

#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Court of the Karae's notice board .

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


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#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Français
Agenda of the Court of the Karae (01/12/2014)

1 - 20:00 UTC (21:00 CET) - Royal Botanists: 1) Gift of flowers to the ladies - 1) Applicants. (10 mins)

2 - 20:10 UTC (21:10 CET) - Ladies-in-Waiting: 1) Next journey of the Karae. - 2) Applicants. (15 mins)

3 - 20:25 UTC (21:25 CET) - Royal Artisans: 1) Matis Fashion Show - 2) Order from the Karae - 3) Applicants. (25 mins)

4 - 20:50 UTC (21:50 CET) - Royal Kitinologists: Kitin Studies Group (25 mins)

5 - 21:15 UTC (22:15 CET) - Matis Market (20 mins)

6 - 21:35 UTC (22:35 CET) - Royal Minstrels: 1) poetry collection - 2) Applicants. (15 mins)

7 - 21:50 UTC (22:50 CET) - Royal Linguists: 1) Congratulations -2) Lesson of Mateis - 3) Applicants. (10 mins)

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (1 decade ago)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Agenda of the Court of the Karae (16/01/2015)

0 - Before 21:00 CET - gift of flowers from Royal Florists to the ladies.

1 - 21:00 CET - Royal Botanists: 1) Botanic Art - 2) Applications. (20 mins) 

2 - 21:20 CET - Ladies-in-Waiting: 1) Next Karae's journey - 2) Applications. (15 mins) 

3 - 21:35 CET - Royal Artisans: 1) Clothes for the journey - 2) Applications. (10 mins)

4 - 21:45 CET - Royal Kitinologists: 1) Kitin Studies Group - 2) Tunel of Woe - 3) Contest for the best anti-kitin armour (30 mins)

5 - 22:15 CET - Royal Minstrels: 1) Poetry collection - 2) Applications. (15 mins)

6 - 22:30 CET - Royal Linguists: 1) Lesson of Mateis - 2) Applications. (10 mins)

7 - 22:40 CET - Matis Market (20 mins)

[OOC]The Court of the Karae will begin on the Friday, 16 January 2015 20:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago) [/OOC]

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (1 decade ago)

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
“The minutes of the Court of the Karae? I… uh…”
Copal stammered under the severe gaze of Cuine Pido, the intendant of Yrkanis.
“You think that the Court of the Karae deserves less than the one of the Karan? That there’s no need for minutes?”
Copal ducked his head, chagrined.
“I’ll have them sent to you very soon Ser.
- I’m counting on it. Several homins have been asking for them. Including some Nobles.”

Copal took his leave as politely as he could. Then he hurried to his apartment and started searching his notes. Apart from the announcement of the reorganization, they were succinct. He had never intended to produce an official report for the archives.
How stupid of him. Ser Cuine Pido was right.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Copal (1 decade ago)

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
The Court of the Karae has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis on Holeth, Winderly 18, 1st AC 2581*

Were attending:
Filirae Nanouh, Lady in Waiting of the Karae
Filirae Ozwomen, Lady in Waiting of the Karae (appointed during the session) and Royal Florist
Filirae Remigra, Royal Artisan’s Apprentice (appointed during the session)
Filira Erminantius, Royal Florist and Royal Kitinologist
Filira Nathann, Royal Minstrel (appointed during the session)
Filira Salazar, Royal Historian
Filira Zakkk, Royal Florist
Serae Alco, Lady in Waiting of the Karae and Royal Linguist
Serae Shepeng, Royal Linguist and Royal Minstrel (appointed during the session)
Serae Zendae
Ser Copal, Royal Linguist
Ser Deed
Ser Dukenono
Serae Leeisnecyene
Ser Mendell
Ser Osquallo, Royal Illustrator (appointed during the session)
Ser Vracing, Royal Couturier
Ser Zoumpaf
Ser Khalaoden

Nae-Karae has opened the Court by asking the Royal Florist to offer flowers to all hominas vassals of the Kingdom before the beginning of the Court, and in every occasion she will attend. Filira Erminantius and Filira Zakkk have hastened to fulfil her request.

The Court has then really started with the wish of the Karae to travel soon across the Forest. This project is entrusted to her Ladies in Waiting, the Karae wish to end her journey with a tea in the apartment of a member of her Court.

