

#19 [fr] 

oren pyr sharükos

Je tenais seulement à vous informer que j'ai enfin trouvé un akenos pour me seconder dans mes taches. Il s'agit de Balder. Il boit beaucoup mais est très fidèle à l'Empire, qu'il a déjà servi en tant que garde par le passé. Il a aussi une bonne aisance sociale. Je le verrais bien ambassadeur auprès des trykers. Je ferai ce qu'il faut pour qu'il postule à ce poste aujourd'hui vacant depuis la disparition de Naveruss.

sharük pyrèküd!

Azazor, akenak de Thesos

Last edited by Fyrenor (3 years ago)


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#20 [fr] 

[HRP : il y a eu des soucis sur le chat en alentours, aussi je poste le log complet rapidement, un peu brut de décoffrage. Comparez avec vos logs et complétez s'il me manque des bouts.]

Cube d'ambre de l'assemblée du 15h - Quarta, Mystia 16, 4th AC 2615

[HRP : Le reste se passe au bar, et ce n'est pas fini, donc la suite sera pour... si j'y pense, si j'ai envie, si personne ne le fait avant, et ce genre de choses. Un compte-rendu plus lisible serait aussi une bonne idée, soumis aux mêmes aléas]

#21 [fr] 

La suite au bar:


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#22 [fr] 

Résumé des postes au sein de l'Empire

akenakos (anciennement akenak):
Thesos: Azazor
Sans cité pour l'instant: Wixarika (nommée lors de la réunion du 13h - Tria, Winderly 21, 1er CA 2616) et Fatalitas.

akenos: Balder (nommé par Azazor)

Ambassadeur toutes nations: Naveruss (à voir si quelqu'un pour la remplacer du fait de son absence)

Ambassadeurs étrangers:
De la Fédération: Lorlyn
De la théocratie: à pourvoir
Des rangers: Kiwalie (à voir si quelqu'un pour la remplacer du fait de son absence)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Azazor (3 years ago)


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#23 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Français | Español
Report of the imperial physician Icandix Plecaon on the death of celiakos Cexius.

Upon my arrival, I could not detect any breathing or heartbeat.
The mourning work I immediately undertook was also unsuccessful, so I had no choice but to declare the death.

The examination of the body in the Academy's laboratories revealed an overload of the heart due to excessive excitation. Also considering the advanced age of the celiakos, I can confirm a natural death.

Icandix Plecaon, Imperial Physician

#24 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Agenda of the assembly of the akenak of Pyr on 5h - Holeth, Germinally 6, 3rd AC 2621(*)

Internal politicy:
  • Celiakos Graphybus Ceros takes office
  • The floor to the akenak, Patriots and Empire inhabitants
  • Appointment of vacancies
External policy:
  • The floor is given to the Ambassadors
  • Organization of a Water Road

(*) [OOC] On Thursday, 15 December 2022 20:30:00 UTC (2 years ago).

#25 [fr] 

Balder s'était posé dans un coin du bar de Pyr, dans un état relativement sobre : il était 10h du matin et il n'avait encore bu que deux shooki. Et des poussières.

Penché sur le cuir de shalah, il tentait de faire un rapport succinct de l'assemblée de la veille. Bon, il avait dit à Azazor qu'il savait écrire, mais il n'avait pas prétendu savoir faire des romans. Il écoutait le tyllidolh qu'il avait amené à l'assemblée, tentant de trouver ce qui était important là-dedans.

C'était quoi la formule protocolaire déjà ? Ha oui...
Rapport de Balder sur l'assemblée du Quinteth, Folially 23, 3e CA 2621
L'assemblée a démarré à l'heure. Le presque citoyen Hetyllic, éminent Brasseur à Oflovak, a tenu à offrir aux officiels un tonneau de sa réserve personnelle. Les homins présents étaient relativement indisciplinés, ayant oublié depuis le temps qui se plaçait où. Il serait bon de rappeler les règles dans une proclamation à l'entrée de la salle :
- Les patriotes sur le premier balcon
- Les akenakos, akenos, celiakos et tout autre officiel qui se présenterait dans l'espace central
- Les étrangers, les métèques et les gens louches sur le balcon le plus loin de l'escalier.

Par ailleurs, il y a un dress code, mais comme l'empire ne paie plus les couturiers, chacun doit bien faire comme il peut dans la mesure de ses moyens. Déjà que les consommations ne sont pas toutes prises en charges...

Suite du rapport
L'arrivée du celiakos Graphybus Ceros, nouvellement nommé, et d'Euphanix Apotheps, chancelière, n'a pas vraiment réussi à ramener le calme dans les balcons et il a fallu un certain temps avant de commencer l'assemblée proprement dite. Le tonneau a malheureusement dû être évacué.

