

#24 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 18h - Prima, Pluvia 7, 2nd AC 2527

1 Organisation of the Taliari's assemblies
- Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly
- Possible appointment of a Taliar and Deputy Taliar

2 Internal affairs
- Preparations for Locian Wyler and Denen Toen wedding
- Reports from the local assemblies

3 External affairs
- Speachs of the Ambassadors

4 Round at the bar offered by the Tryker Federation to the participants at the Assembly

[OOC] Thursday, 2 March 2017 20:00:00 UTC (8 years ago) [/OOC]

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 years ago)

#25 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 22h - Dua, Floris 26, 2nd AC 2528

1 Organisation of the Taliari's assemblies
- Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly
- Possible appointment of a Taliar and Deputy Taliar

2 Internal affairs
- Reports from the local assemblies

3 External affairs
- Speachs of the Ambassadors

4 Round at the bar offered by the Tryker Federation to the participants at the Assembly

[OOC] Friday, 5 May 2017 19:00:00 UTC (8 years ago) [/OOC]

#26 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Taliari’s Assembly - FH on 25 Mystia CA1 2593 (2017/05/05)

Under the chairmanship of the Governor Ailan Mac’Kean


Bai Nhori Drakani

La Lune Eternelle

The Free Soul

Traders of Lake Superior

Sword of Shockwave

Cercle du Bois d’Almati
Kiwalie (Rangers’ Ambassador)

Phaedra’s Tears

Nilstilar (matis Ambassador)

The order of the Argo Navis

Les Légions Fyros

Blue Wave
Zhan (Zorai Ambassador by the matis Kingdom)

Without guild
Fleur de Tuber


Vannox, Bai Nhori Drakani superior officer, is appointed as Taliar in place of Eto.

Internal affairs

Locian et Denen Toen wedding

The participants have appreciated the magnificent scenery, which can, unfortunately for some, make you want to get married.
Dancers were much appreciated

Great tour of the bars

Ailan Mac’Kean gives the results: 17 racers.
The victorious ten: 1st Andrinop, 2nd Nizyros, 3th Louzy, 4th Carri, 5th Myeomye, 6th Mcero, 7th Eolinius, 8th Vyna, 9th Osquallo and 10th Lei

Flights on flyners

Kiwalie emphasizes the need to improve the landing.
The governor reminds that Locian Denen has arrived in the slaver’s camp. Participants have been able to free her, but the governor strongly urges the trykers to often remind the slavers the trykers’ values.

Other matters

Naveruss is asking about her gift for Locian and Denen wedding. The governor will inquire.
Nilstilar is asking about another flight on flyner. The governor reminds that flights are under the authority of the botanist Nili O’Toolyn. As flyners grow very slowly, she doesn’t want to schedule flights too often.

External affairs

Matis kingdom

Nilstilar and Salazar talk about the Karan’s project: a plant nursery will be set to create a botanical garden and a vegetal wall around Yrkanis. The matis botanist is looking for the tryker’s help for collecting typical native plants and trying to acclimatise them in the nursery.
Vannox is asking about the payment for these plants.
The governor proposes to let the Academies take care of all this, but Vannox insists on the necessity to inform the Assembly.

Fyros empire

As there is no fyros ambassador, Naveruss candidates. The governor recalls the Ambassador’s appointment is under the authority of each nation. This request must be asked to the Empire.
Naveruss then explains that the last meeting with Messedos Syagus, for the progress of the camp near Dyron, has provoked strong reactions, especially Thesos akenak dismiss.
Chanchey and Salazar wonder if the akenak reaction was a good thing.

Zorai theocraty

No news as there’s no ambassador

Other matters

Jazzy emphasizes marauders invading in FH and the guards’ inefficiency against them.
He explains that the UFA is emptied and can do nothing.
Fleur de Tuber points out that marauders are spending dappers in FH.
The governor agrees that’s it is not tolerable.
Jazzy proposes to ask for Corsair’s help for guard reinforcement and training.
Fleur de Tuber doesn’t agree because of the probable important tax from the Corsairs.
Vannox proposes to use the dappers from the plants to pay the Corsairs.
The governor promises to talk to the guard chief.

