
#1 Multilingual 

Tunnel of Woe

Players Event all welcome.

Place and date: Knoll of Dissent, 25 January.

Time: 20:00: GMT, meeting at Karavan TP

Looking to put an army together to take on the kitins in the Tunnel of Woe. It will be a fierce battle so calling all players to join as we need as many as possible. Bring your swords, amps and also your picks as we believe there is some treasure at the end of the tunnel. There is many rumours as to what we will find down there.
The deepest part of the tunnels are unexplored as each expedition has been unsuccessful encountering a large number of kitins each time.

That is if we make it that far….


Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Tunnel of Woe, event today.

Thank you all for coming along to help wipe out the kitins, as you would of noticed we have a lot of kitins in the Tunnel of Woe.

When we were in the Tunnel of Woe we received three messages:

1) Some strange holes can be found in the ground, big enough to let a kitin slip through.

2) If something unusual was present in these tunnels, it may already have escaped through hidden tunnels.

3) It seems that whatever creature was hiding here, it is gone. Except of some holes, it didn’t leave any traces behind. Nothing is left to find here for the moment.

We did find a Huge blue Kipesta " Strange Kitin ". You could target it, but you could not attack.

I am planning another event for next weekend. Would be nice to see more Rangers. All players are welcome.

Did anyone get a screenshot of the Strange Kitin?

Matis Ambassador for the Rangers.
Guild Leader of Spears of Eora.

#3 Multilingual 

Merci pour l'initiative Ozwomen mais serait il possible de demander à un anim de noter cet évent sur le calendrier afin que nous soyons tous au courant ?

Cheffe du cercle d'Almati
Aspirante Ranger
Croqueuse de cookies à plein temp

#4 Multilingual 

Second expedition to the Tunnel of Woe.

Players event all welcome.

Place and date: Knoll of Dissent, 1 February.

Time: 20:00: GMT, meeting at Karavan TP.

We don't know what we will find this time, but we did find a lot of Kitins and a huge blue Kipesta last time, we still have more tunnels that are unexplored.
Come and help us with our second expedition and have fun.

Matis Ambassador for the Rangers.


[OOC] Topic moved. [/OOC]

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#6 Multilingual 

Second investigation of the Tunnel of Woe.

It was nice to see so many players today, thank you all for helping to kill the kitins.

We found a lot more kitins in the tunnel this time, but some did escape from the tunnel and into the Forest.

We now have Lacerating Kirosta level 233 running around our Forest in Knoll of Dissent, we can expect them to attack Yrkanis in the coming days.

We did receive messages about the Kitins.

1) The Kitin’s wrath has faded but they are still swarming around the region. They stay in this stirred up state for days, even weeks.

2) For every kitin that is slain, another seems to come out from the tunnels.

3) A large Kizarak has shown atop the hills.

4) The Kizarak has fallen, but the nest will stay in its state for some days or weeks probably. The battle can’t be won today but the time will come.

5) For now it seems over but the tunnels have to be observed strictly to see if the kitins plan another attack on Yrkanis the next days.

We also receive a message about the kitins that escaped that they were going to attack Yrkanis, we all teleported to save Yrkanis and we did for now. We wen’t back to the tunnel and we had more kitins outside, the event was over at this time, we stayed to kill the kitins.

I hope you all enjoyed this event. It is not over yet as we have been told the kitins plan another attack on Yrkanis, please report any kitins on the move.

Take care and have fun:)

Matis Ambassador for Rangers
Guild Leader of Spears of Eora

#7 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français] | Deutsch

Kitins à l'entré du Tunnel des Malheurs

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Siela (9 years ago)


#8 [en] 

((OOC: For some reason the posting of relevant roleplay text by a Ranger Aspirant in the Event thread for a wide-open roleplay event, where other roleplay text has already been posted, is distasteful to some Matis players. At the request of Ozwomen (who was NOT one of the people complaining), I have moved this content to -- with no love - Bittty (/OOC)))

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (9 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#9 [en] 

((OOC: RP content removed by request. See for the content.))

