
#54 [fr] 

Ser Erminantius,

je ne suis pas beaucoup présent dans le Royaume en ce moment, et je ne doute pas des bonnes intentions de ce concours.

Mais une chose m'interpelle : Si tous les artisans d'Atys participent à ce concours, dans le but de réaliser une recette dans le bien commun de tout Atys et la lutte universelle contre les Kitins, pourquoi ces recettes devraient rester secrètes ?

Rendons ces recettes publiques, cela évitera toute polémique inutile, et montrera combien le Royaume est en avance sur tous les autres Peuples.

Bien cordialement

Ser Djaimse

#55 [fr] 

Ser Djaimse,

Je comprend tout à fait votre demande. Et croyais moi quand je vous dis que c'est un sujet sur lequel nous avons débattu avant de lancer le concours.

Nous avons estimé que la recette reste la propriété de l'artisan. Et que même s'il participe au concours il ne souhaite peut être pas que sa recette soit divulgué.

Une fois le concours terminé je compte inviter les artisans a rendre publique leur recette, mais cela restera de leur seule volonté.
Maintenant si c'est pour être sur que ce soit le meilleur qui gagne, j'ose espérer que vous ne remettez en cause notre impartialité...

#56 [fr] 

Ser Erminantius,

Je veux bien tout croire, et tout débattre, et je ne suis pas ici pour supposer ou déduire quoi que ce soit.

Les artisans savent qu'au moment où ils donnent leur recette, cette recette sera FORCEMENT diffusée à un moment ou l'autre. C'est la vie, et les "secrets" ne durent jamais longtemps, surtout sur l'écorce.

Donc, je comprends la réserve légitime de certains artisans, et je pense qu'il est encore temps de revenir sur cet aspect du "secret" des recettes, dans le bénéfice de TOUS les artisans, et de TOUTE la population d'Atys, pour la lutte contre les Kitins.

Si les recettes ne sont pas publiques, il restera toujours un doute sur la probité de l'ensemble.
Je suis pour la plus grande transparence sur le sujet

Sincères salutations

Ser Djaimse

#57 [fr] 


Edited 5 times | Last edited by Mendell (7 years ago)


Le Vagabond des Brumes

#58 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français] | English
Le concours n'étant pas terminé, j'avertis les competiteurs de ne pas dévoiler leurs recettes au public maintenant, ce serait éliminatoire.

Vous avez démontré une grande habileté dans la combinaison des matières, mais n'oubliez pas que nous allons vous faire composer encore pendant la phase 2, une fois que vos recettes seront validées.
Dans cette prochaine phase, nous vous laisserons ajuster vous-même les critères, afin d'optimiser votre recette. J'expliquerai davantage une fois les sélections de phase 1 validées.
La validation de votre recette de phase 1 vous accorde déjà une récompense.

Last edited by Zendae (10 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#59 [fr] 

Ser Mendell, je vais faire simple...

Je vous céde ma place comme juge de ce concour royal... Vous comprendrez peut être ainsi qu'il n'y a aucune manipulation, ou mauvais coup derriére tout ca. Juste l'envie de faire bouger les homins et surtout les matis dans un sens commun...

Ah oui, je nomme ce concours de royal, car il a été demandé à la Karae de le validé et de le mettre sous l'autorité de sa cours... Et aussi par ce que le prix du concours sera donné par les autorité du royaume... Peut être même par la KArae en personne.

Donc, aux finalistes du concours, je vous demande d'envoyer les recettes a ser Mendell et non à moi. Si par hasard des recettes ont déjà étaient envoyées à ma personne je les ferais suivre a ser Mendell...

#60 [fr] 


Last edited by Mendell (7 years ago)


Le Vagabond des Brumes

#61 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

[OOC] Some posts have been moved to new topic. [/OOC]
Great crafing contest (OOC)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (10 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#62 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
* Passes Mendell in a swift and gracious step *

Laye mai ! I provide you qualification's result for stage 2

Big recipe


Small recipe


Because of a mistake on credits, Ventron took the place of Ingfarah for the small recipe.

The named competitors has already win 100 generics per recipe.

Each craftsman was skilful, in accordance to the nearest of asked critera. Be aware that this skilful cannot be obtained by limiting to let the little interactive amber cube "Kipeecraft" search it for you.
It's interesting to see, the big recipe for example, despite everyone has announced the same amount of credits, recipes are different. However no one did less than 133. The counting system is perfectible of course.

There is all the same a constant that we find in your recipes, that are the Tama wood, Yelk moss, Jugula's feng and Kirosta's tail. Those are indeed the four materials that maximise the critera without counteracting between them. A recipe with all those materials in excellent grade gives already a fair result, but with potential wasted on parry, and not enough protection vis-a-vis our demands.

