

#16 [en] 

Long time ago that i posted news.

My keyboard and Hard Disk was defect and i lost all my PSD files i created. Also i changed some textures and added a new function to guild list and friend list. It's possible now to add friends or guildmembers faster from the list's, i added a button for it, see below the image. I will look, if i can add it to the tell window too and will look to finish the mod as tiny ui, because the code of ryzom is too silly coded.

Última edición por Syphox (9 años hace)

#17 [en] 

Amazing job on UI :)


Kervala - Ryzom volunteer developer - Working on different clients

#18 Multilingüe 

Hehe thanks :)
I was long time inactive, but i came back and fixed some of my ui mod. It is working for the new V3 client.
If you want, you can watch an video.

P.S.: I have no idea if the mod works with the old V2 client, tested it only with the V3 client.

Última edición por Syphox (8 años hace)

#19 Multilingüe 

I have uploaded the files to GitHub and you can get all updates from there. It is possible that I updated daily.

GitHub Download

#20 Multilingüe 

Vielen Danke great job:)


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#21 [fr] 

installed and approuved, great job !

Última edición por Iwakura (8 años hace)


#22 [en] 

I dont know if it's just me but when i try to go to the download page, it says "404", meaning it doesnt exist.

Thanks in advance.

#23 [en] 

The GitHub link is working, don't know what's happen on your's. Try another Browser.

#24 [en] 

Nice work Syphox! Even though i have some errors with it with steam client on mac os x: when i use your mod, the target lvl and hp doesn't show, neither for players nor mobs.


#25 [en] 

Maybe wrong installed?

#26 [de] 

Works now, thx for your help!


#27 [de] 

Is this part of Ryzom currently?

Is this just for Steam clients? I notice you put the place to install it in the Steam folder.

Some of the things I notice are working on my client now.

Thanks for making my life easier on Ryzom.

gj :)


The Clan

#28 [en] 

It's working for steam client too :)

#29 Multilingüe 

Thx for this, adding someone in team from contact list is easy :)

i test it on client kervala linux 64bits v

Última edición por Xebei (8 años hace)


Zozo bleu

#30 [en] 

As elegant as useful, Syphox. Thank you!


Last visit martes 4 junio 09:47:50 UTC

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