Then Ser Mendell has indicated that everything was ready for the show the Karae had asked him to organise in order to prove that he deserved the title of Royal Artisan: he’ll show there all the Matis outfits, in all possible qualities and colours.
In addition, Filirae Remigra has been appointed Royal Artisan’s Apprentice. The Karae wishes that the Royal Artisans advise and guide her to her mastery. She will then be allowed to join their ranks.
Ser Deed also applied for the title of Royal Jeweller. He’ll have to present the Karae with one of his works at the next Court, to prove he has the required skills for this title.

Filira Erminantius has then mentioned the progress of the works of the royal kitinologists. Especially, he’s missing the names of the tryker and zorai members of the Kitin’s Study Group. Serae Alco and Filira Salazar have then reported that the volunteers should be known respectively at the next Taliari’s assembly and at the ones of the Circles.
He then addressed the question risen at the last Chamber of the Nobles where a highly incoherent Fyros mentioned unusual activity by the Kitins around the kitinlair of the Knoll of Dissent. Nae-Karae reminded that the security of the Kingdom went under the Nobles’ area of decision, and then under the one of the Court of the Karan. Nonetheless she’s waiting from her kitinologists that they investigate and study scientifically the changes.
Finally, Filira Erminantius would like to organise a contest with Serae Zendae to create an anti-kitin armour that would offer the best compromise between a good protection and a not-too-expensive fabrication. With the approval of the Karae, he’ll present the details during the next Court.

The topic considered then was the one of the market. Given the reopening of the tryker market, it becomes urgent to reopen the matis market. This one will then be rebuilt urgently. Placed at the crossing between the roads of Avalae and Davae, this market will present all matisian arts, from craft to botany, through the odes of the minstrels or the products of the illustrators.

Nae-Karae has congratulated Ser Copal and Serae Shepeng for their work of translating between the various dialects of the Kingdom. And Serae Alco has mentioned that she’ll start soon her lessons of Mateis.

Finally, Nae-Karae showed, in the antechamber of the Room of the Throne, a collection of poems in the Avalae’s dialect, from before the Second Swarm, and she has expressed the hope that other collections might soon join it. She has also given again his title of Royal Minstrel to Filira Nathann, who was back from his travels, and nominated Serae Shepeng to this rank for an ode she declaimed in the honour of the Karin. She has also appointed Ser Osquallo as Royal Illustrator, as a reward for a portrait of her he made during the Court**.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Holeth, Winderly 12, 4th AC 2581.

Karae Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on December 1st, 2014
** to see the drawing, open the Veleis application, enter img:karae and click on See (Voir)

Last edited by Copal (1 decade ago)

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch
The Court of the Karae has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis on Tria, Frutor 3, 3rd AC 2581*

Were attending:
Filirae Ozwomen, Lady in Waiting of the Karae and Royal Florist
Filirae Nanouh, Lady in Waiting of the Karae
Filirae Remigra, Royal Artisan’s Apprentice
Filira Cuiccio Perinia, Royal Botanist
Filira Erminantius, Royal Florist and Royal Kitinologist
Filira Nathann, Royal Minstrel
Filira Salazar, Royal Historian
Filira Zakkk, Royal Florist
Serae Alco, Lady in Waiting of the Karae, Royal Linguist and Royal Florist (appointed during the session)
Serae Marae
Serae Valyae
Serae Shepeng, Royal Linguist and Royal Minstrel
Serae Zendae
Ser Copal, Royal Linguist
Ser Dukenono
Ser Kraul
Ser Osquallo, Royal Illustrator
Serae Lunamoon
Ser Khalaoden
Ser Naincognito

The Court opened with the now usual delivery of flowers to the hominas by the Royal Florists, and a piece of information about the protocol: the Karan doesn’t want the Karae to be called with her surname of Miela anymore, but with her full name, that is to say Tamiela Fera Fillia di Torani.

The first part of the Court was dedicated to an intervention by Filira Cuiccio Perinia, the Royal Botanist.
He first reminded that the Karan had entrusted him with the task to recover the lost botanical secrets, in order to create unique botanical works that will increase the prestige of the Kingdom. And especially a magnificent defensive wall of plants that will circle our capital.
For this, he’s proposing to follow the tracks of the organic architect Lenardi Bravichi, who created the Wall of Plants in the Fleeting Garden.
Lenardi Bravichi was the grand-father of Stevano-Karan, the father of the Karae-Mother, and the tutor of Yrkanis-Karan when he was Karin. He was a renowned botanist, and is especially known for having acclimated a rotoa to the light. He had also started to build a great wall of plant in the Fleeting Garden, in order to counter the kitins invasions, but there was a problem and the Wall couldn’t be finished.
Filira Cuiccio Perinia is then proposing to start his researches in the Fleeting Garden. He invites all the interested Vassals at the Gate of Yrkanis on Friday, 23 January 2015 20:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago).

