

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Dear Community !

This might seem like a whine, i assure you, it is not, it is out of pure anger i write this post.

So, my question here .. how to reply to a wedding invition? In my opinion, there are 3 possibilities ...

No 1 .. Oh, how lovely, i am really happy for the couple and of course i would like to attend the wedding!

No 2 .. Oh, I am sorry, I have a different appointment, i cannot be at the wedding!

No 3 .. Hmm, not sure yet, if I can make that appointment, but thanks so much for asking.

The wonderful, honorous and community loving guild Celestai chose a fourth possible reply:

No 4 .. Thanks for letting us know when all marauders will be busy celebrating a wedding .. we will rather attack your one faction OP at the same date and time instead .. so you can choose to either enjoy the party with your friends or defend your friends' OP.

So, dear Celestai .. thanks for your RSVP on our wedding invitation. I am sure you will enjoy the wedding cake i will send to you, spiked with all good things that will explode in your faces !



Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Oh my sides .. you have the gall to complain about OPs ruining events, when you attacked Mermaidia's OP during Christmas celebrations?


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Dearest Mj

A) We did not attack that OP DURING Christmas, but on the 23rd of December .. that is BEFORE Christmas ..

B) We only chose THAT date and exact time, because the Defence Phase of the Kami Attack on the Kara Maga OP was set for that time/date .. defence phase, Mj, that means that KAMI attacked FIRST on Christmas time .. not kara, not mara .. Kami themselves .. Their bad luck it did not come to a defence phase, because they got slaughtered on their attack round ...

C) Furthermore - and I say it again - that attack on the vedice was a defensive measure ... not an attack at the same time a player event is set to which we were invited to take part in ...


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

How is 1 hour after, during?

I was told 20:00 fr time : wedding, can we pvp after etc

We planned this attack for a long time, and an op battle certainly seems like "pvp after"

I fail to see the problem, I even delayed by an hour from our prefered time based on that request.

Finish the wedding in a timley fashion and come fight as you requested.

#5 Report | Quote[en] 


the timeline I gave Algouesnou was 20.00-21.00 (gmt+2) for the actual wedding with plenty of time afterwards for friendly 2v2, 3v3 and general party time. But oh how gracious of you to let us have a quick wedding, squeeze it all into 30 mins so that we can maybe - if we are lucky - make it in time to the OP. Because nobody needs time to prepare, run there, get packers there, of course not, right? And an OP battle is a fight about something that somebody could loose .. friendly pvp after a wedding is something entirly different and stop comparing both, cause that is just plain silly.


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

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