

#91 Report | Quote[en] 

1. How did you come to know about Ryzom?
Looking for MMORPGs that run on linux.

2. Have you played any graphics intensive games before?

3. Which OS do you use for Ryzom.
Arch Linux.

4. F2P or P2P?
F2P. I'm hesitant to sub since there's no turning back once you do :( Am more of a casual player.

#92 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm hesitant to sub since there's no turning back once you do :( Am more of a casual player.

When your subscription ends, you can continue as unsubscribed. Use of equipment will be limited to q150 and you will be able to use your skills up to level 150. You will be able to withdrawn items from your packers and apartment (but not to store any new there).

#93 Report | Quote[en] 

I'm hesitant to sub since there's no turning back once you do :( Am more of a casual player.

When your subscription ends, you can continue as unsubscribed. Use of equipment will be limited to q150 and you will be able to use your skills up to level 150. You will be able to withdrawn items from your packers and apartment (but not to store any new there).

Interesting, didn't realise that. Subscription's looking a lot more alluring now :)

#94 Report | Quote[en] 

1. I collect MMORPG data files, installation files / media, patches, server-side (when available) files, private server / emu projects, etc -- mostly for historical preservation purposes. I also record video footage of my playthroughs. I downloaded Ryzom on Linux first then Windows 10. Played for about 5 minutes on Linux awhile ago and didn't notice anything too special. Finally got around to it when a few people on YouTube recommended that I play this game. Glad I did -- one of the most interesting MMORPG worlds since I first played Asheron's Call at it's release.
2. Yeah. I wouldn't call this graphics intensive, but that's a bit of a relative phrase.
3. Currently - Windows 10.
4. F2P. I hop between way too many games and lost over half of my household income after COVID began to spread, but I definitely will at some point.

And now -- back to getting my stranded mektoub. I'm the worst pet owner in this game.

#95 Report | Quote[en] 



Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#96 Report | Quote[en] 

1. How did you come to know about Ryzom?
Looking for MMORPGs that run on linux Ubuntu. It was in the Ubuntu's application store

2. Have you played any graphics intensive games before?
A very long time ago (Tayries tails on amiga) - I could as well answer "no" :)

3. Which OS do you use for Ryzom.
Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (debian like).

4. F2P or P2P?
I was F2P quiet a long time (mayebe 2 years ?). Now sub


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#97 Report | Quote[en] 

1. How did you come to know about Ryzom?
The JoshStrifeHayes vid on YT, I wanted to at least check out the world for a while.

2. Have you played any graphics intensive games before?
Not sure how it's meant, but anything that can run on a GEForce 970 shouldn't be TOO intense. :D

3. Which OS do you use for Ryzom.
Windows 10

4. F2P or P2P?
F2P for now.

#98 Report | Quote[en] 

Stiil on same ... since Nov 2013 but thread needs a bump ...

1. My son did not get into a beta for a game that shall not be named. I searched for another one submitted company resume to be a tester and got a game invite and gave it to him

2. Oddly I remember getting about the same fps here as I did in Witcher 3

3. Still n Win7-64


#99 Report | Quote[en] 

1. Did a search on steam for free MMORPGs found Wurm but hate hate hate the movement. Then found this

2. Looks like Morrowind but with better crafting, friendly folks / players and (eventually) player housing. This is not graphics intensive. Starfield is graphics intensive

3. Playing on windows 10
Last visit Sunday, 8 September 02:15:47 UTC

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