End of the Assembly

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kyriann (8 years ago)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#27 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
After reading the record of the last meeting of the Taliari held in Fairhaven, and anxious to give his Sovereign a faithful account of the said assembly, Nilstilar takes the quill.
Ad Nair'Mac'Kean, Governor, al Nair'Vannox, Taliar, be Federation be Naw Trykoth
Lordoy Governor al Taliar,

Allow me first of all to reiterate, on behalf of nya Karan, my thanks for the favorable reception you have given to the request I issued you during the last meeting of the Taliari.
A careful reading of the minutes of the meeting (excellently summarized by Nair'Kyriann), however, forces me to ask you further. It is indeed in this report that I have (finally, would she say) noticed the remarks of Taliar Nair'Vannox relating to the remuneration hoped by the Federation for the levy, by agents of the Kingdom and upon the next excusion planned by your Botanist, of specimens of the flora of Aeden Aqueous.
I therefore hereby ask you to kindly indicate the amount of the remuneration in question so that nya Karan may be completely and accurately informed by me at the meeting of the Nobles which will be soon held in Yrkanis.
In advance, grytt,

• Ba Nair'Nilstilar Thorec •
Ambassador b'Yem Lornair'Karan be Fédération be Naw Trykoth

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (8 years ago)


#28 Multilingual 

Jazzy avait donc rassemblé plusieurs éléments...
La situation était stabilisée...
Cybèle attendait son procès pacifiquement en haut de sa cellule.
Il se devait donc d'en informer le gouverneur.
Il pris alors une plume d'izam et redigea ces quelques formules officielles:
au gouverneur Ailan Mac'Kean
Nair Gouverneur,

je vous sollicite pour demander une assemblée tryker exceptionelle au cours de laquelle sera annoncé la capture de la maraudeuse Cybèle Fae, détenu dans les lacs. Nous pourrons y regler les détails de l'organisation de son procès.
Ne souhaitant plus tarder pour cause de securité lacustre, j'attends votre réponse au plus vite.

Tryka Meer Sella...

Jazzy Mac'Plantey

il enroula le parchemin et le glissa sous l'aile d'un izam blanc en lui soufflant: la fédération...


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#29 [fr] 

Jazzy reçut bientôt une réponse de la Fédération :
Nair-Jazzy Mac'Plantey,

En réponse à ta demande, la prochaine assemblée des Taliari de Fairhaven aura lieu le Quarta, Mystia 10, 3e CA 2594 (*).

Tryka, Meer, Sella,

Ailan Mac'Kean,

Gouverneur d'Aeden Aqueus

[HRP] Le Tuesday, 22 August 2017 19:00:00 UTC (8 years ago) [/HRP]


Ailan Mac'Kean
Gouvernor of Tryker Federation

#30 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 22h - Quarta, Medis 16, 4th AC 2529

1 Organisation of the Taliari's assemblies
- Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly
- Possible appointment of a Taliar and Deputy Taliar

2 Internal affairs
- Preparation of Cybèle Fae’s trial

3 External affairs

- Speechs of the Ambassadors

4 Round at the bar offered by the Tryker Federation to the participants at the Assembly

[OOC] Tuesday, 22 August 2017 19:00:00 UTC (8 years ago) [/OOC]

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)

#31 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Taliari’s Assembly - FH on Mystia 8, CA3 2594 (2017/08/22)

Under the chairmanship of the Governor Ailan Mac’Kean

Organisation of the Taliari’s assemblies

Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly

Kyriann Ba’Zephy Rie is appointed

Appointment of Taliar or Deputy Taliar

No need

Internal affairs

Organisation of the Trial of Cybele Fae

Date : Germinally 18, CA1, 2595 11 :00 (September 14th 9 :00 PM CEST)
Charges : Marauding in the guild : Le Clan de la sève noire
Prosecutor : Jazzy Mac’Plantey
Defender : The assembly decides to let Cybele Fae choose her defender
Jury :
Citizen follower of the Kamis : Zurglub
Citizen neutral : Fleur de Tuber
Citizen follower of the Karavan : Kyohei (Not present during the assembly)
The list of the witnesses must be sent to the Governor before the beginning of the trial

Reinforcement of the tryker cities guard

Arrival of the tryker federal guard

Other matters

Recall of the proceeding of a trial in the Tryker Federation.
Recall of the proceeding of the Taliari Assembly.

