

#26 [fr] 



nvm :)


The Clan

#27 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
11h of january 2016

1 New chronology from 2194 to 2525
Gorias: I'm currently writing a new chronology, from 2194 to 2525. Actually, several ones, since it's a chronology per people and per power. It should be helpful for the future.

2 Chronicles starting from 2525
Everyone who wishes to help update the Lore wiki is welcome, for the chronology from 2525, by adding in it the events played in game. There aren't enough people in the event team for this, so any and every help is welcome. Of course the changes will need to be validated (with the logo of the official validation).

Q: When you say adding events in the chronology, you don't mean making chronicles of them?
A: The idea is to go back over the pages of the chronology, for example: [i]http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_FyrosNewBeginning[ /i], by enriching them with the data of past and present events.  Atys didn't stop in 2525, but nothing that has been played since then in events, has been added in the existing chronology.

Q: Ok, and for example, under lore in game, it says Yrkanis is still King. However, Stevano his son is. How do you change those texts?
A: The in game text is being fixed by the translation teamp. Update like this ones will be done by this team.

Q: For the chronology, are you suggesting we submit stories to add to the chronologies to fill in the gaps of history?
A: Not that you make them up, but that you search in official forum, in guild forum, etc, every data regarding official events played since the game started (with their date) and to add the bits you think important in the historical chronology. The events were different depending on the servers, so history on Arispotle will be only on the EN wiki, Leanon one will be on DE Wiki, and Aniro's one on the FR wiki. From the merge on, the chronologies will be identical for everyone.
If writing alone or with other peoples on a pad seems more practical to you, it is possible to word on it, and even to have it validated before adding it to the wiki. For example, https://lite6.framapad.org/p/Atys_chronology_fyros_EN for the fyros chronology on Arispotle and then on Atys. Or https://lite6.framapad.org/p/Atys_chronology_matis_FR for the matis chronology on Aniro and then on Atys. Etc.

Q: I think that, usually, you can start with IC reports written at the time of the event.
A: sometimes it's possible to retrieve some site in the web archives. It would be a pity to lose the trace of everything which has been played (officially or in players events), while it deserves a place in the Ryzom Lore.  It's a job which the event team (who's recruiting! ;)) cannot do by lack of people and time. But some players have treasures of memories in their archives or in the ones of their guilds, and by adding the official reports, logs, there is enough to catch up the update needed in the Lore, all together.

Q: Can we include guild names in the Chronicles? Maybe even homins
A: Yes, if they left a trace.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#28 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]
25 janvier 2016

1 Groupe Lore

Q : ll n'y a pas longtemps, nous avons fait des mises à jour pour les noms des PNJ officiels de chaque pays. Il faudrait continuer avec les noms des PJ ayant un statut ou fonction officiel(le). Quelle serait selon vous le meilleur moyen de récolter ces noms, mais pas seulement une fois pour toutes, en fait cette liste a besoin d'être contiuellement mise à jour ? Via le forum ? Par des rappels HRP lors des events en jeu ?
R :  Le wiki est géré par les joueurs. Donc, si une liste doit y être mise à jour, c'est à eux de le faire s'ils veulent qu'elle soit à jour. MAIS, c'est vrai que pour aider dans cette tâche, une liste officielle pourrait être mise à jour quelque part. Néanmoins, comme Atys change constamment, la liste doit être mise à jour constamment. La seule liste qui ne changera jamais (ou ne devrait pas), c'est celles des vieux ou anciens PNJ qui ont existé. Personnages morts, ancients dirigeants, etc, etc. Là tout de suite maintenant, avec les trucs à faire pour Steam, toutes les équipes sont surchargées. Mais je peux partager cette suggestion (création d'une liste officielle avec les noms des PNJ, ou des PJ) avec la Team Lore et voir ce qu'on peut faire.

