#16 Added by Ghost of Atys 8 years ago
Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 years ago)
#17 Added by Ghost of Atys 4 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 years ago) | Reason: adding [de] translation
#18 Added by Ghost of Atys 4 years ago
#19 Added by Nilstilar 4 years ago
Votre Majesté,You will find herewith a report of Your Court assembled on last Fallenor 13, a report whose voluntarily summary form (minutes transcribed almost as they are, in Avalean only) wants to manifest the deep dissatisfaction of the Alkiane Order.I will not insult Your perspicacity by detailing here the reasons for this discontent, but the Order has instructed me to make known to Your Majesty that it felt it affront to be exhorted to become a waged digger just as it came to propose the Kingdom to carry out a project suitable of restoring its prestige among the homin nations.Matis Aiye !--Nilstilar ThorecBohorën of AlkianeHis Majesty's Ambassador to the Federation of Naw Trykoth
Last edited by Nilstilar (4 years ago)
#20 Added by Liostabezephy 4 years ago
#21 Added by Ghost of Atys 4 years ago
Serae Liosta Be'Zephy,I am willingly allowing you to carry out any action required for the achievement of the mission I have entrusted you with. I know that I can rely on you to conduct yourself at all times and in all places as a worthy member of my Court, and that nothing in your behavior will give me reason to regret having chosen you as Lady-in-Waiting.Tamiela Fera Fillia di ToraniKarae of the Verdant Heights Kingdom
#22 Added by Ghost of Atys 2 years ago
#23 Added by Copal 2 years ago
#24 Added by Ghost of Atys 1 year ago
#25 Added by Canillia 1 year ago
De Canillia Nindën du Filira Ordre Alkiane à la KaraeNya Karae, Ne comprendrais que Lye nec désireriez voir ma présence ternir le lustre de votre cour.Si tel est le cas ouvrez nec la boite E redonnez la à celle qui m'a fait l'honneur de m'accorder encore sa confiance.Dans le cas où, N'ai la chance que Lye vouliez encore m'accorder un tant soit peu de crédit, ouvrez cette boite.Lye pourrez ainsi juger si mon œuvre est digne d'être présentée à votre cour.Dans le cas contraire, Ne ferais ce que Lye voudrez bien m'ordonner.Respectueusement,Votre dévouée Canillia Altae Di SylengiNindën du Filira Ordre AlkianeE Protectrice du Royaume.
De : Serae Canillia Altae Di SylengiNindën du Filira Ordre AlkianeProtectrice du RoyaumeA : Serae Liosta épouse de Filira CopalMembre de l'entourage de la Karae.Deles Silam Serae,Lye devez lye souvenir que lors de la précédente assemblée de la Cour de notre Karae, N'ai postulé aux fonctions de Bijoutière Royale. Lye ne pouvez nec ignorer non plus que mes erreurs m'ont conduite à une honteuse déchéance. Pour cette raison, ayant à cœur de nec provoquer un nouvel incident, Ne désire solliciter de Notre Karae l'autorisation de maintenir ma candidature.Notre Karae trouvera dans ce colis une boite contenant Le Diadème témoin de mes capacités. N'ai conçu et assemblé ce bijou unique pour notre Karaedin. Karinae.N'espère ne pas abuser de votre bonté.Si toutefois, Lye pensiez ma démarche inappropriée, rendez le colis à Ser Lyssan et oubliez ma demande.Respectueusement Serae Canillia
#26 Added by Liosta 1 year ago
Serae Canillia,I'm honored by the task you've asked of me.I know how much you care about the greatness of the Kingdom. And even if your righteous anger has led you to take a false step, I am convinced that you will do everything in your power to regain your rightful place through your talent and commitment.Having benefited from your jewelry expertise, I have no doubt that this parcel contains something to satisfy the Karae.You can rest assured that your jewelry will be hand-delivered.Jena Aiye!Serae Liosta FreriniDame de Compagnie de la Karae
#27 Added by Ghost of Atys 1 year ago
Last edited by Ghost of Atys (1 year ago)
#28 Added by Ghost of Atys 1 year ago
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