Serae Alco has then presented her bouquets, that allowed her to be appointed Royal Florist.

Then the Ladies in Waiting of the Karae, through Serae Alco, have explained what they were planning for the next journey of the Karae: they think of a long trip, from Yrkanis to Fairhaven in the Lakes. A courtesy call that may allow to consolidate the relationships with the Trykers.
Due to the distance to cross, the travel will be done on mektoubback.
Filirae Remigra mentioned that it would be necessary to have a footed escort to go along with the Karae, since guards on mektoubs couldn’t protect her efficiently if need be. On what Serae Alco absolutely agreed.

Nae-Karae has then called Filira Erminantius to speak for the Royal Kitinologists. He has explained that, in order to observe the Kitins as closely as possible and to protect the scientists, he was thinking of creating eventually a matisian anti-kitin squad. It is with this in mind that he proposed a contest to craft the best anti-kitin armour: this one should be both efficient against the kitins and as economical as possible, in order to equip the highest number. Serae Zendae described the chosen conditions for the contest.
Several members of the Court have pointed out that a heavy armour alone wouldn’t be enough against kitins: good jewels and a lighter armour for the mages will also be essential. These elements could be the subjects for further contests, but since everything cannot be done at the same time, priority has been given to the heavy armour.
As Master of Arms, Serae Zendae has also planned for training sessions dedicated to the kitins, open to all the vassals wishing to join in.

Filira Zakkk then spoke, first to Filira Cuiccio Perinia then to the whole assembly, of his findings in the kitin-lair of Almati Woods: it seems the ground is rising more and more every day, and that it makes the kipees around aggressive. He’s hoping to find homins to accompany him there.
Nae-Karae has granted her permission for such an expedition, provided that the Rangers are informed before. She doens’t want a diplomatic incident.

Finally, another kitin-lair was spoken about: the one in Knoll of Dissent, in which Filirae Ozwomen will lead an expedition in order to explore the lower levels.

On a lighter note, Filira Nathann has declaimed a poem from himself on the seasons and time that goes.

Then Filira Salazar shared a letter he received from Stiara O’Brian, a fyros Akenak, that told him about an expedition from the Desert to the Eco-Warriors, in order to have them analyse some water from a dwell in zoraï land.

Filira Zakkk has then presented an invitation from the City of Avalae to the Karin Aniro, for him to visit the city for his next birthday.
Nae-Karae will forward the invitation.

Finally, and before closing the assembly, Nae-Karae proposed to alternate the sessions of her Court dedicated to the Arts and to the Sciences, in order for them to be shorter. Motion that has immediately gotten the whole support of the members of her Court, and that would then be applied from the next session.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Holeth, Winderly 12, 4th AC 2581.

Karae Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on January 16th, 2015

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Copal (10 years ago)

#7 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français]
Un peu fébrile Zakarya pris une plume, un parchemin qu'il avait réalisé quelques jours plus tôt
et de son écriture tremblotante :
A l'attention de Ser Cuiccio Perinia

Deles silam Ser Cuissio,

Comme je vous l'ai annoncé, j'ai bien observé ce qui se passait
au fond du couloir entre les 2 chambres des oeufs primaires de la kitinière du bois d'Almati.

J'ai pris soin de toujours être accompagné pour 2 raisons :
- l'agressivité anormale des patrouilles de kipees
- avoir des témoins de ce que je voyais car, même si on ne me le dit pas ouvertement,
je me rend bien compte que beaucoup de jeunes homins me prennent pour un vieux fou !

Le monticule après avoir atteint près de 1m60 a commencé à décroitre et ce soir il ne faisait plus que 1m tout au plus.
Mais je ne me serais pas permis de vous contacter si nous n'avions été témoins d'une chose extraordinaire !
Au sommet de ce tas de matière nous venons de voir quelque chose qui ressemble à... une fleur très pâle.