Starting now is the stage 2 of the contest

Now that the craftsmen has demonstrated their skills to select materials, we are going to test their savvy.
Because craftsmen know it well, one have often to compromise, between ideal characteristics and feasibility. Compromise between the hard work to gather materials, and fervor of the warrior exhilarated by characteristics of his armor.

The context is this : produce armors in important quantity (let's imagine about twenty) to defend ourselves against kitins.

For this second stage, criteria are released. They are still an aim, but you may decrease them to improve feasibility. If you can argue your choice it's good, even if recipes talk by themselves.

I'm going to provide an example to make it clear what is it about :
- a heavy armor as a protection factor from 40% to 60% corresponding to 0% and 100% while assembling materials (precraft)
- ie, a decrease of 5% in precraft represent a loss of 1% on the finished item
- at 95%, the armor protects up to 59% ; does a loss of 1% changes a lot in a fight against big kitins ?
- but if we decrease it to much, the warrior will feel deceived ...
This is only a example, uncomplete of course.

Ser Master craftsmen, to your mektoub sense and your experience ! and you can certainly leave your qualification recipe as is, if you think it's already satisfying !
note : you have to search only in the category (big and/or small) where you've been qualified.

Your proposition (1 only) must be sent to us before the beginning of next summer, 1st of Floris, 1st AC 2582*, otherwise we will base on your qualification recipe.

*February the 16th, 00h34 UTC

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zendae (10 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#63 [en] 

Placio the Frippo paces in his apartment awaiting official contest results....

#64 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
[/i]Each competitor did send a recipe. Jury's members were analysing them, both in term of their features obtained and selected materials.
Craftsmen worked with care, so jury were feeling the duty to take as much care to render their judgement.[/i]

Last edited by Zendae (10 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#65 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]


Craftsman Ventron has, when he transmitted us his two recipes, expressed the will to retire from the contest, judging it's difficulty became over his own skills.

Certainly a excess of modesty ? like his recipe, full with excellente materials from Groove of Confusion's resources ?
Come on dear Kterhos, if you are in stage 2, you must have some talent !
This says, we respect your will... * sees Erminantius who wipes his forehead, relieved from the risk that a patriot wins the contest *
This is still a comment on your stage 2 recipe, in the name of crafting passion !

We had them crafted by fairy fingers of Natala, this is how it looks :

Ventron, (tr by zendae)
We like simple things, a sole recipe with materials from sole Groove of confusion for a red Parok set from 25th circle [...]

This color is easly seen in the middle of kitins hordes and durability is sacrified only to the benefit of availability of materials...

Tama wood, hunting of named beasts Sadichi, Vispa and Naka. What to run for long days in Groove of confusion by team of three. We could alternate with moss from Weebil and tail from Lector if we found this to repetitive. The difficult part would certainly be yelk moss : we need 7 or 5 per pieces ; this is what would be often lacking.

Antipercing seems a bit low in theory. But we still have 59% absorption guaranteed on damages from attacks until a strength of 1048. Further up absorption ceils at 619, the theoretical maximum being 664.

At the Sanekinion ten Kitina Amerei we have mesured that most of kitin predators, in their "great" format, have a attack of a strength of 1012. This fits well with the 1048. Soldier kitins like kirosta or tremendous kinrey hits at 1435, and no known armor can absorb 60% of that strength, this is when the maximum ceil makes the difference.

Ranks :
main charateristics : B+
secondary charateristics : B
low cost : A+
knowledge : A
harmony : A+

Making a armor only with excellent mats, a good idea ? we'll see that while analysing recipes from other competitors.

Next publication : Ingfarah vs Misugi for the big recipe !

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Zendae (10 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#66 [fr] 

[quote=Zendae (atys)][h1]

"Nous les avons faites réalisées .."

*ne sait quoi en penser*

Last edited by Nerwane (10 years ago)

#67 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Big recipe

Ingfarah / Misugi

Let's start with Misugi's recipe. A true patchwork, but really justified by its creator. Features are goods.

This is his explanation :
First I've removed all supreme hunting materials which are too rare to my eyes, at least if it is about to craft 20 armors.
The calculation is simple : a sole material for one piece of armor = 120 materials for the 20 armors ! [...]
For the same reason, I limited the number of supreme harvested materials per kind (Tama, Dung, etc.) : 2 max for small recipe and 3 max for the big one.
Same for excellent hunting material : 2 max [...]

