#1 Added by Ghost of Atys 10 years ago
¡Oren pyr, patriotas!El juicio del homin Atreus, que decía ser el sharükos Dexton, ha acabado y sharükos Lykos ha venido para en enjuiciar sobre aquellos que han ayudado a este homin. Nuestro sharükos hablará a su pueblo el Folially 17, 1er CA 2583 (*) al frente de las escaleras principales del Palacio Imperial de Pyr.Oren fyraï!Aeryx XanJusticia Suprema
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (10 years ago)
#2 Added by Furyander 9 years ago
Oren pyr, patriots!The trial of the homin Atreus, who claimed to be sharükos Dexton, has come to an end and sharükos Lykos has come to a judgement about those who have supported this homin. Our sharükos will speak to his people on Folially 17, 1st AC 2583 (*) in front of the main stairs of the Imperial Palace in Pyr.Oren fyraï!Aeryx XanSupreme Justice(*) [OOC] Tuesday, 28 April 2015 19:00:00 UTC (10 years ago). This will be a short political announcement event of approximately 20 minutes suited for all levels. [/OOC]
Oren pyr, patriots!The trial of the homin Atreus, who claimed to be sharükos Dexton, has come to an end and sharükos Lykos has come to a judgement about those who have supported this homin. Our sharükos will speak to his people on Folially 17, 1st AC 2583 (*) in front of the main stairs of the Imperial Palace in Pyr.Oren fyraï!Aeryx XanSupreme Justice
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