Suite du rapport
Graphybus Ceros a demandé à ce que akenak et akenos s'avancent, pour se présenter, ainsi que leur guilde, leurs problèmes et leurs projets liés à l'Empire.

Comme à ce moment-là, il n'y avait que moi, Balder, simple akenos, de présent, que je n'ai pas de guilde et que mon projet principal consiste à espérer que des gens compétents fassent le travail de redresser l'empire, ça a été rapide.

Suite du rapport
Le celiakos m'a chargé de trouver des patriotes. Enfin, ça sonnait comme une politique nataliste, et je promet de donner de ma personne, mais les homines elles sont pas toutes d'accord, et en plus je n'ai pas eu droit à un budget illimité sur l'alcool, ce qui aurait bien motivé du monde.

Et en plus Graphybus lui avait demandé un rapport... déjà l'assemblée, c'était difficile, alors un rapport sur les patriotes...
Suite du rapport
L'akenak Wixarika est heureusement arrivée à ce moment, avec des nouvelles d'Eeri et Azazor. Elle a lu un extrait de la lettre d'Azazor, demandant à ce qu'un échange culturel se mette en place avec les maraudeurs. L'idée est d'ouvrir l'académie à ces têtes d'arma. Sans surprise, l'offre a suscité de nombreuses réactions ; aucune décision n'a été prise.

Suite du rapport
Naveruss Kynigrips, légionnaire et cheffe des légions fyros, a porté la doléance suivante : l'administration est d'une lenteur épouvantable, ce qui conduit à l'abandon de projets pourtant essentiels pour l'Empire. Il lui semble donc nécessaire que cela change.

Husyrech, un fyros à moitié matis, a demandé à examiner la lettre pour en établir l'authenticité. Comme son comportement était des plus louches, Euphanix n'a pas voulu le laisser toucher l'original, et le conteur-huissier est donc parti fort aigri.

Suite du rapport
Ensuite, le patriote Cathartus a pris la parole pour demander à ce que la lettre d'Azazor ne soit partagé qu'avec les patriotes, le temps d'en établir la validité et de décider d'une voie à suivre par rapport à cette demande.

Suite du rapport
Les divers patriotes présents ont donné leur avis, sans qu'aucun consensus se dégage.

Suite du rapport
Devant l'enlisement des débats, Graphybus Ceros a chargé Lyren et Hetyllic de collecter les avis de tous et de faire un rapport aussi.

Il semblait bien aimer la paperasse, ce celiakos...

Suite du rapport
Tous les débats ayant pris de longues heures, le celiakos décide de clotûrer l'assemblée et de reporter la suite à un autre soir.

Ensuite, les homins s'étaient dispersés, discutant pour certains devant le lieu de l'assemblée.

Balder avait fini par rejoindre le bar, suivi par quelques buveurs aussi motivés que lui, vu l'heure.

Last edited by Balder (2 years ago) | Reason: correction des Emprise en "main".

#26 [fr] 

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Canillia (2 years ago)

#27 [fr] 

Last edited by Canillia (2 years ago)

#28 Multilingual 

#29 [fr] 

oren pyr Graphybus Ceros

We, the akenakos of Thesos, Dyron and Pyr, would like to open the next akenak in order to talk about certain things that we feel are important.

Two subjects are of particular interest to us: the water route and the recapture of Dyron from the Renegades, events we'd like to review with other patriots and ambassadors from other nations.

Moreover, since Legionnaire Naveruss left her ambassadorship to become an akenakos, we are still short of a fyros ambassador to the nations and Rangers. The akenak would be an ideal opportunity to appoint a new one.

We are counting on your solicitude to enable us to hold this akenak in the best possible conditions at the Imperial Palace.

sharükos pyrèküd, sharük pyrèküd!

The akenakos Azazor, Wixarika, Naveruss

Last edited by Azazor (1 year ago)


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#30 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français | Español
Agenda of the assembly of the akenak of Pyr on 23h - Dua, Folially 14, 3rd AC 2625(*)

Internal affairs:
  • The floor to the akenak, Patriots and Empire inhabitants
  • Appointment of vacancies
  • Renegades and Dyron defense
External affairs
  • The floor is given to the Ambassadors
  • Water Road

(*) [OOC] On Sunday, 1 October 2023 19:00:00 UTC (1 year ago).

Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (1 year ago)

#31 [fr] 

Balder woke up at the end of the alley, not quite sure how he'd got there. Patriots were generous these days, and the old fyros usually ended his days in a blissful unconsciousness brought on by alcohol. As for the side effects the next day, there was only one remedy worth seeking: to find someone willing to offer him a shooki.