I've maintained protection factor and maximum percing threshold to optimal values.
Without neglecting the maximum slashing because do not forget that all kitins have percing strikes except Kidinak with his slashing claws.
I've kept the 75% parry to have +2 per piece, a key I think !
On the other side I did'nt care about durability, because 65% are enough to ensure a durability of 500 points [...]

A good point for Kidinaks and their slashing strikes ! But durability at 500, no, You must have in mind a hight quality plan.
However, we enjoyed the reasoned choice taking account of difficulties for harvesting. The recipe loses a little bit of harmony but it's a detail.

Ingfarah on her side, was well ranked in stage 1. Indeed, among three recipes at 133 credits, hers was made with only one boss supreme mats, although there was six for others. For the stage 2, she simply swap it with a supreme forage mat.
[...] In order to make my recipe more accessible, however, we could replace it by a supreme silverweed. Durability would suffer (78%), but the loss is minimal and allow to avoid supreme from hunting. The use of kirosta's secretion and its tail allow to use more mats from one named beast, witch is a good point for this recipe.

What comes out already from Ingfarah's recipe are the produced stats : all are still matching stage 1 criteria except durability, a bit under.
But that's not all ! Slashing resistance don't have to be ashamed in comparison with Misugi's recipe, but also, the dodge penalty is null. It could be usefull if warriors have to heal (well, if they think to switch mode...)

About low cost, we have nearly the same amount of credits on each side. Let's detail materials quantity per grade.

harvested supreme
r.misu : 12, : 12
looted excellent :
r.misu : 7, : 11
harvested excellent :
r.misu : 5, : 1

Light advantage for Misugi with more harvested excellent.
About named bosses :

r.misu : sadichi/weebil, vispa, rippa, wikkah : sadichi/weebil, vulca, wikkah (x2)

The difference is not clear, ask to go in Prime 250 but karavaneer can join relativaly easily Midway Point and camp of the Keepers where pass Vulca the jugula and also a twin of Wikkah the kirosta.

No, the real difference is about supreme mats repartition.
r.misu : 12 supreme mats of 6 different kinds, whose 3 tama. : 12 supreme mats of 3 different kinds, whose 7 tama.

Now is a interesting question : is it better to expect for good foraging conditions for one kind we need a lot, or take time at the beginning to gather several mats, have the good conditions for each of them, but then be cool for a while ?

We found supreme mat at beginning of seasons, when it's the right season... and when it does want to pop. About 70 mats per spot. Usually, the one who found it empty it. After that, you have to wait for next season.

Let's do a little simulation for a complete armor from basic plan. For the shell, all mats are supreme for Ingfarah's recipe (7+5)x3 = 36 ; and only (3+2)x3 = 15 for Misugi's one.
Suppose foragers are good and bring 70 tama at each season.

This array shows how many armor we could build over 6 season for each recipe according to Tama stock. We add a disvantage of one season on r.misu because of the various mats to harvest.

However, Ingarah's recipe is more solid by 6.3%. Armors while last a little longer. The duration will depend the use of the armor, but in practice it would become an advantage at the time when it allowed to gain at least one season. With 6.3%, it's from the 16th season : if Misugi's recipe lasted 16 season, the one of Ingfarah would last 17 for the same use. Before, it does not change anything.

What to choose ? features or feasibility ? What is the real gain from high stats ?

Against a great kincher that strike at 1012 : absorbs 1012x59.1% = 598
r.misu absorbs 1012x58,3% = 590
difference : 8 dmg less per hit pour

Against a great kirosta that strike at 1435 : absorbs 647
r.misu absorbs 631
difference : 16 dmg less per hit pour

That is not really a difference.


r. Misugi | Ranks |r. Ingfarah
A | main features | A+
A | sec. features |A+
A | low cost | B
A+ | knowledge | A
B+ | harmony | A

Zendae had the face more whitish than usual. Too much matemati !, especially for a Amazon.
She was dizzy so she went to lie down, relax a bit because she has yet to write down
the result for the small recipe, Misugi vs Placio, another great fight.
She thought that Erminantius would take over to communicate the deliberate of big recipe.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Zendae (10 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#68 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Result of the royal competition for heavy armor Matis

The Jury, composed of serae Zendae and ser Erminantius (1), considered a long time recipes of competitors in order to analyse their qualities and defects.

After a long deliberation, where recipes were compared from different angles, the jury has finally ranked them, although it was very difficult, seeing the various qualities of each recipes.

The ranking for the best big recipe is this one :

First : Ser Misugi
Second : Serae Ingfarah
Third : Ser Ventron

PS : The ranking for small recipe will comme soon
(1) prolonged absence of ser Smoker

Last edited by Erminantius (10 years ago)

Last visit Saturday, 30 November 15:38:09 UTC

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