Q : Y a-t-il d'autres moyens d'avoir des titres / fonctions officiels ?
R: Ces titres sont accessibles si vous suivez les étapes que chaque charge requiert. Parfois, il faut juste se porter volontaire en assemblée pour les avoir ; parfois, il faut être élu.
Lyne: Je pense qu'ils ont déjà ces titres, Gaueko. Ce qu'ils veulent savoir, c'est si ces fonctions officielles seront dans la liste officielle.
Gaueko: Je vois. Alors, comme je l'ai dit, ça dépendra du statut. Si la charge est celle d'Illustrateur Royal par exemple, elle doit apparaître en tant qu'Illustrateur Royal dans une liste qui montre les charges réelles au sein d'une nation, PJ et NPJ. Si la charge n'est plus tenue par le PJ, alors il doit apparaître dans une liste des anciens Illustrateurs Royaux.
Zendy: Ce qui est difficile aussi c'est qu'il faut retirer (déplacer) les noms de PJ qui sont absents longtemps.
Gaueko: Quand un PJ n'a pas été vu pendant longtemps, et parce que le titre est perdu, on devrait l'enlever et le mettre dans une autre liste. Sinon, même si ça pourrait être ennuyeux, à moins qu'on enlève officiellement le titre au PJ, il le gardera.
Zendy: Mais donc pour résumer, tu me dis que je dois attendre la mise en place d'une liste officielle ?
Gaueko: Non. Comme je l'ai dit, la liste sur le wiki est normalement gérée par les joueurs. Avec plus d'informations sur certains wikis que sur d'autres. MAIS, je peux suggérer à l'équipe Lore de travailler à une liste officielle (avec des mises à jour en temps réel) pour aider à produire la liste qui sera mise sur le wiki.
Zendy: Ok, donc je vais essayer d'organiser une mise à jour du wikilore par les joueurs.
Gaueko: Bon courage Zendy. Je ferai de mon mieux pour créer une liste officielle pour t'aider, ou toute liste future qui serait créée. Bein sûr, l'aide de l'équipe Lore est disponible aussi maintenant pour cette tâche. Si tu veux poser une question sur un PNJ, ou si tu as un doute à son sujet, tu peux envoyer un mail à tamarea@ryzom.com ou à gaueko@ryzom.com.

Osquallo: Sinon j'ajoute juste que je suis en train de revoir le générateur de noms pour tenter de le "terminer" et essayer au mieux de le rendre plus en accord avec la Lore. Pour vous mettre l'eau à la bouche :  https://lut.im/6XQ01spjkl/PEriq5xdy7qY8UZH.png

Last edited by Gaueko (9 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#29 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
01st of february 2016

1 A  leader for Lore Team
Gaueko has been nominated as leader for the Lore group, and has joined the validators for this group. Congratulations!

Gaueko: I will try my best to improve the work of the Lore Team, and as Translators and Music Teams manager too, I will make my best to make the things move faster between them. So the new Lore and translations for them get faster to all of you.

Q: How many validators?
A: We are 4 right now.

2 Lore page for Hamazan tribe
Zendy : I can speak about a work done with Vaiatua and with the help and knowledge of Gorias. Vaiatua had already integrated several tribe cards in the lore wiki according to the Lore data already sent by Wiedii (it's the wish of the team to have this content shared). Of course, for the sheet of the Hamazan we were very engaged (Vaiatua also is an Hamazan). The sheet is ready and is just now being read by the Lore team. You'll see, it's very interesting for the Matis history, up to Karavia. Vaiatua and myself will continue and propose chronicles to detail these events and the making of the new tribe sheets will continue also, working with Gorias. 
Tamarea: I read the sheet yesterday, it's really outstanding.  We'll try to validate it quickly for it to be published.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#30 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
8th of february 2016

The Hamazans background made by Zendae and Vaiatua has been validated by the Lore Team.

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#31 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

15th of february 2016

1 Recruitment
Lore team under NDA is happy to welcome a new member: Tupuna! Welcome!


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#32 [fr] 



The Clan

#33 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
29th of february 2016

1 Recruitment
Lore Team under NDA is happy to welcome a new member: Namcha! Welcome!

2 First Steps
Gaueko: I want to add few words here. As Lore Team Manager I have started to reorganize the Team so we can work better and with a fluid flow. We made a meeting few weeks ago and we have already started to introduce this new changes. The most important will be start working on the Public Wiki too. Is one of the Lore Teams task, but mostly players are taking care of it. Soon we will actively work on the update, fix and implementation of new content on the wiki.

