#23 Added by Placio 9 years ago
Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 15h - Prima, Nivia 7, 1st AC 2523- Placio will post the notes of this meeting at the Embassy.- Water and Beer RoadThe organizers of the caravan reported that the trade went well and thanked all the homins who helped. The Trykers plan to continue the trading as beer is well liked in the Lakes. It was mentioned that some homins attempted to block the route. There were no damages to the mektoubs so the matter was not discussed further.- Fairhaven Market & FairThe Governor asked if there was interest in another Fairhaven market. In addition to the market homins suggested the ideas of a crafting contest, drinking contest, or a meditation contest. Chenli has volunteered to help organize this market and any other festivities. The Governor suggested that the market and fair be discussed in local meetings also.- Speech of the AmbassadorsThe Ambassador of the Verdant Heights and a member of the Rangers report that they have nothing to add since the last assembly.The Governor invited all in attendance to a free round at the bar, then the meeting was closed.
Last edited by Placio (8 years ago)
#24 Added by Ghost of Atys 8 years ago
Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 years ago)
#25 Added by Ghost of Atys 8 years ago
#26 Added by Kyriann 8 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kyriann (8 years ago)
#27 Added by Nilstilar 8 years ago
Lordoy Governor al Taliar,Allow me first of all to reiterate, on behalf of nya Karan, my thanks for the favorable reception you have given to the request I issued you during the last meeting of the Taliari.A careful reading of the minutes of the meeting (excellently summarized by Nair'Kyriann), however, forces me to ask you further. It is indeed in this report that I have (finally, would she say) noticed the remarks of Taliar Nair'Vannox relating to the remuneration hoped by the Federation for the levy, by agents of the Kingdom and upon the next excusion planned by your Botanist, of specimens of the flora of Aeden Aqueous.I therefore hereby ask you to kindly indicate the amount of the remuneration in question so that nya Karan may be completely and accurately informed by me at the meeting of the Nobles which will be soon held in Yrkanis.In advance, grytt,• Ba Nair'Nilstilar Thorec •Ambassador b'Yem Lornair'Karan be Fédération be Naw Trykoth
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (8 years ago)
#28 Added by Jazzy 8 years ago
Nair Gouverneur,je vous sollicite pour demander une assemblée tryker exceptionelle au cours de laquelle sera annoncé la capture de la maraudeuse Cybèle Fae, détenu dans les lacs. Nous pourrons y regler les détails de l'organisation de son procès.Ne souhaitant plus tarder pour cause de securité lacustre, j'attends votre réponse au plus vite.Tryka Meer Sella...Jazzy Mac'Plantey
#29 Added by Ailan Mac'Kean 8 years ago
Nair-Jazzy Mac'Plantey,En réponse à ta demande, la prochaine assemblée des Taliari de Fairhaven aura lieu le Quarta, Mystia 10, 3e CA 2594 (*).Tryka, Meer, Sella,Ailan Mac'Kean,Gouverneur d'Aeden Aqueus
#30 Added by Tamarea 8 years ago
Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)
#31 Added by Kyriann 7 years ago
Last edited by Kyriann (7 years ago)
#32 Added by Kyriann 7 years ago
Lordoy Nair-Ailan Mac’KeanY me permets de vous écrire pour vous rendre compte de mon échec dans l’ambassade auprès du Karan Stevano que vous m’aviez confiée.Autant le problème de l’enlèvement de la Vicomtesse s’est réglé de lui-même puisque Nair-Leeisnecyene est parvenue à s’échapper, autant votre plainte concernant les agissements de l’Ordre royal n’a pas été entendue.Le Karan Stevano persiste à penser qu’il s’agit d’un problème de politique intérieure et que la Fédération n’a qu’à apprendre à faire respecter ses lois et à protéger ses citoyens et ses invités.Y pense qu’il vous faudra un ambassadeur beaucoup expérimenté que Y si vous voulez obtenir gain de cause.Y vous présente toutes mes excuses pour ne pas avoir été à la hauteur de cette tâche.Votre dévouée CitoyenneKyriann Ba’Zephy RieOfficier de la Guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
#33 Added by Kyriann 7 years ago
Lordoy Nair Ailan Mac'KeanHere is the final composition of the official participants to the trial of Cybele Fae.Prosecutor: Jazzy Mac’PlanteyDefender: MoheJury Citizen follower of the Kamis: ZurglubJury Citizen neutral: FleurJury Citizen follower of the Karavan: KyoheiWitnesses: Jyrvie, SielaTryka, Meer, Sella !Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kyriann (7 years ago)
#34 Added by Ghost of Atys 7 years ago
[OOC]Sunday, 25 February 2018 20:00:00 UTC (7 years ago) [/OOC]
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (7 years ago)
#35 Added by Kyriann 7 years ago
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Kyriann (7 years ago)
#36 Added by Ghost of Atys 7 years ago
[OOC]Friday, 9 March 2018 20:00:00 UTC (7 years ago) [/OOC]
#37 Added by Eolinius 7 years ago
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Eolinius (7 years ago)
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