Nous n'avons hélas réussi à nous approcher pour voir de plus près, je ne peux certifier si c'est cette fleur qui change le comportement des kipees.

Certains ont proposé d'évacuer le compost afin de mieux voir la plante mais je crains qu'elle ne soit abimée pendant l'opération.
Il serait bon que vous me donniez un avis en tant que botaniste sur ce qu'il convient de faire.

Cette plante est-elle unique ? nouvelle ? L'avez-vous déjà dans vos archives ? Pour le moment nous ne voyons que le sommet et 2 petites fleurs.
Le sol bouge moins.

L'un de nous a évoqué Kizarak mais dans ce cas ce serait 2 kizaraks ou un monstre de kizarak à 2 têtes. Je n'ose pensez à une telle chose.

Au dos de ce parchemin ce trouve les croquis réalisés par l'un des membres de l'escorte qui m'accompagnait ces 2 derniers jours et qui maitrise l'art délicat du dessin.

Zakarya di Avalae (dit Zakkk)
Noble Matis - Greffier Royal à la retraite
Chef et Membre fondateur de la maison "La Firme"
Gardien du Royaume & Béni de Jena
Ancien Emissaire Royal Suppléant pour la Paix.

Croquis de Nathann di Regio
Membre de la Cour de la Karae
Menestrel Royal
Guide de la Maison Matis Filii Yrkanis (ex Vires Domini Scientia)

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Zakkk (1 decade ago)


Zakarya di Avalae (dit Zakkk)
Noble Matis - Greffier Royal à la retraite
Membre honoraire de la très noble maison "La Firme"
Gardien du Royaume & Béni de Jena
Ancien Emissaire Royal Suppléant pour la Paix.

#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Agenda of the Court of the Karae (Science part) (30/01/2015)

- Kitin Studies Group
- Contest for the best anti-kitin armour
- Tunnel of Woe
- Strange thing in Almati's kitinlair
- Applications.

- Botanic Art: research on Lenardi Bravichi
- Applications.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (1 decade ago)

#9 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch
The Court of the Karae has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis on Holeth, Medis 12, 4th AC 2581*

Were attending:
Filirae Ozwomen, Lady in Waiting of the Karae and Royal Florist
Filirae Remigra, Royal Artisan’s Apprentice
Filira Cuiccio Perinia, Royal Botanist
Filira Erminantius, Royal Florist and Royal Kitinologist
Filira Salazar, Royal Historian
Filira Zakkk, Royal Florist
Serae Alco, Lady in Waiting of the Karae, Royal Linguist and Royal Florist
Serae Marae
Serae Pippa
Serae Shepeng, Royal Linguist and Royal Minstrel
Serae Suuya
Serae Valyae
Serae Zendae
Ser Copal, Royal Linguist
Ser Deed
Ser Dukenono
Ser Zorroargh

The beginning of the Court was disturbed by external elements that lead Nae-Karae to remind its access terms: her Court is open to all Subjects of the Kingdom, along with the Ambassadors. Other homins are allowed on the Karae’s pleasure, and provided that they behave with the respect due to the place, the attendees, and the laws and customs of the Kingdom. Fyros patriots aren’t allowed.

The scientific subjects, topics of this session, could then really start with first the report by Filira Erminantius for the Kitinologists.
First of all, he reported shortly the results obtained by the exploration mission organised by Filirae Ozwomen in the kitinlair of the Knoll of Dissent. And especially that a blue kipesta and strange holes were seen. At the request of the Karae, Filirae Ozwomen will organise a second expedition to learn more about it, even if Nae Karae will inform the Karan about all this, and expects then that this whole topic shortly comes under the security, and then her spouse Court.

Filira Zakkk has then reported the last news from the Almati kitinlair, where the mound that he had noticed has decreased and given place to a plant. A rotoa that seems very pale, or even white, and that has grown very quickly, without any magical help, and without it being possible to know where the seed could come from.
If it really were a rotoa of a new specie, Nae-Karae would regard favourably the promotion of Filira Zakkk to the rank of Royal Botanist.
For now, an expedition will be organised by the members of the Court to take Filira Cuiccio Perinia on site.