He peeled off a sheet of paper that had stuck to his cheek thanks to... Better not to think about "glue". A few words on the paper caught his eye. "...akenakos... Politics..."

He let out a groan. This was trouble. He'd already had a hard time being forgotten during the episode with the Renegades. He was too old to be running around in sawdust. Nor was he old enough to spend hours in the cool halls of the palace, with nothing to drink to keep him going. Besides, now that Azazor was back, and there were plenty of official akenakos and patriots and all, for an akenos to disappear wouldn't be noticed for a moment.

Now that he thought about it, there was this lovely homine, back in Fairhaven, who'd offered him a taste of the local production, the stuff they dared to call "bhyr", over there. Well, it was mektoub piss, from what he'd drunk so far, but he was willing to give the brew another chance. Let's say, until the political mess had been cleared up, and so that no akenakos came to force him back to the palace. Now he was going to give a little of himself, and see if he couldn't help the friendship between peoples. He must still have that pact lying around somewhere... all he had to do was find it.

Even drunk, he wouldn't have been foolish enough to consider making the trip on foot.

#32 [fr] 

To prepare the future akenak, Azazor was looking over the minutes of the last meeting, which he had been unable to attend as he was still in the Old Lands.

Given the chill cast by his letter concerning a rapprochement with the Marauders, it would be a delicate matter for him to raise the subject again. Perhaps he should wait a little longer, or risk angering the patriots more than anything else. Already, he was going to listen to the people's opinion about the other desert tribes, and in particular the Renegades. That would be the first step.

As for the water route, Balder's detal had reported nothing on the subject, and on the rare occasions he had come across him since, he had been in such a drunken state that he was unable to remember anything. Still, he would have liked to know the patriots' initial opinion on the proposal to pass through the Naveruss Matis forest. He would have liked to see who thought it was stupid, and who he could rely on in a few days' time to ensure that such a route was never proposed again. But he would have to live with it.

Besides, she needed to find Balder to remind him of the meeting. Just to make it clear to him that he had to come, so he couldn't come up with any lame excuse to get out of it. He had signed up to be an akenos. His status allowed him to drink on the side. But he still had to assume a minimum of responsibility.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#33 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
Like a Kitin in a cage, Salazar wandered up and down in the Argo Navis Arboretum, his white, delicate fingers caressing the leaves of plants he passed by. He didn't recognise, though; he was too deep in thought. The Akenak Assembly had given him plenty of food to think about, actually, and while some of the things he saw and heard ranged from the amusing to the embarrassing, there also were two things he had to chew on a bit.

That Azazor would take the stage again, with all his ill manners, his lack of discipline, and his childish efforts at menacing his supposed enemies - that was expected. That he would turn the tide and would lead the Fyros back from the brink of civilisation into barbary had always been an opportunity. His plans to invite Marauder ambassadors were downward crazy, though. Even he could not be such a fool to imagine Akilia would not smell it out and stamp any deviants into the ground. Unless ... Well, there was, of course, the opportunity that Azazor, in his madness, had the intention to "free" the Desert from the Higher Powers. The Akenak he already had into his pocket, of course, with Ambassadors of his own choice, and Naveruss now eating out of his hand. He clearly had not a bit of respect towards the Celiakos and turned publicly against him. It might well be that he has plans taking over the Empire, for which he would need the help of the lawless, the Marauders. This had to be under observation by all nations.

Azazor's full control of the Akenak in turn made any plans to re-instal diplomacy between the Fyros and Matis obsolete. There was no point in following up that trail, and that the Assembly ended on the note that they'll wait what the Kingdom has to say was farcial at best, but not funny.

Then there were those two other things. On a simply practical note, one would be able to deal with both of them, and from that point of view Salazar didn't worry too much about either. One, of course, had to be handled with delicacy; but here he had played the cards back to the Akenak for the time being, and they would have to show their hand first. The other one - well, Ser Nilstilar was not just a Royal Ambassador, but a friend, someone Salazar actually was fond of. So he had to be found, and it had to be taken in consideration that maybe he was abducted (Azazor's Fyros, opposing the return to diplomacy? Who knows ...)

The lean Matis rushed out of the Arboretum up into his office to pick paper and a quill. He sat down and grabbed for the quill when he noted that tips of his fingers had turn violet, and he became aware that, while in thought, he had also touched some of the poisonous plants. He rubbed off the poison carelessly on a piece of cloth, and then started to write ...

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Chronicles Of Atys (1 year ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
Last visit Thursday, 12 December 21:00:58 UTC

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