

#35 [fr] 

Lyren explains his point of view, that the renegades' opinion should be taken into account before things get ugly. It was decided that the ambassadors would take on the task of listing the grievances of the other tribes, to avoid further rancor.

Matis Salazar explains that we shouldn't be too mean to the former renegade leader, who is being held prisoner, and that the measure of a nation's greatness is its mercy. In short, the usual orko spiel. As if we were barbarians out to get a prisoner. Graphybus also points out that the trial date has not yet been set.

Opening of the topic on the resumption of diplomatic relations with the Matis.

Ulymorus thinks we don't have to be flat-headed to resume diplomatic relations with the matis. This change of heart questions Graphybus; the patriot explains that he's been scalded by the negotiations with the matis during the water route and has understood who he's dealing with.

Lyren takes the floor to say that she's in favor of resuming dialogue, otherwise she doesn't see why we accept the matis at our assemblies.

Azazor points out, as Lyren said, that we are much more open-minded than the matis. He proposes not to allow matis to come to us (and encourage other nations to do the same) until the matis assemblies are open to all.

Naveruss has also changed her mind and is no longer in favor of resuming diplomatic relations with the Matis. In particular, she expects them to apologize for poisoning the akenakos Azazor with black sap and to hand over the culprit, Canillia, to fyros justice.

Salazar comes to explain that he needs written proof that it's Canillia, despite his oral confession. Azazor slaps him in the face, and he stands up to Graphybus, who reminds him of the discipline. The celiakos tells him something like 'tar ta gueule at recess.

Yokao explains that what she sees gives her the impression that the fyros only want war with the matis.

Discussion on resuming diplomatic relations with the marauders. Ulymorus says that the marauders only want chaos and finds no resemblance between the marauders of the NT and those described by Azazor on the AT. Azazor explains that this must be done to weaken Akilia by valorizing the marauders who distance themselves from it. Once again, Naveruss is finally convinced.

We wonder if the guests have any say in the matter. Azazor thinks they don't have a say. But Naveruss reminds us that this isn't a place for orskos, and that we can talk even if we're not fyros.

Eolinius takes up the subject. How do you tell the difference between a good marauder and a bad one? Well, a bad marauder is a guy who sees someone and hits him. A good marauder, on the other hand, sees a guy, taps him, but he's a good marauder.

Azazor proposes to contact the marauders. And end of meeting.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#36 Multilingual 

Courier adressé au Celiakos Gaphybus

De Filirae Canillia Altae Di Sylengi,
Membre du très Noble Ordre Alkiane,
Bénie de la Mère.


Je vous adresse ce courrier car je suis sans réponse concernant la plainte que j'ai adressé aux autorités de l'Empire Fyros.

Je vous met ici le facsimilé de ma plainte:

Courrier de plainte auprès de l'Empire Fyros

De Filirae Canillia Altae Di Sylengi,
Membre du très Noble Ordre Alkiane,
Bénie de la Mère.

Aux Sénateurs de l'Empire :

Pour commencer, je tiens à préciser que cette démarche est faite à titre purement individuel.
Elle n'engage en rien l'Ordre Alkiane, le Royaume ou notre Karan et sa famille.

Je souhaite porter à la connaissance des très honorables Membres du Sénat la plainte concernant la lâche agression dont ma maisonnée a été victime en mon absence.

La dame de compagnie de ma mère a été enlevée par un individu très violent.
Pour parvenir à ses fins, celui-ci a maltraité les gents en charge du service de ma demeure.
De plus, il est responsable de sa dégradation.

Cet individu était un homin de sève fyros d'âge mûr.
Il portait une tenue de combat fyros de couleur rouge.
Il arborait des bijoux aux armes de l'Empire et les insignes d'un Akenak.
Son visage était marqué par de profondes brûlures à peine cicatrisées.

Malheureusement, je ne peux être certaine de son identité.
Je fais donc confiance à la sagacité et la force des Autorités de l'Empire pour le démasquer et le juger rapidement.