3 Lore Team Mail
A mail for the Lore Team has been created: lore@ryzom.comUse this mail to send your ideas to be validated: such a chronicle you have and you don´t know if fits the lore, or you want to learn about an specific part of the lore you can´t find nowhere, or make question, or just suggest ideas. 


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#34 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
7th of march 2016

Zendae: First, regarding the Lore Wiki, I remember that at a time it was difficult to register for me also. It would be great if for example, you could just give your nickname, get a confirmation izam with a clickable link, and then, registering done. Starting from the idea that all the players can volunteer.

Next I can give more precisions about the needs for updating the list of NPC and PC? With Vaiatua we've first worked on the update of the NPCs (I'm still speaking about the Lore Wiki). We've gathered information from the other players, but it's not always correct. The simplest way would be to get an official list. Then, regarding the PC, I thought that the best would be to involve the players, especially the ones who're attending the assemblies in their countries. Nonetheless, it's not easy to have them come on the wiki where, as was already said, it's hard to register. Maybe we can create something with the forum as a relay, where the player would announce the new appointments, replacements, leaves... To be thought about.

Gaueko: About who is who inside the politics of the different factions, I can ask to the Event Team, and then, create a task so the Lore Team works on a list to make this names official. The most important towards this, of course, is that the Lore Team regularly updates this changes.

Q: Otheriwse, an OOC announcement at the beginning of the Assemblies? Or sending an IG mail to the ones who're attending often and asking them to forward?
A: I've done that with the Fyros, but they're under restructuration and couldn't answer. But they weren't opposed to the idea.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
6th of June 2016

Q: There were works ongoing on the wiki about the tribes background. Is it still on? Or on hold?
A: We are making great efforts to reorganize the Lore Team so we work better. We have plenty of tasks, but as far as I know, this work is still going on. Once the documents are ready to be validated, Lore Team Validators musttake care of them of course.
Lyne: Meaning that the work on the tribes on the wiki is on hold until the Lore Team is reorganized?
Gaueko: No. For now, this work is something the RF Lore Group is taking care of. So it is up to the ones who are working on it after all. Lore Team is just in baby steps towards a better and more fluid workflow. The Lore Team in this case is here to offer assistance and to validate the work.

Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#36 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
11th of july 2016

The lore team is going well with the writing about main Ryzom theme: fire goo kitin but also raw material, teleportation,... when a file will be finished, a public version will be created translated and posted.
Aside of that, the "lore people" will take care of there delay on the validation asked by othezr group. interested people will be informed in time.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#37 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
12th of september 2016

Namcha: So in Lore Team we have to kind of works, external and internal. external. external means working with other teams, for example helping to prepare a event. that's the case for a matis sequence.
internal works, means thing that are a bit, or a lot "secret" for the moment. But those are documents that will be declined for the use of event team, and sometimes into docs or chronicles for players. like this we have docs that cover all flora, for all ecosystem, including microvegetation. other docs resume history of each nation since the begining
and we have also "technical lore" that describe scientifically (don't forget it is SF) all phenomena on atys.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#38 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
2016 october, 10th

Lore group finished writing 5 documents on flora (one for each ecosystem). These documents will be translated then given to Event Team first, so they can make botanic events. Then they will be published in Lore Wiki.

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#39 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
21st of november 2016

1 Peoples history: chronologies 2194-2525 JY
Ongoing: writing and update of the chronologies of each people (fyros, matis, tryker, zoraï) between 2194 and 2525.

2 Rangers Consolidated Lore
The Ranger Lore is almost finished, there are only a few updates left to do before its final validation. Which will allow then to restart both the ranger events and the end of the writing (scenario) for the ranger rite

3 Update of the Flora documents to include the botanical knowledge from Leanon server
Everything is in the title. ;)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#40 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français


Tamarea :
I'm currently working on the Lore  wiki, directly on the multilanguage wiki of Ryzom Forge. To lay the foundations of the RP, little by little. It's easier than trying to validate more that 10 years of articles spread on several Lore wikis with different tree views...

Since I'm responsible for the fyros events, I've started a mock-up... with the Fyros.

Reminder: Since it's still a mock-up, it is incomplete and can change. It is missing tabs in FR, the EN tabs need to be updated, and the tabs in other languages still need to be created.
I'm reusing as much as possible of the articles on the other wikis, of course, while updating them. And also the articles written by the Lorists.

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)

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