Should there be a less revealing MA Pants option?
Yes, give the ladies more options.
Atys: Arfur, Azurine, Bitttymacod, Daomei, Eshe, Ffionnys, Gazzi, Kaehla, Kyohei, Marichia, Meagon, Naema, Nerwane, Npee, Placio, Rubiksmomo, Ruelana, Sienn, Yubina
19 (2)
No, I think ladies should only be allowed to wear thongs.
Atys: Nerwane, Purg, Xanix
No new options, but force males to wear skimpy bottoms as females have been!
Atys: Nerwane
I think all Homins should be as naked as they were created!
Atys: Kiwalie, Nerwane, Placio
I think all Homins should be covered in HA!
Atys: Nerwane
Please give us Race MA Skirts!
Atys: Ffionnys, Kyohei, Nerwane, Placio, Yubina
Please give us Nation MA Skirts from PvP vendor!
Atys: Ffionnys, Kyohei, Nerwane
Atys: Nerwane, Suboxide, Virg
Abstain 1
Poll is closed

#1 [en] 

Hello Homins,

I am trying to design an armor set for a female toon, but the MA Pants available seem too sexualized for her personality. The Tryker and Zorai are a bit small but not too bad compared to the Fyros and Matis which are basically just a thong with either garter belt or thigh-high boots. I know this game was created by Europeans and I don't personally take offense to the sight, but there should definitely be an additional, more conservative, option available.

The poll is to see if an additional MA option has support and please use discussion to suggest possible ways to implement it.

I think the best, but most time consuming way would be to add a new MA Skirt plan to each racial craft. It would require 8 designs total, and possibly the male versions could be a codpiece-like or g-string item- as their female counterpart have been forced to wear...

Maybe a less time consuming option would be a MA piece offered by the nations at the PvP merchants. It would be the same shape but have a different color and symbol for each nation...

Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)

#2 [en] 

Get hammer pants for the ladies ;)


#3 Multilingual 

Si les pantalons vous choque mettez une jupe.... :)

#4 [en] 

There have been many similar ideas or calls for new armour since I started playing. I think some of them, which add additional content, rather than help retain players modesty better deserve time being put into them. A few examples are; racial effect armour (fyros burning gloves etc) or a completely new set of marauder (and ranger) armour (to seperate npc ha/ma/la from marauders and give us the ability to craft our own like the races).

A pvp MA piece I love the sound of- similar ideas have been put forward and been ignored but you never know.. a kami/kara/marauder/neutral MA vest piece would be cool to buy using pvp points.

EDIT: Just to make a point- if there was new PVP MA it should definately not be pants as we already have a pvp caster skirt for that. Instead I would think vest or sleeves (vest imo).

Last edited by Virg (9 years ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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#5 [en] 

I voted 'Give the ladies more options'

No point taking away what we have but the addition of pants like the MA male pattern would be popular I think and easy to do - just make available to male and female.

I suspect some of the reason for the popularity of revealing costumes is that so many female toons are being run by male players.


It's bad luck to be superstitious . . .

Palta e decata, nan nec ilne matala.

When one goes on a journey it is not the scenery that changes, but the traveller

#6 [en] 

This post is not asking for a new armor for the sake of new item, but as a solution to a current problem. The fact that a female toon who wishes to wear MA must expose her crotch and butt to all of Atys is a problem. If a toon wants to dress in a thong that is their choice, but if it is the only option then it gives a lewdness and gross factor to a game that is otherwise family friendly...

I'm not sure that the male patterns will match the style or fit the shape of the female armor, but it is a good suggestion. As far as males players liking their female toons in MA pants, since we know that they have a computer and internet access to play Ryzom I would assume they can see plenty of revealing pictures online... And in general I don't see many female toons wearing MA pants regularly, I assume this is because those pants are too revealing, but maybe a female toon could correct me :P

Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)

#7 [en] 

Something something something lewdness in the eye of the beholder. I think I've seen several families play the game with their children, and no complaints. You don't see anything you wouldn't see at a beach.

