
#1 [en] 

Please eliminate some of the roaming npcs in the main cities. They serve no purpose other then create traffic jams for players.

Realism aside, since all they do is wander around in circles or back n forth. They are more of a nuisance then anything



#2 [en] 

pls don't eliminate npc's

Where are you having traffic jams? Only place i can think of is Pyr and once you know that city it's actually easy to navigate.

Ryzom is already so badly populated if npc's in towns where removed it would be a wasteland


#3 [en] 

I was wondering where the traffic jams were, too, Suboxide. I don't think it's so much that they give the impression of crowded in a sparse server so much as they give the opportunity for thinking in terms of RP.

"Ba'Naer Liffan, I call him Liff, we're like *this* close. I know where he gets that special stinga rum..."


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#4 [en] 

I am not asking to de-populate them completely, just some of them. I have run into a group of npcs have blocked a path while milling around. Each main city has this problem, though Pyr is the worst.

And from a bustling city point of view, I could agree with if the mob pathing had some termination involved and not a constant loop.

Random execution and / or clear pathing. Not a constant loop over and over.

In Pyr there are several groups that will block corridors while they mill about and turn around. Some path in front of doors blocking access.

Why does an apprentice at forge walk down the ramp stand there (smoking a cig?) and walk back up the ramp. Rinse and repeat - ad infinitum ? I could see this happen every hour or 2, does that translate to every couple of minutes in real time?

Why not have them path to the side? Whats the point of have an npc move 10 feet or so and do nothing?

Last edited by Saicotina (10 years ago)


#5 [en] 

Good that you where not in avendale last month with the invasion of the blobs in town ;)

They are there to give the feeling of movement in town. Yes I've in past observed some (mostly the ones around FH stables, those auto talking guards there have the best path ever how they haven't worn down one leg i don't know :p) and some paths and things some do migth be stupid but to say they need to be gone I find that harsh.

Btw why are you running trough towns? They are to be enjoyed, put away the sword and the heavy armor, put on some nice fancy hammer pants and just sit back relax and go in walk mode and nothing will ever block your path.

ps. If you see me running trough FH sorry but I have to since I pass about 8 guards to GH and they all wanna kill me


#6 [en] 

Truth be told, it does get depressing when one sees 25 citizen npcs and 3 players in region (including yourself!). I wouldn't mind at all if npcs would sometimes disappear and later reappear, explained in RP terms by going in and out of buildings.

As for roaming groups, I believe I've only seen city guards doing that. And they're pretty much supposed to patrol their designated routes. Perhaps lessening their numbers would make some sense?


#7 [en] 

I meant groups only loosely, they are not moving as a group it is more of a conjunction are certain places. You are correct that only the guards actually move as a patrol group.

Also I meant running through town as one means of travel. There are times when I walk through as well lol.

I think Mjollren's suggestion would be great. I like to see the traffic because as Suboxide mentions it does lend a sense of life to the cities. But also say at night time, it would be more realistic if a bunch would go to sleep. ; )

The guards are okay I think, maybe a different formation would help, have them change formations in different sections of town (or different patrol groups) would facilitate travel but also make them more alive.

The sheer number of them seems excessive though in Pyr. I did not spend much time there but it did cause some issues while I was travelling through.


#8 [en] 

Saicotina, are you playing in third-person view or subjective view ?


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#9 [en] 

yes =) - I play in both 1st person and 3rd person views.


#10 [en] 

An option I'd think might work and still keep a living feeling to the cities is if all non essential NPCs (guards, shop keepers, mission givers) disappeared at night as in going home to get some sleep.

Then there'd be a period of less congested cities as well as well populated period with the day/night cycle.
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