#17 Added by Placio 9 years ago
Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)
#18 Added by Ghost of Atys 9 years ago
#19 Added by Chenli 9 years ago
#20 Added by Leeisnecyene 9 years ago
Lordoy ad Toll,Y ne puis qu'exprimer yem désapprobation concernant ba'écrit "infamant" qu'une petite personne a osé afficher ad seel'ela al ad eolas'ela be toll.Y tiens à réaffirmer qu'y ai été désigné afin d'être ba voix, bai yeux al bai oreilles b'Ysem Lornair'Karan eim seyem fédération. Y suis donc eim seyem Lori Lochi en tant que représentant de Stevano Di Zachinii, Lornair'Karan be Royaume bei Matis.En conséquence, émettre ba'idée qu'Ysem Lornair'Karan pourrait mendier pour son envoyé l’autorisation d'assister ad quoi que ce soit Syln ba insulte faite ad Detem dignité.Pour finir, al eim be souci d'apaisement, y tiens donc à préciser que lors ba seyem Assemblée, y ai simplement présenté bai lettres de créance qui font d'y ba ambassadeur accrédité b'Ysem Lornair'Karan ba Tyll ba Jena.Veuillez accepter ysem salutations al ken ba Mère sey bénisse tolldoy.• Ba Nair'Nilstilar Thorec •Ambassadeur b'Yem Lornair'Karan be fédération be Naw TrykothTraduit en conscience depuis Ba Nair'Tyll Be Jena,Tey Annair'Lééis Nécyéné,Interprète officielle auprès de l'ambassadeur b'Ysem Lornair'Karan be fédération be Naw Trykoth
Last edited by Neeis (9 years ago)
#21 Added by Placio 9 years ago
Ambassador Nilstilar:Thank you for your interest in the accuracy of federal records. I cannot find the error which is apparently offensive to you and the Kingdom, but the Federation is committed to resolving all issues of record.I am enclosing the Expedited Record Change Request Application. This modest 62 page form will help you begin the important process of requesting a change to official records. If the application is approved by the Application Review Committee it will be sent to the Record Review Committee and the 10 year period for public comment will begin. During a public comment period the applicant is required to attend yearly reviews of the application and answer all questions posed by the public, if an applicant fails to appear at a hearing the entire process must begin again with a new application. At the end of the 10 year period, a report of all the hearings must be submitted along with a 50,000 dapper processing fee. Processing and posting of changed records may take 5 years and the Record Changes Processing and Posting Committee does not guarantee the accuracy of any changes made to official records.Thank Jena this expedited process was created specifically for such important diplomatic situations as what you describe. The traditional record change requires a 30 year period for public comment! So you see the favor that has been extended with this expedited process to such important individuals as yourself.I hope we can discuss more issues in the future. You know there is always space at the Fairhaven bar for you!Tor LochiPlacio the FrippoEnclosure: ERCRA-1
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Placio (9 years ago)
#22 Added by Nilstilar 9 years ago
Nair'Placio,Let me first thank you for your post (which I have just finished reading) : the Expedited Record Change Request Application is, though lacking a tad brevity, a masterpiece in clarity and precision, to the credit of the Federation be Naw Trykoth.However, I am here to inform you that I will not fill it. You'll think maybe it's the application's processing delays that motivate my decision: it is not. Two elements were decisive:• the careful reading, assisted this time by all useful dictionaries, of the transcript of the raw record of debates that occured on Germinally 23;• the propitious reception by the substitute Taliar Chenli, editor of the offending account, of my request regarding another matter.From the first, I could measure how exaggerated, even insulting, my first reaction was. With the second, I could ascertain that some inaccuracies in the drafting of the report had nothing malicious.Therefore, Taliar Placio, Ysem Lornair'Karan Stevano Di Zacchini, on behalf of the Matis Kingdom, begs you and the Federation to please accept the apologies that, through my pen, he presents for this pitiful incident of which I am the only guilty• Ba Nair'Nilstilar Thorec •Ambassador b'Ysem Lornair'Karan be Federation be Naw Trykoth
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (9 years ago)
#23 Added by Placio 8 years ago
Agenda of the Taliari's assembly of 17h - Prima, Pluvia 25, 4th AC 2587- Placio will post the notes of this meeting at the Embassy.- Water and Beer RoadThe organizers of the caravan reported that the trade went well and thanked all the homins who helped. The Trykers plan to continue the trading as beer is well liked in the Lakes. It was mentioned that some homins attempted to block the route. There were no damages to the mektoubs so the matter was not discussed further.- Fairhaven Market & FairThe Governor asked if there was interest in another Fairhaven market. In addition to the market homins suggested the ideas of a crafting contest, drinking contest, or a meditation contest. Chenli has volunteered to help organize this market and any other festivities. The Governor suggested that the market and fair be discussed in local meetings also.- Speech of the AmbassadorsThe Ambassador of the Verdant Heights and a member of the Rangers report that they have nothing to add since the last assembly.The Governor invited all in attendance to a free round at the bar, then the meeting was closed.
Last edited by Placio (8 years ago)
#24 Added by Ghost of Atys 8 years ago
Last edited by Ghost of Atys (8 years ago)
#25 Added by Ghost of Atys 8 years ago
#26 Added by Kyriann 8 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kyriann (8 years ago)
#27 Added by Nilstilar 8 years ago
Lordoy Gouverneur al Taliar,Permettez-moi d'abord de vous réitérer, au nom de nya Karan, mes remerciements pour l'accueil favorable que vous avez bien voulu réserver à la requête que je vous transmettais lors de la dernière assemblée des Taliari.La lecture attentive du compte-rendu de ladite assemblée (excellement ramassé sous la plume de Nair'Kyriann) me contraint toutefois à vous solliciter plus avant. C'est en effet dans ce compte-rendu que j'ai (enfin, dira-t-elle) relevé les remarques de Taliar Nair'Vannox concernant la rémunération espérée par la Fédération pour le prélèvement, par les agents du Royaume et à l'occasion de la prochaine excusion projetée par votre Botaniste, de spécimens de la flore d'Aeden Aqueous.C'est pourquoi je viens par la présente vous demander de bien vouloir m'indiquer le montant de la rémunération en question afin que nya Karan puisse être complètement et précisément informé par mes soins lors de l'assemblée des Nobles qui se tiendra bientôt à Yrkanis.D'avance, grytt,• Ba Nair'Nilstilar Thorec •Ambassadeur b'Yem Lornair'Karan be Fédération be Naw Trykoth
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (8 years ago)
#28 Added by Jazzy 7 years ago
Nair Gouverneur,je vous sollicite pour demander une assemblée tryker exceptionelle au cours de laquelle sera annoncé la capture de la maraudeuse Cybèle Fae, détenu dans les lacs. Nous pourrons y regler les détails de l'organisation de son procès.Ne souhaitant plus tarder pour cause de securité lacustre, j'attends votre réponse au plus vite.Tryka Meer Sella...Jazzy Mac'Plantey
#29 Added by Ailan Mac'Kean 7 years ago
Nair-Jazzy Mac'Plantey,En réponse à ta demande, la prochaine assemblée des Taliari de Fairhaven aura lieu le Quarta, Mystia 10, 3e CA 2594 (*).Tryka, Meer, Sella,Ailan Mac'Kean,Gouverneur d'Aeden Aqueus
#30 Added by Tamarea 7 years ago
Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)
#31 Added by Kyriann 7 years ago
Last edited by Kyriann (7 years ago)
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