Filira Cuiccio has then spoken about the progress of the works about the Wall of Plants.
First, a request has been sent to call on the memories of the Karae Mother. Unfortunately, she remains cloistered in her room, forbids any bright light in, and wants to be left alone. Nae-Karae solicited her on the subject of her father’s researches, but with no success.
Filira Cuiccio so gave a bit more time to the homins to thinks about the observations they did during the expedition that the Royal Botanist lead in the Fleeting Garden.
On the other hand, Filira Salazar reported that, at the time when researches where done for an alternative the termites solution proposed by the rangers, he had met a Matis Dryad named Zane Sichio, who pretended to have been the pupil of Bravici’s best pupil, Sevalda Ginti. But this Zane Sichio didn’t want to meet with Filira Salazar later. Due to the status of the relationships between the Kingdom and the Dryads, this solution will be studied as a last resort.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Prima, Frutor 1, 4th AC 2581.

Karae Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on January 30th, 2015

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Copal (10 years ago)

#10 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Agenda of the Court of the Karae (30/01/2015)

Before the assembly: gift of flowers from Royal Florists to the ladies.

Royal Minstrels:
- New poems or songs.
- Applications.

Royal linguists:
- Lessons of Mateis.
- Applications.

- Next Karae's journey.

- Applications.

Royal Artisans
- Clothes for the journey.
- Applications

- Contest for the best anti-kitin armour.
- Tunnel of Woe and Deamla.
- Captive white kitin.
- Applications.

- Albino Rotoa in Almati's kitinlair.
- Plant wall of Bravichi.
- Research on Lenardi Bravichi.
- Applications.

#11 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français] | English
à l'attention du Vicomte d'Avalae, président du S.K.A., Filira Erminantius

Deles Aiye Ermin,

Je suis allée en reconnaissance de nouveaux lieux d'installation pour "Kipu" le kitin blanc...

J'ai commencé par le Jardin Fugace comme cela a été évoqué en réunion. J'ai exploré 4 sites.

- Le trésor : présence d'eau, un peu trop même. Des kipees pas loin, des bodocs, des frippos, et des gingos qui barrent le passage.

- l'antre de la fureur : présence d'eau avec passage très profond. Des frippos, des gingos qui barre le passage

- étang de Fencoomp nord : c'est tranquille mais étroit. présence de grenouilles. pas vraiment d'ombre.

- étang de Fencoomp sud : même disposition mais avec une famille de torbacks dedans.

Je suis allée voir "la Poussé" comme a surgéré le petit représentant tryker. Il a trop fumé le calumet lui. Il n'y a pas d'eau c'est un plateau. Il y a d'autres kipucka c'est vrai.

Tu veux mon avis ? : rien dans le jardin de mieux que son emplacement actuel, déjà en zone ombragée, déjà près de l'eau. Et il n'aime pas le froid ni le chaud, aucun des lieux n'apportent de solution sur ce point.

Mais j'ai peut être une idée : le marécage des frissons, dans la masure. Il y a un tunnel qui fait de l'ombre, et l'eau est chaude, il y a même des geysers. Cela tempère l'atmosphère.

Le transport sera un beau défi je rigole déjà....

Et le gardien ? aujourd'hui il peut encore faire causette avec les gardes du camp d'observation. Mais là bas, tout seul, avec son Kipu ? et les gibbai ? enfin bon c'est pas mon problème.

J'ai rien d'autre l'ami, désolée. Ou alors, transfert aux lacs. Dans une grotte au bord d'une plage. Ce serait mieux pour le gardien surement...

Vae aiye,

Zendae l'amazone

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Zendae (1 decade ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#12 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch
The Court of the Karae has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis on Prima, Mystia 25, 1st AC 2582*

Were attending:
Filirae Ozwomen, Lady in Waiting of the Karae and Royal Florist
Filira Cuiccio Perinia, Royal Botanist
Filira Erminantius, Royal Florist and Royal Kitinologist
Filira Nathann, Royal Minstrel
Filira Salazar, Royal Historian
Filira Zakkk, Royal Florist
Serae Shepeng, Royal Linguist and Royal Minstrel
Ser Copal, Royal Linguist
Ser Deed, Royal Jeweller (nominated during the session)
Serae Marae
Serae Mindae
Serae Naema
Serae Suuya
Serae Zendae
Ser Overhead
Ser Trillo Antovaldo
Ser Zorroargh

Even if this session was normally dedicated to arts, current events justified that a big part was allowed to scientific subjects.

Firs, Filira Nathann recited his last poem, that will be added to the officiel collection of poetry.

