

#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - monday, march the 23rd:


-Welcome to Takiito, our new translator EN <=>DE!
- Recruitment for translators is open! We're looking for translators and correctors to English, Spanish, French and Russion. (We currently have no russian translator, so we cannot provide update for the ingame text in this language anymore). Any help will be welcome, since there is a lot to translate and to correct for this small group (official announcements, event announcements, RP texts, new missions texts, chronicles, etc). If you're interested, please send mail to

Correction of ingame text

- has been translated in English: (but need check).
- Drumel is thinking about a way to efficiently report the errors in the ingame text.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - monday, april the 6th:

Correction of ingame text
YannK has implemented a test for the translation workflow according to the explanations of this document. He managed to generate some diff, and integrate the translation resulting files from source files. Drumel and he will speak together about this.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
4th of may 2015

Translation of the rites
[Wiedii] The ARK team would like for an English translation of the rites to be done BEFORE the Level Design gives them. So with the risk that you may sometimes have to adjust the dialogs later, so work again on the translation. Does it bother you or do you prefer to have everything at the end, once it's stabilised?
[Drumel] I'd prefer to have the things bit by bit.
[Lyne] Same as Drumel: I'd prefer to do it gradually, even if I've got to redo it sometimes, rather than having to do everything at the same time. It may mean more works in the end, but it's easier to include it in my schedule.

Translation of Lore wiki
- Please wait for the Lore articles on the public wiki to have the validation stamps, since even if they are published on the wiki, they can still change.
- Having an easy list of articles to translate on the wiki, with priorities, would be fine. Currently, eveything is a bit in a mess, and you never know where to start.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
18th of May 2015

1 - Recruitment:
We're looking for translators to English (3 FR => EN), to German (2), to Spanish (2), to Russian (3) and to French (2).
We cannot ensure the russian translations for now because we don't have any russian translator anymore.
If you want to apply, please contact Tamarea at

2 - Ingame text corrections
Zanata's test
Reminder: the How to Zanata is availabe here:

Ingame text errors
"Drumel is thinking about ways for players to mention efficiently the errors in the ingame text. "YannK has implemented a test for the translation workflow following the informations in RF document. He managed to generate diff, and to integrate the resulting translation files from the source files. Drumel and he are discussing together." => Anything new?

3 - Rite translation

4 - Wiki Lore translation
Request done during the last meeting: "If there was a simple list of articles to be translated on the wiki, with priorities, it would be nice. For now, everything is mixed up, and we don't really know where to start." => anything new?


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 [en] 

I've dropped an email to about a week ago applying for Russian translations but unfortunately received no reply.
Do you still need Russian translator?

#6 [fr] 

Oui, LsL, nous souhaitons toujours la présence d’un traducteur russe. Sans doute que Tamarea n’a pas vu ton message, car elle court beaucoup pour animer Ryzom. Mais en attendant, tu peux prendre contact avec moi.

Last edited by Zorroargh (9 years ago)


Zo'ro Argh
Chargé de recherche dans la guilde du Cercle du Bois d’Almati.
Ambassadeur des Rangers auprès des Matis.
Président de la N’ASA et fondateur de Hoodo.

#7 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
1st of june 2015

Good news: Tamarea received an application e-mail from a translator to Russian (to which she still haven't answered yet because she was sick).
Most important translations should be again be done in russian!

We're still looking for translators / correctors to English (3 FR => EN), to German (2), to Spanish (2), to Russian (2) and to French (2).

Naema was insterested in proofreading (EN) last week. But Lyne doesn't know if it was only on Wiki or on Ryzom also.

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#8 [fr] 

Ah, Whatever the priority is!
I just want to get my feet wet first to understand how to go about doing it. I have been checking out the Wiki to see how it works first, but give me info on whatever else you need and I will see if I can help.

#9 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français] | English
Compte-rendu de la réunion du 20 juillet :

1 Groupe Traduction

1 Changement du statut de l'Équipe de Traduction "interne"

Lorsque l'équipe de Traduction a été créée il y a plusieurs années de cela, c'était une équipe à part dans le sens où il n'y avait pas de NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) à signer pour la rejoindre.
Cela fait que cette équipe, qui joue un rôle extrêmement important pour Ryzom, est hélas isolée des autres.
C'est ce que nous sommes en train de changer aujourd'hui : dorénavant, chaque nouveau traducteur rejoignant l'équipe de traduction "interne" signe un NDA et chaque traducteur actuel de l'équipe interne peut choisir d'en faire autant, afin d'enfin mettre cette équipe indispensable à égalité avec les autres.

