
#1 [en] 

Ok, so currently we have four positions in a guild: member, officer, high officer, and leader. The officer position is quite weak (can change motd, and invite/kick members), while the HO position is incredibly strong.

I find this current set-up limiting.

Perhaps roles could be diversified, and a member will be allowed (or not) to perform a certain role by the guild leader.

For example

- Master of Coin : can take money from guild hall.

- Sergeant : Can change position of guards in outpost fights. Can pay for guards.

- Communication officer : Can declare war and change outpost defense times.

- Quartermaster : Can access all items and mats in guild vault. Must be subbed.

- Apprentice overseer : Can only access crafted items up to q150 in vault. May be f2p.

- News-bearer : Can change motd.

- (some other stuff you can think of)

I think I've seen several guilds struggle with the lack of details in permissions .. :)


#2 [en] 


Just do like GoS set em all to HO and give some trust to your guildies

Not saying you need to do it straigth away but once somebody is in guild for a week or 2 and is nice and talkative then why not. Set to HO or kick


#3 [en] 

If you can't trust the ppl you have in your guild why guild them then?


#4 [en] 

*Note to self: Create alt toon. Join Subo's guild. Rob them blind in less than a week :D*

#5 [en] 

And more than prefab role it would be nice to let the leader to make custom role.
With for exemple custom title (event if those title are only see on the guild windows and are not real title) that would let know new guild member who tell for what.


Les rĂªveries du yubo flaneur
The musings of the rambling yubo

#6 [en] 

Placio (atys)
*Note to self: Create alt toon. Join Subo's guild. Rob them blind in less than a week :D*

Good plan. Shame Suboxide has already stolen anything of value, that is why GoS can trust all guildies - there is nothing worth stealing left :P


#7 [en] 

Good point Osquallo, custom titles would be very nice :)

Subo, there are levels of trust. I trust my RL acquaintances to drink a beer with, but I won't hand them my banking details.


#8 [en] 

I like the idea but I think too many options will just give people a headache trying to decide who gets what. Instead I think just two new add-ons which can be applied to officers or members would suffice:

Sergeant: For anything involving outpost wars

Apprentice overseer: As you described. I doubt however that WG wants to give f2ps any more advantages/reasons to stay f2p but it would be nice.



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