The Mateis lessons are still planned by Serae Alco, even if she’s not able to assume them for now, because of a momentary absence.

Then, Filirae Ozwomen and Serae Alco, the last one through a message sent to Filira Zakkk, are still working on the journey of Nae-Karae to the Lakes. It seems important to check in advance the whole path with the escort, which explains this hold-up.
On the other hand, no Royal Artisan was present, so the outfits for the journey haven’t been talked about.

Yet, Ser Deed has presented some of his jewel creations and that provided him with the approval of the Karae, and he was nominated as Royal Artisan, with a specialization as Royal Jeweller.

At the cross-roads of the artistic and scientific subjects, Serae Zendae announced the good progression of the contest for the recipe of an anti-kitin armor. Even if the final winner isn’t known yet, the set-up of the recipe is satisfactory. Moreover, Nae-Karae answered favourably at the request of the Master of Arms by granting some excellent materials instead of lots of choice ones as reward.

On the subject of the Kitinology, Nae-Karae asked about the researches on the so-called Deamla. Filirae Ozwomen confirmed that she had joined the second expedition in the Tunnel of Woe, and that it had allowed to get a lumnio of her. It is indeed good news, since it will make the researches against her easier.
Filira Erminantius completed this with the information provided to the SKA by an officer of the Karavan: Deamla had a companion, now deceased, called Sanantia.
As for the Tunnel of Woe, it seems to have gone back to relative peace, despite the numerous kitins still patrolling around it.
On the other hand, the officer of the Karavan may have information regarding the blue kipesta seen during the first expedition. In exchange for this, the Karavan is asking for the help of the homins to investigate on someone who may have access to their transmissions without authorization. The date is made to the ambassador of the Karavan, in the village of the Kuild, in Nexus, on 8h - Quinteth, Nivia 5, 4th AC 2581.

The next topic was the one of the captive kitin. Ser Trillo antovaldo, its caretaker, shared his concern on its subject: in effect, the kipucka seems to be less active, and eat less and less. Its environment doesn’t seem to be fitted for a long-term captivity and several new places have been considered that may fit better. The best, or the less bad, possible choice seems to be the Arena. It will however need to make sure that some water can be brought if needed to humidify the corridor where the kitin could shelter.
Filira Cuiccio Perinia said he would give his support to any botanical building needed to adapt the Arena, as a whole or for a part of it, to this new use.

Finally, Filira Cuiccio Perinia spoke, first about the Tamiela Rotoa, as he plans to name the Rotoa of the Almati kitin-lair in the honour of the Karae, and then about the plant wall started by his predecessor in the Fleeting Garden. He proposed two maps with a census of the existing roots, along with his two hypotheses about what Lenardi Bravichi may have planned. Due to the late time, this point will be the subject of a new exchange. Serae Zendae will also compare her map with the ones of the Royal Botanist.
Moreover, an encounter with the Karae-Mother, Lea Lenardi, has been organised by Nae-Karae on 8h - Prima, Floris 25, 1st AC 2582.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Quarta, Nivia 16, 1st AC 2582.

Karae Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe

* on February 27th, 2015

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Copal (10 years ago)

#13 Multilingual 

Dear Filira Cuicco Perinia, Royal Botanist

I have received information today. Indigo has found a box in the egg room at the Almati Kitin-lair.

Could this be the seeds of the Tamiela Rotoa ?

Harvestor 08, 2nd AC 2583.

Regards Oz

Member of the Court of the Karae.
Lady-in-Waiting of the Karae.
Matis Ambassador.
Matis Noble.
Royal Florist.

#14 [fr] 

Erminantius venais de rentrer du palais royal où il avait pu voir et entendre Lea Lenardi, la Karae-mère.
A la vue de Lea Lenardi, la nostalgie avait envahi Erminantius. Il se souvenait. Il se souvenait de sa première rencontre avec la karae au cours d’une ballade organisée dans les jardins majestueux. A la fin de cette ballade, où certains poètes avaient dit des vers pour agrémenter le moment, la karae avait annoncé vouloir regrouper autour d’elle une cours. Erminantius, qui était encore bien jeune et qui venait juste d’entamer son apprentissage dans l’art floral, c’était proposé comme fleuriste afin d’embellir les belles matis et le palais de ses bouquets.
Il avait été de suite captivé par cette homine qu’était la Karae, si gracieuse, si élégante, si charismatique. D’un regard, d’un sourire, elle pouvait vous faire sentir important, vous faire être fier d’être matis, vous faire aimer la vie que Jena avait insufflé en vous. Mais en un mot, en une phrase elle pouvait aussi vous remettre à votre place, vous faire comprendre que l’autorité vas toujours du haut vers le bas, et qu’il y a malgré tout un savoir vivre à la matis qu’il fallait respecter. Erminantius sourit en se souvenant du noble Salazar qui en avait fait les frais. Finalement la karae-mère est toujours un peu elle même malgré cette maladie.
Cette maladie? Même si ses médecins disaient qu’elle était guérie, Lea semblait toujours malade, affaiblie, comme vidée de son énergie vitale un peu comme Yrkanis Karan, son mari, vers la fin de sa vie....