External affairs

Appointment of a Deputy Ambassador for the Kingdom to take two messages :
The regrets of the Federation regarding the abduction of the Viscountess, with the assurance of the beginning of the research
The official complaint regarding the aggresive doings of the House Ordre Royal against Citizens, at the gates of the cities
Kyriann Ba’Zephy Rie is appointed

Other matters

The assembly was strongly disturbed by outside events :
Abduction of the Avalae Viscountess causing an altercation between Jazzy and Reshok and a protest from Nair-Nilstilar Thorec, matis Ambassador.
Interference from the members of the Légions fyros in the proceed of the assembly

Round at the bar offered by the Tryker federation


Last edited by Kyriann (7 years ago)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#32 [fr] 

Kyriann se décide à écrire un compte rendu de son ambassade auprès des Matis à Ailan Mac’Kean. Elle espère que le Nair-Gouverneur saura faire avancer les choses ou trouvera un ambassadeur plus capable qu’elle-même pour désamorcer la situation.
Message au Nair-Gouverneur Ailan Mac’Kean

Lordoy Nair-Ailan Mac’Kean

Y me permets de vous écrire pour vous rendre compte de mon échec dans l’ambassade auprès du Karan Stevano que vous m’aviez confiée.
Autant le problème de l’enlèvement de la Vicomtesse s’est réglé de lui-même puisque Nair-Leeisnecyene est parvenue à s’échapper, autant votre plainte concernant les agissements de l’Ordre royal n’a pas été entendue.
Le Karan Stevano persiste à penser qu’il s’agit d’un problème de politique intérieure et que la Fédération n’a qu’à apprendre à faire respecter ses lois et à protéger ses citoyens et ses invités.
Y pense qu’il vous faudra un ambassadeur beaucoup expérimenté que Y si vous voulez obtenir gain de cause.

Y vous présente toutes mes excuses pour ne pas avoir été à la hauteur de cette tâche.

Votre dévouée Citoyenne
Kyriann Ba’Zephy Rie
Officier de la Guilde Bai Nhori Drakani


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#33 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
The trial of Cybele Fae is about to happen. (OOC: 2017-09-14 21:00 CEST)
Kyriann has no more time to find witnesses.
She writes this short message to the Governor.
Message to Nair-Governor Ailan Mac'Kean
Lordoy Nair Ailan Mac'Kean

Here is the final composition of the official participants to the trial of Cybele Fae.

Prosecutor: Jazzy Mac’Plantey
Defender: Mohe
Jury Citizen follower of the Kamis: Zurglub
Jury Citizen neutral: Fleur
Jury Citizen follower of the Karavan: Kyohei

Witnesses: Jyrvie, Siela

Tryka, Meer, Sella !

Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kyriann (7 years ago)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#34 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 18h - Prima, Pluvia 7, 2nd AC 2532 (2018/02/25)

1 Organisation of the Taliari's assemblies

- Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly
- Possible appointment of a Taliar and Deputy Taliar

2 Internal affairs

- Federal Market Reform
- Redesign of the UFA
- Update on the sentencing of Cybele Fae

3 External affairs

- Appointment of ambassador vacancies
- Atysian news: Speechs of the Ambassadors

4 Round at the bar offered by the Tryker Federation to the participants at the Assembly

[OOC]Sunday, 25 February 2018 20:00:00 UTC (7 years ago) [/OOC]

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (7 years ago)

#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Taliari’s Assembly - FH - Quarta Folially 16, CA2, 2597 (2018/02/25)

Under the chairmanship of the Governor Ailan Mac’Kean


Bai Nhori Drakani


La lune éternelle

Pirates of Darkmoor

Suicide Girls

The Free Soul

Fleur de Tuber

Nilstilar (matis Ambassador)

Cercle du Bois d’Almati
Zo’ro Argh

Les Légions Fyros
Naveruss (fyros Ambassador)

Rift Walker

Organisation of the Taliari’s assemblies

Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly

Kyriann is appointed.

