make generic materials an item we can trade
agree / se mettre d'accord / zustimmen / estar de acuerdo / согласны 51 (11)
disagree / être en désaccord / anderer Meinung sein / no estar de acuerdo / не соглашаться 16 (1)
Otro 3
Abstenerse 4

#43 [en] 

Sure does sound a lot easier to just change the existing item sheet, and might be worth it.

As long as someone's trying to get a sense of player preferences, personally I'd probably get some utility from a change to tradeable though for me personally it isn't a high priority.

I feel like I might be missing something as to why they're not currently tradeable, so I'm hesitant to fully get behind a proposal when I don't feel I understand everything involved. But maybe I'm not missing something. I already put my vote down for "other" with my original post here, anyway.

(And, despite some discomfort, I would like to note for the sake of honesty that I'm not personally a paying customer, at least at the moment -- I'm using a free trial account, so perhaps my preferences shouldn't be weighted much if at all.)

I mostly wanted to reply in the first place because I like to support the things people put forth the effort to make happen, at least sometimes when I can. I can take the poll and weigh in a few thoughts, anyway, I hope they're helpful to the effort.

#44 [en] 

One counter argument I may see is that already not few homins have alts with citizenship leeching nation points over NH. There would be another incentive to get materials over that channel. While this is demonstrably uneconomic for q250 generic mats, the same is not true for those of lower quality, especially q50-q150. Therefore, there may be a channel for exploits.

The argument in favor of making generic materials tradeable is that the loot from killable christmas trees, mainly consisting of lower q generic mats, is not useful for most players. As Rollocks has proposed, using q50 mat for launcher ammo is indeed useful, so is (Virg's argument) usage as ammo for launcher and autolauncher when doing "leech training" (just doing dmg once with those weapons, the attacked mob being killed e.g. by teammates, or enchants).

I am still not decided about the affair. Making generic mats tradeable would not open abysses of exploit, rather small loopholes at worst. So there is no severe concern about allowing it. On the other hand, the utility is questionable as well. Ownership of gen mat should motivate players to think about ways to use them in a useful and creative way. The possibility to trade them or give them away appears as a cheap escape, only bit better than destroying them. After all, generic mats eat neither bulk nor weight.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#45 [en] 

In regard to atysmas trees, if you open the presents and don't want the mats, leave it on the ground and a teammate can pick it up if they are quick about it.

I'm not opposed to the idea, especially using the NH reasoning... It's very easy for a knowledgeable player to get 999 mats in less than an hour, getting a stack of generic mats would take much longer and be so annoying... So I guess I support the idea although I probably won't use it much :)

@Bitty, most polls barely get over a dozen voters, this is obviously a topic that interests more players than the typical forum content.

#46 [en] 

still a great idea for the community at large.


Remickla (atys)
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#47 [en] 

Now you can use nests


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#48 [en] 

while the easter events where going you could, but i'm talking about making them directly tradable from toon to toon, without need of 'nests' or 'presents' because we don't need this option twice a year, we play every day, so we need it as an everyday option.


Remickla (atys)
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