Erminantius prit une feuille et de quoi écrire.
Ser Zakkk,

Je suis sur que tout comme moi, l’état de santé de la karae-mère vous a inquiété. Il me semble important que nous ne restions pas les bras ballant à attendre. Je reste persuadé qu’il y a des choses à faire pour l’aider à se sortir de cette état.
C’est pour ça que je vous écris afin de pouvoir en discuter ensemble et trouver quelque chose a faire pour lui redonner un peu d’énergie.


Erminantius pliât la lettre et l’accrocha à un izam.
Il prit une seconde feuille et se remis a écrire.
Au capitaine des gardes d’Yrkanis,

Capitaine, je pense que vous avez été mis au fait de l’intrusion inacceptable d’un maraudeur dans la salle du trône alors que la mère de Stevano Karan avait appelé les nobles et les sujets matis a venir l’entendre. Je ne parle pas d’une, mais de deux intrusions successives. Outre le fait que la Karae-mère fut interrompu par deux fois, il s’agit surtout de la sécurité de la famille royal, des nobles et des sujets du royaume dont il est question.
Il y a fort a parier que les maraudeurs ont trouvé une faille. Vous serait-il possible d'enquêter la dessus, d’y remédier et de nous en tenir informer.
Je reste persuadé que la Garde royale fait de son mieux, et que vous êtes toujours à vous adapter à l’imagination perfide et sans borne des maraudeurs.
Je reste à titre personnel a votre disposition pour vous amener mon aide.

Erminantius, Vicomte d’Avalae.

#15 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français
[FR]Zakarya, après avoir passé plusieurs jours au Bois d'Almati à étudier la rotoa albinos, avait enfin regagné son domicile et prenait connaissance des rares missives arrivées pendant son absence.

"Tiens, je connais cette écriture, que peut bien me vouloir le Vicomte d'Avalae ?"
Ser Zakkk,

Je suis sur que tout comme moi, l’état de santé de la karae-mère vous a inquiété. Il me semble important que nous ne restions pas les bras ballant à attendre. Je reste persuadé qu’il y a des choses à faire pour l’aider à se sortir de cette état.
C’est pour ça que je vous écris afin de pouvoir en discuter ensemble et trouver quelque chose a faire pour lui redonner un peu d’énergie.


Zakarya pris un air grave

"C'est bien vrai, le Vicomte n'a pas tord."

Après avoir cherché un moment un parchemin vierge et une plume sur le bureau encombré de piles de notes poussiéreuses le vieux greffier écrivit une réponse rapide tout en appelant quelqu'un pour porter sa réponse.
Cher ami,

Je rentre à l'instant même d'un voyage d'étude.

Effectivement l’état de santé de la karae-mère était l'une de mes principales préoccupations.

Je ne doute pas un instant de la compétence des médecins royaux mais...
une erreur de diagnostique est toujours possible !

Comme on dit souvent 'l'erreur est homine' mais quand il est question de la santé de la Karae-mère cette erreur serait impardonnable.

Je suis à votre disposition pour en parler quand il vous plaira.
Je n'ai pas à bouger de chez moi pendant les jours à venir.

Zakarya di Avalae

Au jeune homin venant d'entrer dans le bureau :

"S'il vous plait, portez ce courrier au plus vite à Ser Erminantius, le Vicomte d'Avalae."


Zakarya di Avalae (dit Zakkk)
Noble Matis - Greffier Royal à la retraite
Membre honoraire de la très noble maison "La Firme"
Gardien du Royaume & Béni de Jena
Ancien Emissaire Royal Suppléant pour la Paix.
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