Technical Support


#1 Multilingual 

I just upgraded my computer from Windows 8.1 Pro 64b to Windows 10 and I report a first issue on Ryzom with it.

I decided to create a global topic about Ryzom issues running on Windows 10. So, my first issue to inaugurate the list and whose objective is to help the dev team.

- Serious loss of framerate when I kill some npc in same time. I pass from 60 to 5 fps during 2, 3 seconds. Often when "light of soul" appear on npc.

- Totally random loss of framerate (like first point) anywhere on the map while moving on it. Sometimes followed by the pop-up "Wait please".


Je viens de passer à Windows 10 depuis Windows 8.1 64b et j'ouvre ce topic pour noter les problèmes que l'on peut avoir avec afin d'aider les devs.

- Perte brutale de fps quand je tue plusieurs ennemis et que la lumière blanche (de leurs âmes ?) apparaît. (Passage de 60 à 5 img/s pendant 2 à 3 secondes)

- Perte brutale de fps totalement au hasard sur la carte quand je me déplace simplement (et même sans bouger, juste à regarder les pnj) avec les mêmes symptomes que le premier point. Souvent suivi d'un "Veuillez Patienter"

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Vauban (9 years ago)



#2 [en] 

I've always had huge frame drops in some places running from middle of Loria to ponds there is a spot i get a huge framedrop hit (but had that on old pc aswell)

but so far been on win10 for 2weeks now (not that i've done much except cping) I haven't seen any new bugs or issues myself


#3 [en] 

Are your video card drivers up to date and stable? I can only think of a graphic bottleneck ..


#4 [fr] 

I've had the same issue with Win10 64 bit pro . I get mini lag spots whether i am around anything or not . What I've done so far is to run Ryzom in Win 8 compatibility mode and roll the driver back . That has cured the issue so far, until Nvidia gets the driver right I'll stay with this setup.


#5 [fr] 

Mes deux PC sont passés sans problème sur W10, juste un petit souci de pilotes de carte video à recharger.

#6 [fr] 

Pilote Nvidia à jour pour Windows 10 naturellement, je ne posterai pas sinon. Ma GTX780 n'était pas détectée par Windows 10 sans ce pilote.

Sure, the Nvidia pilot is the last (for Windows 10). My GTX780 was not detected on Windows 10 without this pilot.


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