Should the tour of the camps be changed?
Yes - as it was before the fusion (small packages, no mount necessary)
Atys: Binarabi, Elvanae, Hwinoree, Imotep, Kranar, Perkuno, Tendrili, Yenno
8 (2)
Yes - two variants of the mission offered (small vs. large package)
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Apia, Bazett, Beriplan, Bitttymacod, Daomei, Derren, Irfidel, Jarnys, Knoedelfee, Mermaidia, Mjollren, Naema, Nemana, Nerwane, Overhead, Remigra, Rikutatis, Roweena, Sienn, Solit, Talkirc, Virg
23 (4)
No - rubbish, leave it as it is
Atys: Arfur, Djiper, Iwakura, Mate, Ulsort
Other 0
Abstain 5

#16 [en] 

^^ but you said you want an easier mission that has less of a reward :D So do half the deliveries :)

#17 [en] 

Before they made it impossible to do without meks this was a thoroughly fun and enjoyable activity.  We used to do this activity daily as a guild.  It was fun for us leading it and for lower level players who required assistance.  It was a really good team building activity and back in my f2p days I learned a great deal about aggro ranges and "safer" paths etc in the Forest. 

I stopped doing the deliveries because firstly in the Forest it is a pain to go up and down and up and down again from north to south without being able to TP.  Secondlylower level guild members would usually die in the trek at some stage unless we went on foot with the mounts following which usually ended with a mek or two dead and the trek taking forever to complete. 

Just take it back to how it was already - even if I can't do them now it was one of the most enjoyable activities to do in Ryzom and other players (esp newer ones) should be able to enjoy Atys in the ways which we all did before they completely e'fd it up.


#18 [de] 

ich denke der sinn dieser Missionen liegt grade darin, das man mit Packtier etwas transportieren soll, und nicht darin etwas zu nehmen. sich zu Tele-portieren, und es dann abzugeben, und dafür dann noch eine Belohnung zu bekommen.

der sinn ist nicht hohe Belohnungen für wenig Einsatz.

ich habe diese Missionen nie gemacht, ich weis nicht ob man das nur mit einem Packtier hin bekommt, oder ob es auch mit einem Mount allein ginge.

wenn es nur mit einem Packtier funktioniert, sollte man es jedoch so ändern, das man es mit einem Mount allein machen könnte. dann haben die Free Account Spieler auch wieder die Möglichkeit dieses zu machen.

desweiteren könnte man die Belohnungen dafür anheben, so das es sich dann dennoch lohnt. facto Zeitaufwand usw.

eine evtl noch andere Möglichkeit wäre es, wenn man das zu transportierende direkt als NPC-Packtier hinter sich laufen hätte, so gesehen, das Packtier dort in eine Zone bringen ist dann der Auftrag. es wird doch derzeit an solchen NPC-Packern gearbeitet, die keine Pet-Packer sind. sondern Mobs die einem folgen. wenn ich mich nicht irre.

dieses wäre auch eine Lösung . so gefährdet man nicht sein Packtier, aber muss dennoch den weg laufen.

vielleicht die beste Lösung für alle seiten ^^


"Decateis I Kamirac" "Necateis Sye Mideshye"
"Decateis I Loke" "Necateis Atys Morhdeis"
"I Nidran Sye Alede E Sye Neyde Ilya Necateis I Ulca"

"Liberi I`Margus"

_ Graphic-Team _

#19 [en] 

Remigra -

Before you took the package and if you wanted you could use mount if not you kept it in your bag and can tp or run.

Now you need a packer or mount (mostly people use mounts) - so you can use mount.  The problem is that as a low level F2P on a mount, a mob can kill you still very easily and even possibly kill your mount.

In my opinion althought technically the mission was "broken" because it was designed to be done with a mount/packer but we could put in our bags, we enjoyed it a lot more how it was before compared to now they have "fixed" it.  I feel confident that if we took a poll on how many people used to do the TOTC and how many do now, there would be a decline.  This is sad for the reasons I mentioned in my previous post - that it was such a fun group activity from which you could learn a great deal.


#20 [en] 

I Only agree with this since it was like this in the begining, wehter it was broken or not doesnt mater, but more importantly it was a social quest, we used to do guild runs at least weekly and had fun doing it.

A mount just runs and unless its unlucky will out run most thing, wjile even though players tp to the nearest tp they still have to trek and fight to the camps, made for good training and lots of fun

#21 [en] 

personally i'd like to see the option to do both styles, not one of the other, the 8 hour cool down is rather long since most people won't be able to do it more then once a day, but that's a different topic. (those that argue about payout's and what not, the dappers aren't nearly as close to NH if you can't do it more then once a day.... anyway)

just my thoughts, happy to see that people are thinking of the little f2p's and the fact that bag and mount is all they have to store stuff so mounts are vital to them and hard to risk.



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