2 Traductions urgentes sur les wikis Lore et Ryzom Forge: comment les repérer

Avant, on avait un bandeau que l'on apposait sur les articles à traduire, comme au hasard : où il y a la demande de traduction en espagnol et en russe.
Ce bandeau est un template qui catégorise l'article dans ToTrad to RU par exemple :
C'est le template qui permet de faire le bandeau et la catégorisation.

Mais Tamarea souhaitait que l'on puisse distinguer les articles urgents à traduire des autres parce que les traducteurs étaient effarés par le nombre d'articles à traiter et ne savaient pas par où commencer.
Zorroargh a donc modifié ce template pour ajouter un niveau de priorité : un 3e paramètre permet d'ajouter le motif de l'urgence. Cet ajout change la couleur du texte (qui devient rouge) et change aussi la catégorie.

Exemple pour démo:
On peut considérer que la traduction du portail est prioritaire, Zorroargh a donc repris tous les articles anglais pour compéter le portail (et pour la démo ;) ) et a apposé le bandeau totrad urgent.
Les 6 articles urgents se retrouvrent dans:

3 Correction du texte en jeu

Nous avons commencé à tester Zanata il y a quelques mois de ça, mais hélas les tests n'avancent pas beaucoup...
Le peu que Tamarea a testé elle-même semblait concluant : correction facile sans risquer de couper un bout de code, validation de la correction facile aussi.
Zanata lui semble bien fonctionner à condition de le passer en anglais (il bug en français). Mais il faudrait que d'autres le testent vraiment !

Drumel : On peut essayer de reprendre ça, mais je voudrais d'abord qu'Ulukyn valide les fichiers que j'ai uploadé sur Zanata, être sûrs qu'on peut les utiliser.
Tamarea : D'accord, on voit ça avec lui et on essaie de faire avancer les choses pour la prochaine réunion de ce groupe. La roadmap prévoit la correction du texte en jeu cette année, il va être temps de s'y mettre !

Q : Où est-ce que je peux avoir les droits d'accès pour Zanata ?
R : La connexion par compte google est cassée en ce moment, donc il faut enregistrer un compte normal.

Q : Comment fonctionne Zanata et comment afficher les fichiers à corriger ?
R : le manuel pour d'y connecter est ici : [i][/i].
Quand on ouvre un fichier txt, par exemple phrase_en_part1.txt, on voit deux colonnes : à gauche, le texte d'origine, et à droite, les lignes vides pour y mettre les traductions (ou plutôtt, dans notre cas, les corrections).
Il suffit de cliquer sur la flèche située sur la ligne médiane pour copier la phrase de gauche dans la colonne de droite.
C'est cette ligne de droite qu'on peut éditer pour corriger. Le code à ne surtout pas traduire ni modifier apparaît en rouge, donc pas de danger de le corriger par erreur.
Pour enregistrer cette ligne corrigée, il ne faut cliquer sur le bouton situé à la droite de cette ligne : "save to translate".
Si une phrase a déjà été corrigée par un autre avant vous, vous verrez parmi les boutons de la ligne corrigée  (donc colonne de droite) "Accept translation" (un pouce vers le haut) et "Reject translation (un pouce vers le bas). Ça permet de valider (ou non) la correction proposée.
Exemple sur une page en français :  [i][/i] 

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#10 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
9th of November 2015 

1 Correction of the ingame text using Zanata
Gaueko: I have something to announce. Tamarea and I have been talking about the use of Zanata for the client translations recheck. Since we did not make a step to finish this task we were worried about. Recently we have received some new translations to be done, as she has told us earlier, and I thought about talking with Kervala. After few minutes we discovered we could make this task in a different way without using Zanata, and avoiding our fear of removing important stuff from the original documents. So we have started to plan this recheck in a new way. Tamarea and I we will prepare all the elements we need this week and next monday we will explain all the details so we start next week to recheck the translations. Tomorrow I will prepare a general view of the planning for Tamarea so she validates, and after that, I hope we can start to work next week as I said. Of course, since is a big task, we will call for any of you that is interested to help the Translation Team with this. 