Last edited by Bitttymacod (9 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 Multilingual 

Les Rangers aillant été invité par Ozwomen il n'y a pas de polémique à avoir, nous avons participé et continuons notre surveillance en pays matis.
Face à un danger d'invasion Kitins nous faisons notre job.

excheffe de la fédération de commerce
cheffe du cercle d'Almati
Ambassadeur Ranger aupres de la nation Tryker

#11 Multilingual 

(Oz sits in her apartment in Natae, still in shock after the event at tunnel of woe, thinking she has started a kiting invasion in the forest, it was an honour for Oz to be asked to organise a second expedition to the tunnel of Woe. But never thought it would turn out this way, takes another drink, that help with the shock.)

Dear Tamiela Fera Fillia di Torani,

I don’t know how to tell you this information, but we now have a kitin invasion in our beautiful forest. This is sad news, it all happened after the second investigation of the Tunnel of Woe. We were lucky that a lot of players turned up to help, because some escaped to Yrkanis and we managed to kill them, before any damage was done. I was praying that the Royal family would be safe.

( Need another drink for shock, we only have Tryker beer, why not Matis wine?)

Kitin report.

Incensed Kincher level 179 have separated from the Lacerating Kirosta, they are now around the Runninghill Pass, we have quite a few there now, most are around the back of the hill.

Lacerating Kirosta level 233 we only found one in GoC but we could have more, we also have a lot of them around the Tunnel of Woe the numbers are growing and they are on the move, have noticed more around Runninghill Border Post and moving along the road close to Towerbridge Way. Matisian Border Guards camp is safe for now.

Could you please inform Stevano-Karan about the Kitin invasion, he can yell at me later. We will need to increase the security of the kingdom, because the kitins are getting close to Yrkanis.

I have received reports that we have Kitins in the Desert, this information has not been confirmed yet.

Karae Aiye !
Karan Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !



Matis Ambassador for Rangers,
Member of the Court of the Karae,
Lady-in-Waiting of the Karae,
Matis Noble,
Royal Florist.

Calls for Royal Guard to deliver message to: Tamiela Fera Fillia di Torani.

Last edited by Ozwomen (9 years ago)

#12 Multilingual 

When we were in Almati Woods Kitin-lair today with the Royal botanist, Ser Cuiccio Perinia we were looking at the strange mound and the most beautiful flower. We received a notice that the Kitins have crossed the boarder from Knoll of Dissent and heading to Majestic Garden, my heart stopped for a few seconds, knowing Yrkanis was in danger. I quickly told everyone then teleported to Yrkanis.

It was fantastic to see a lot of homins come to help kill the kitins today. Congratulations to all the homins who helped save Yrkanis from the kitin invasion, we won this time.

Please be on guard because the kitins will be back to attack again in a few days. The kitins are now attacking and still growing in numbers.

Take care and have fun.

Karae Aiye !
Karan Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !


Matis Ambassador for Rangers.

#13 Multilingual 

Tunnel of Woe.

Daily inspection of the Tunnel of Woe, we had only found 7 Lacerating Kirosta level 233 at the entrance to the Tunnel of Woe, the Lacerating Kirosta have left the area this is good news. Knoll of Dissent and Yrkanis is safe again.

Take care and have fun.

Karae Aiye !
Karan Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !


Matis Ambassador for Rangers.

#14 Multilingual 

Kitin invasion on Yrkanis

Our Karavan Agent informed Nobles and Ambassadors from all nations a kitin invasion on the capital of the Kingdom.

We will need a big army to save Yrkanis we call on all to help, sensors have been placed around Knoll of Dissent they will give us a warning when the kitins cross the boarder.

As Matis Ambassador for Rangers, Stevano Karan has asked me to invite the Rangers to help attack the kitins and save Yrkanis.

Karavan Agent informed us: our calculation and observation predict the attack to take place around the 25th Folially. (ooc: Sunday evening) Of course it’s only a prediction, based on observation of the swarm that is currently building up.

Filirae Zendae, Mistress of Arms, she has posted her defence strategy.


Matis Ambassador for Rangers

#15 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
[OOC] Massive attack of Kitins in forest, defence strategy [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
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