Which (if any) features you'd like?
Battle ends after 1h if attacker won no rounds 2
OP cannot be declared within a week of succesful defence 1
Other 3
Abstain 2

#1 [en] 

I never really liked outpost battles. Worst part is that most of the time you know the attacking force has no chance but you have to stay and guard the OP for 2h. How about adding a feature that if attacker wins no rounds in first hour, the battle ends and players can safely leave?

Right now guilds can keep declaring a war on outpost daily until the defenders might lose interest. How about another feature that prevents anyone from declaring war on an OP that been successfully defended within a week?


I don't want to be the one
The battles always choose
'Cause inside I realize
That I'm the one confused

#2 [en] 

Bad Idea.
Attacker has to pay. If they still fight, then its ok. Maybe they are "training", its not their fault, that there is a disbalance in fraction size.
When the enemy is not giving uo at all, its just a good news!
the eefender is collecting op material, if you dont want to do anything for it, just stway away? no one is forcing you to stand 2h, go train or digg.


Purg Derren

#3 [en] 

Rubiksmomo (atys)
Right now guilds can keep declaring a war on outpost daily until the defenders might lose interest.

*cough* Outsiders *cough*


#4 [en] 

Whats the problem?
Guild A owns an Outpost
Guild B watns an Outpodt
Guild B declares war
Guild A and Guild B show up
Guild A is too strong and keeps the outpost and op material
Guild B wasted Dapper and still has nothing.
Guild A has a easy job, dont cry...
think about, how Guild B feels? Want to change positions?


Purg Derren

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