Je crains également que cet événement honteux ne soit le fait d'une puissance occulte cherchant à raviver les anciennes vendettas entre nos deux grandes Nations.

Mes serviteurs m'ont rapporté que l'individu proférait des propos incohérents.
Il prétendait notamment être le père de la dame de compagnie de ma mère.
Cela est totalement absurde, car Sera Be'Lauren a toujours affirmé que son père fut de sève matis.

Depuis qu'elle a été enlevée de force, nous n'avons plus aucune nouvelle d'elle.
Étant donné que cela s'est produit il y a plusieurs semaines, nous craignons maintenant que le pire ne lui soit arrivé.

J'espère que cette plainte recevra un accueil qui mettra la vérité, l'honneur et la justice avant les préjugés, la vengeance et l'indiscipline.

De plus, j'espère, aussi, que l'enlèvement d'un sujet de notre Karan et l'agression injustifiée de la maisonnée d'une noble du Royaume Matis ne viendront pas attiser le feu souterrain qui sépare nos deux Nations.


Filirae Canillia Altae Di Sylengi.

dans l'attente d'une réponse de l'Empire Fyros veuillez accepter mes Salutations.

Filirae Canillia Altae Di Sylengi

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Margote (9 months ago)

#37 [fr] 

Lyren had too much on her mind, but what she had just witnessed was beyond her comprehension. She set about drafting a short letter to the celiakos.
oren pyr celiakos.

Our Tryker friends no longer announce their assemblies in the usual way. So I arrived late to this extraordinary Taliari assembly, but what little I was able to hear was quite interesting. Fortunately, my dear colleague Ulymorus was already there and will no doubt be able to tell you more about what was said.
What I witnessed next was just as astonishing.

The aim was to find a way to free a Tryker citizen (however, a Matis) and member of the Eternal Moon, imprisoned by the kingdom because he claimed to be King of the Matis instead of King of the Matis. Apparently he was in possession of a parchment proving this.

To put pressure on Stevano to release the prisoner, a Tryker citizen (albeit Zoraï), also a member of the Moon, kidnapped the Matis ambassador (Nilstilar, this time, a real Matis!) in broad daylight. The ambassador was simply invited to stay in the lakes, where he enjoyed the mild climate that prevailed last winter.

The Matis Matis ambassador was released at the assembly, and the Trykers decided to organize a party among the Matis to demand the release of the imprisoned Matis Tryker.

Of course, I went to the party, but I didn't want to take part in the demands.
It has to be said that trykers are much more adept at organizing a party than a water route. In less time than it takes to say it, they had transported enough barrels of byrh to water an army, built a bar and even took the time to install decorations. Of course, this was not to the liking of the matis. But I must point out their stoicism, disregarding the noise and disturbance the Trykers were so keen to cause. I can't say whether the technique had any influence on the outcome.

When the Tryker and Taliari ambassadors were invited to appear before the king, I managed to sneak inside the throne room. They didn't notice my presence right away, and although I was undoubtedly seen by a few Matis notables, I managed to remain silent and undetected by the guards. My purpose was, of course, simply to observe.

And here's what I observed:
The Trykers have asked for the release of the imprisoned Tryker (matis), (as well as the repayment of one or more barrels of Byrh, go figure) with several promises from the Tryker federation, notably to guarantee (on honor? I couldn't say) that the homin won't cause problems in the future.
Stevano, in a fit of laziness, accepted. Perhaps he didn't quite understand what it was all about, because of the hideous butterfly wings in his ears.

Should a similar case arise within the Empire, I'm convinced that the sharük will remain strong and put truth, justice, honor and discipline before any punitive action.
The Matis ruler will only have proved to his people that his despotism and ignorance go hand in hand with his lack of firmness. In all likelihood, the Tryker citizen who is released will be the talk of the town again, and it's possible that the Matis ruler's unfounded reactions will lead to war with the Federation. Let's be vigilant.

sharükos pyrèküd !
cal i selak !

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