Appointment of Taliar or Deputy Taliar

Eolinius and Kyriann are jointly accepted as deputy Taliar for Bai Nhori Drakani.
Neira's appointment is postponed until after she's sobered up.

Reminder on the Taliari’s appointment

To be appointed Taliar, you must be part of a Crya (Federal Citizen's Guild). Any member supported by the guild leader can apply.
The decision is validated in assembly by all the Taliari and Talalochi (Citizens without guild) present.

Internal affairs

Federal Market reform

Jazzy requested that the OP at the Fount Porch trade post, which he currently holds, be recognized as a Federal OP.
The Governor recalls that a federal outpost belongs to all citizen guilds, not just one. It is defended by citizen guilds without regard for the religion of each one.
Neira objects that the Federation's involvement in an OP is contrary to the Four Nations Treaty.
Chanchey understands Jazzy's intentions but would prefer that the Federation not be tied to a perpetual source of conflict.
Jazzy proposed to establish a federal market during which federal OP resources would be distributed to citizen guilds. This market would be the occasion to organize regular festivities: tournament of fighters, dice games, plays...
As an agreement could not be reached, the subject will be taken up again at the next meeting.

Redesign of the UFA

As the UFA commandant, Jazzy had to leave, the subject is postponed.

Update on the sentencing of Cybele Fae

Cybele Fae's sentence will end on Tria, Pluvia 27, 2nd CA 2600 (2018/10/10).
She has today paid her fine of 5 million dappers.

Other matters

Neira recalls that she was deputy mayor of Windermeer. With the mayor gone, she's asking to be appointed mayor. In practice, this request is accepted but subject to forthcoming elections.

External affairs

Appointment of Ambassador vacancies

Kyriann is appointed as ambassador to the zorai Theocraty.
The appointment of Neira as ambassador to the Matis Kingdom, supported by Ambassador Nilstilar, gave rise to a bitter discussion. It is proposed to be voted again after a few lessons on the protocol in force at the Karan court. On the other hand, Taliar Placio does not think sobriety is necessary.

Atysian news: Speechs of the Ambassadors

Matis kingdom

Ambassador Nilstilar, given the late hour, has nothing to add.

Fyros empire

Ambassador Naveruss had to leave.

Zorai theocraty

Kyriann recalls the Enlightenment of the Awakened Zhan-Miko.


Kyriann asks whether Nair-Governor have been informed by the Rangers of the opening of the tunnel to Silan, which the Governor confirms.

Round at the bar offered by the Tryker federation


Edited 3 times | Last edited by Kyriann (7 years ago)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#36 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 18h - Prima, Thermis 7, 3rd AC 2532 (2018/03/09)

1 Organisation of the Taliari's assemblies

- Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly
- Possible appointment of a Taliar and Deputy Taliar

2 Internal affairs

- Federal Market Reform
- Redesign of the UFA

3 External affairs

- Appointment of ambassador vacancies
- Atysian news: Speechs of the Ambassadors

4 Round at the bar offered by the Tryker Federation to the participants at the Assembly

[OOC]Friday, 9 March 2018 20:00:00 UTC (7 years ago) [/OOC]

#37 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Eolinius wipes his forehead by putting an end to his report. Since attending the assemblies, he had never seen anything like this before. More than 4 hours of discussion to get there!
For the first time as a substitute Taliar, he will remember it for a long time. He seals the report and hangs it to a express izam by saying: Governor Ailan Mac' Kean

Assembly of Taliari in Fairhaven le 16 Mystia, 2e CA 2597 (09/03/2018)

Chaired by the Governor Ailan Mac’Kean

Were present:

Alkiane  :
Nilstilar (Matis Ambassador)

Atys Guardian  :

Bai Nhori Drakani  :
Eolinius (substitute Taliar)
Kyriann (present at the end of the session)

Cercle du bois d’almati  :

The Free Soul  :
Chanchey (Taliar)

Hueter des Drachen  :

Légions Fyros  :
Naveruss (Fyros Ambassador)

Suicide Girls  :

without guild  :

