeighting : 3D: OpengGL extension 'GL_EXT_vertex_weighting' was not found

In this line, log message that is checked starts with '3D: OpenGL...'

In your case, the string fragment what you want to match against is {" ", "."} (space and dot characters) which should match most lines.



#24 [en] 

Turning verboselog on increases the amount of info it logs, probably better to turn that off.

Have you tried making the log file read only?
Didn't see that part in your post, nvm :P

lolx, my bad, i'd ment to write it verboseLog = 0; (which is how it's set in my config.cfg) but because i was already thinking about the new lines i'd tried to add to my config.cfg like DisableLog = 1; and NoLog = 1; i'd accidently wrote the verboseLog = 1; which is wrong.

thanks for catching that magez :)

also karu, thanks for the information about the client_default.cfg lines to remove the dbg, wrn, inf stuff, i'll be adding those to my client.cfg as soon as i post this :)



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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