Perhaps the game doesn't need to be kid-friendly? Considering the game itself is quite complex and requires a kind of patience many young ones don't quite have? In two years I've only seen *one* child below 14 who played for longer than a few days, and without supervision from parents.

Marketing and other considerations notwithstanding, I don't mind having extra options for armor.


#8 [en] 


I am well aware what you are asking for.. my point being that I would much rather have new content of value that actually adds something to the game, rather than new content attempting to fix a 'problem' which has hardly received many complaints over the 10 years of the game..



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
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#9 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English]
Maybe the clothing options are not a problem for males, I have the impression that more than one female has felt uncomfortable in some of the armors offered.

It is not a special problem of Ryzom that females in their armor are often more undressed than dressed, on contrary, I have to acknowledge that Ryzom already is offering a couple of choices, e.g. long skirts in LA.

While I do not consider the Tryker MA so much exposing, worst I always found was the Matis MA in HQ black, looking like the .. hm working suit of a domina hooker. And I prefer not to show everybody a shaved pubic region in Fyros MA alike.

Several of the female armors are plain ridiculous, e.g. HA exposing belly, legs, back etc., only to show some skin. It is absolutely immersive for a woman to believe that the kincher or vorax cares for the view instead of the opportunity to hit the unprotected body parts.

Among the worst is the Fyros HA vest, not because it is so lewd, but because it is breaking the design of a humidity insulating whole body armor in the style of Dune - hence the gas mask. It is plain irrational to insulate a bit of breath humidity, or protect the face against abrasive sandstorms while exposing the belly and the back.

I do not know how far the project of Ryzom Forge is progressing concerning new armor plans to be won in tribe missions. If it is going on, some preferredly female designers with bit more taste than testosterone would be a good choice.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#10 [en] 

I don't think we need to wait for there to be an incident, or for a complaint writing campaign. I have seen negative comments online about the screenshot on that features a female Matis butt, and I know Ryzom can do better than that.

I was thinking along the lines of a kilt or leather gladiator skirt with some sort of wooden reinforced belt. The item could be uni-sex and just replace the secondary colors to match each races plans.

The idea of new armor is not crazy, they have in fact requested the creation of armor for the Tryker governor. Ailan currently wears HA pants and vest (maybe entire HA set excluding helmet?), which isn't too practical, but the MA would make a national leader look like a belly dancer, and LA does not have the seriousness needed. If this new armor contains more conservative MA pants, maybe that could be a prototype of a piece to be added? Surely Ailan will stand up for the modesty of her fellow hominas!

#11 [en] 

Although I agree, maybe the devs should first make it so that crafting wouldn't damage the armor you are wearing. Now everyone must craft in their underwear. It is stupid and unrealistic.


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#12 [en] 

Having ruined more shirts and pants in the workshop (IRL) than I care to admit, I think the wear on wearables is perfectly reasonable. However, you don't have to craft nekkid. Just put on your LA "work clothes" and be perfectly modest.

Or you can show off that buff bod that you got from swimming and crafting. :D


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#13 [en] 

@Placio I think you are kicking up a bit of a drama- if you don't like the look of something.. don't wear it ^^

I would personal hate to see dev time wasted on this when there is such a need for new content that actually enhances gameplay. A pvp MA vest however would bring something to the game imo.

@Daomei: Someone posted this helpful link facebook a while ago- has all the answers you need!



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#14 [en] 

The results at the end of that finely crafted link, Virg, made me chuckle.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#15 [en] 

Placio (atys)
The poll is to see if an additional MA option has support and please use discussion to suggest possible ways to implement it.

You already stated why you disagree, if you want to continue to crap on other people's ideas because you have not gotten your own yet please create your own thread :p

And the comic is very frightening :O

Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)

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