Organisation of the Taliari Assemblies

Designation of rapporteur

Nair Eolinius is appointed.

current affairs

Appointment of Taliar or Taliar Substitute, filling of ambassador vacancies

Nair Neira confirms to Governor Ailan Mac'Kean that she’s still running for the title of Taliar and Tryker Ambassador to the Matis.
The Taliar Chanchey asks questions about the wooden emblem that Nair Neira proudly wears on her. She replies that it is the emblem of the black circle. Surprised, the Taliar Chanchey reminds that the black circle is the symbol of the clan behind Still Wyler's murder. Nair Neira replies that she is grateful to those who have helped her, but that she remains faithful to the Federation.
Deputy Taliar Eolinius takes the floor and asks Nair Neira, who speaks a lot about the Matis, to explain her motivations and what she thinks she will do as an ambassador to help the Federation. Nair Neira takes him high and answers freshly that anything that is good for the Matis is good for the Federation.

After several hours of sustained discussion, the vote is finally taking place.
For the title of Taliar: 1 vote for, 1 vote against
For the position of ambassador: 1 vote against, 1 vote for
No majority for the 2 positions

As Governor Ailan Mac'Kean was about to move on to another subject, Nair Neira violently goes after Governor Ailan Mac'Kean and creates an incident. Deputy Taliar Eolinius, followed by Taliar Chanchey must intervene. The Taliar Chanchey manages to control and take Nair Neira away from the assembly.

Federal Market Reform

Governor Ailan Mac'Kean, regaining a little calm, says she doesn't understand why the subject of the Federal market is causing so much upheaval. She asks the Deputy Taliar Eolinius whose Crya possess the outpost to explain the purpose of this market. Deputy Taliar Eolinius recalls that it is out of the question with this market to favour such or such guild as certain suggests, but of sharing the fruits of the OutPost with the Trykeri and other nations under the Federation's motto of equality. It will also be an opportunity to re-establish the Lakes as a commercial hub, and above all to celebrate with many attractions planned.
Ambassador Matis Nilstilar exposes his fears about this market. He stresses that nothing good comes out of the interference between guild and nation affairs. In addition, he finds that there are more important things to do than enrichment and fun.

Nair Neira’s return

Governor Ailan Mac'Kean was about to close the assembly when Taliar Chanchey and Nair Neira suddenly reappeared. Taliar Chanchey said he had changed his position and wanted to restart the vote. Nair Neira is always so vindictive. After another round of heated discussions, Governor Ailan Mac'Kean says there’s no reason to deny the title of Taliar to someone who fulfils the conditions and complies with the laws, but asks for the opinion of her Taliari.

New vote:
For the title of Taliar: 2 votes for
For the position of ambassador: 1 vote for, 1 vote against

Nair Naira is named Taliar
In spite of her nomination, Nair Neira doesn't mind, she wants the two titles or nothing at all.
Governor Ailan Mac'Kean, in his great wisdom, reminds her that she may not be missing much to become a very good ambassador, but that there is one important thing she needs to learn: to fully trust the Federation.
Nair Neira goes away furious saying she officially resigns as mayor and citizen of the Federation.

Governor Ailan Mac' Kean can finally close the meeting.


Edited 5 times | Last edited by Eolinius (7 years ago)

#38 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 18h - Prima, Floris 7, 2nd AC 2536

1 Organisation of the Taliari's assemblies

  • Appointment of the clerk for the current assembly
  • Possible appointment of a Taliar and Deputy Taliar

2 Internal affairs

  • The departure of the federal guards: what is their reason, how to secure Fairhaven again?

3 External affairs

  • Appointment of ambassador vacancies
  • Case of Zora's attack with Gooed bombs: point on the case, how to react?
  • Atysian news: Speechs of the Ambassadors

4 Round at the bar offered by the Tryker Federation to the participants at the Assembly.

Ailan Mac'Kean

 [OOC] Saturday, 1 December 2018 20:00:00 UTC (6 years ago) [/OOC]

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Drumel (6 years ago)


Ailan Mac'Kean
Gouvernor of Tryker Federation
Last visit Tuesday, 25 February 23:55:38 UTC

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