#1 Added by Rouge 10 years ago
#2 Added by Suboxide 10 years ago
#3 Added by Rubiksmomo 10 years ago
It can be a good idea to ask for help in universe chat channel. You will probably get answers fast and people will do their best to assist you with anything you need. You will also get to know other players. Chances are that you will get some guild invites too.
Please don't be too shy about asking for help. Players like helping other players, especially newer ones. And I'm sure you'll be helping others too when you are up for it. And leveling skills in a team helps all members of the team.
For events and such I suggest monitoring these forums and universe chat.
I would't hurry about joining a guild. Give it some time and see if you feel you need one and find one you really like.
About missions... Personally I'd just forget about them and start grinding/leveling skills up (try finding a team in uni). But then you are supposed to have fun, so do what you feel like.
#4 Added by Kovabon 10 years ago
#5 Added by Arfur 10 years ago
Last edited by Arfur (10 years ago)
#6 Added by Mjollren 10 years ago
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