Q: What's Zanata ?
A: Zanata is a online tool to manage and make the translations and checks.

Q : It's not based on Google Translator?
A: No, Translation Team makes the translations and checks, is not an automatic translator. But helps to manage the documents to be translated and to work on them.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#11 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
23th of November 2015

Ryzom on Steam : correction of Ryzom ingame text
Gaueko: As already told, we are checking all the texts available ingame to give them a proper check and have the best quality in the languages we offer to the players. We have to check lot of documents for each language though, but we are getting good results. Our first goal will be to fix as much as grammar we can to have the actual texts as best as possible. After that we will make a second check to fix the well known Lore mistakes and the additions of some grammar elements we lack in the actual documents. We are trying our best so we can give the best quality for the Steam release, but we have to check more than 2000 pages for each language; so the goal is to have the first part ready for Steam. Of course, if we can make both things for that day, much better. But as said, is a lot of work. 

We are open to any help, so if you are interest on helping us with the proofreads, you can contact me or Tamarea ( /

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#12 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
30th of November 2015

1 Correction of the ingame text
It has to be ready for the day when Ryzom will be publically added on Steam.

Report of ingame meeting: #11

Gaueko: I just want to add that we are doing a great work. We have checked a big bunch of files already. But we lack the hardest ones. Two volunteers answered to my call. Thanks a lot.Once more, I call to anyone that whants to help us with this recheck; send a mail to Tamarea or me ( /

Q: Do you need someone who can translate or just fix the errors?
A: We are making a first check to fix the grammar and spelling mistakes. Of course, if something was left without translations, needs a translation. But those are the less.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#13 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
7th of december 2015

1 Ryzom on Steam: correction od the ingame text

We are working nice and fast. With the new help we have we think we will be able to make both checks before Steam.

Q: both checks?
A: Yes. As I said previously, we will make two checks. First one is just to check grammar and spelling mistakes (or translation ones if they are needed). And after that we will make a second check to fix the Lore mistakes. Or any other thing we find that is not related with grammar or spelling. We thought in this two checks since we thought it was better to have the first check done before Steam, and focus on the rest after that. But we want to make the Steam release bit later (still not decided) to have more time, not only Translators, every one. But Translation Team is working very good, so maybe we have time for both.

Q: "We want to make the Steam release bit later (still not decided)": if not decided, later than what then? 
A: We have lot to do, so we need it; we need more time for sure. What is not decided is how much more yet. First idea was to release this month, but there is still much more to do. And even if the translations are going pretty good, we were given one month the first time. But that is not posible with all the amount of files we have to check.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#14 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
11h of january 2016 

1 Recrutement
Translation team is recruiting!
We're looking for translators / proofreaders to English (3 FR => EN), to German (2), to Spanish (2), to Russian (2) and to French (2).
If you're interested, send a mail to: mentionning you're applying for the Translation Team.

2 Fix of in game text
It's still ongoing. The more than 2000 pages per language have to be fixed before end of March 2016. Upate like the ones for the current leaders will be part of the fix.

3 Game languages
Some players had proposed their help, some time ago, to translate the game interface, or even the whole game, in other languages (such as Polish or Portuguese). It is now something possible. But, if we add other languages in the interface one day, the translations for the same languages won't be done in the official announcement nor during the events.

Q: It is really useful?
A: It is players who're natively speaking the considered language who're proposing it. And of course it's not mandatory, only a possibility.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

#15 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
25h of january 2016

1 Translations
As you have seen in the last points of the previous list,  we made some improvements relative to the in game texts, and to help the translators in their task.
For the moment the proof-readers are working to improve the interface text. It will take about a month. There are many work on it and the changes need to be regularly tested, but it will improve a lot the quality of the interface text.
Next step will be to check the dialogs text (grammar and spelling) and to update them with the current Lore infos. For example, change the information that says Dexton is the actual Emperor.
We are looking in emergency for helpers (at least two, better three) to check the russian interface text! The only current one is unavailable for the moment so we have nobody for the russian proof-reading.
If you are interested, please, send a mail to Tamarea ( or to Gaueko (


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
Last visit Tuesday, 28 May 18:07:23 UTC

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