

#65 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Français] | English
La Chambre des Nobles du Sommet Verdoyant s’est réunie au Palais Royal d’Yrkanis le 8h - Holeth, Pluvia 24, 3rd AC 2623*, sous la direction de Son Altesse Royale Aniro-Karin.

Étaient présents :
Filira Copal, Scribe Royal et Ambassadeur du Royaume
Filira Salazar, Historien Royal
Filira Tapco
Filirae Ayala

Ser Nilstilar, Ambassadeur du Royaume
Ser Kessler, sujet du Royaume
Ser Leytoo, sujet du Royaume
Ser Lorgilo, sujet du Royaume
Ser Vauban, sujet du Royaume
Serae Belauren, sujette du Royaume
Serae Faere, sujette du Royaume
Serae Fryz, sujette du Royaume
Serae Liosta, sujette du Royaume

Ser Zorroargh et Serae Lylanea, observateurs des Rangers**

Aniro-Karin a ouvert la session par la traditionnelle prière à Jena.

Les Maisons présentes ont ensuite partagé leur actualité.
Serae Liosta s’attache à continuer à faire vivre la Firme, le temps d’atteindre la maîtrise en soin. Elle pourra ensuite espérer refaire vivre la Firme avec de nouveaux arrivants.
Ser Kessler a parlé pour l’Ordre Alkian, qui continue de faire rayonner la culture matisse par l’intermédiaire du cours de matéis donné par Ser Vauban. Ils étudient également les nouveaux spécimens rares dont on peut trouver les ossements un peu partout.
Filira Copal a repris les commandes des Gardiens du Savoir et espère être bientôt en mesure d’apporter une contribution plus active sur le terrain.
Ser Nilstilar a évoqué brièvement la situation, inchangée, de l’Order of the Argo Navis. Il a également indiqué, pour sa part, rester au service de l’Alliance Karavanière.
Enfin Serae Fryz a introduit la maison Krom, qui contribue activement à la sécurité du Royaume, et son discours a été complété par Ser Leytoo, son chef, qui a précisé que cette maison récente était composée de combattants et d’artisans.

La parole a ensuite été donnée aux ambasadeurs.
Ser Nilstilar a évoqué brièvement la route de l’Eau, projet conçu conjointement par la Fédération et l’Empire, et qui a fait l’objet de débats plus poussés plus tard dans la Chambre.

Filira Copal a rapporté les hallucinations provoquées sur un groupe d’homins non préparés, par un gaz relâché accidentellement par un membre de la tribu des Illuminés. Il ne semble pas y avoir de danger immédiat pour d’autres homins, la Théocratie ayant fermement interdit à la tribu de distribuer ces produits, mais une surveillance semble indispensable pour éviter que ce gaz soit utilisé comme arme dans un avenir plus ou moins proche.

En l’absence prolongée de Serae Zendae, et faute de postulant, Ser Nilstilar a été nommé ambassadeur auprès des Rangers par interim.
Ser Zorroargh, observateur des Rangers de longue date, cède son rôle à Serae Lylanea. Celle-ci a évoqué brièvement le Dard Noir trouvé auprès de la défunte Guide Orphie Dradius, et mentionnée que la contamination observée sur celui-ci était beaucoup plus agressive et corrosive que la goo. Elle craint des dégâts important si cette contamination se propage, bien qu’aucune trace n’en ait été trouvée. Serae Lylanea s’est engagée à faire parvenir toute nouvelle information que les Rangers découvriraient sur ce sujet.

Pour finir, le sujet de la Route de l’Eau que certains semblent vouloir faire passer à travers le Royaume a fait l’objet d’échanges nourris. Aucune demande officielle n’est parvenue au Royaume, mais Aniro-Karin s’attend à ce qu’une ambassade des Rangers adresse le sujet prochainement, et il a donc consulté la Chambre préventivement.

Le reste de la séance s’est tenu à huis-clos.

Retranscrit pour les Archives d’Yrkanis le Quinteth, Fallenor 17, 4ème CA 2623.

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Scribe Royal

* le 21 mai 2023
** J'ai essayé de classer par rang : Nobles, sujets avec un rôle particulier, sujets, non sujets. Comme toujours, si je me suis trompé, n'hésitez pas à me le signaler par mail IG.

#66 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Español | Français

The Chambers of the Nobles will gather in the Royal Palace on 8h - Holeth, Nivia 24, 3rd AC 2625*.

Social organisation, tradition
  • News from the Royal House
  • News from Matis Houses

Politics & diplomacy
  • Report on last Water Road**
  • Floor to the Ambassadors

--- Behind closed doors.---
Politics & diplomacy
  • Consequences of the Water Road and next steps
  • Consequences of last akenak assembly***

Domestic policy
  • Investigation among Royal Embalmers

This assembly, as for all the Nobles Assemblies, is not public. It's open only to the Matis Nobles and Matis Vassals. Ambassadors from the other nations and guests are allowed during the first part only.

* [OOC] Sunday, 15 October 2023 19:00:00 UTC (1 year ago). [/OOC]
** https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/32677/2 08743#208743
*** https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/21609/3 3#33

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (1 year ago)

#67 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on 8h - Dua, Winderly 14, 4th AC 2625*, and was lead by His Majesty Stevano-Karan.

Were attending:
Filira Copal, Royal Scribe and Ambassador of the Kingdom
Filira Salazar, Royal Historian
Filirae Canillia

Ser Valdini, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Liosta, vassal of the Kingdom

Serae Yokao, ambassador for the Theocracy**

The beginning of the Chamber was delayed by several homins who didn’t know about protocol and had no business being there.

Stevano-Karan then opened the session with the traditional prayer to Jena.

He then gave news of the Royal Family.
The Karae and the Karaedin are preparing the next Court of the Karae.
Karin Aniro devotes himself to his duties. Mainly the High Council.
Karin Manalitch is following is brother’s example at the High Council.

The Houses present then reported their current affairs.
Filirae Canillia mentionned that she and her Selsim are the only usual representatives of the Alkiane Order.
Filira Salazar and Filira Copal are also the only representatives of their Houses, respectively the Order of the Argo Navis and the Gardiens du Savoir.
Serae Liosta, although the Firm is also very quiet, has achieved mastery in healing and will work on a reinforcement of her House's craftsmen. At the same time, she is putting all her energy into helping the Karae and the Karaedin.
Ser Valdini reported a few commercial setbacks, not serious but nonetheless taking up his House's time and energy.
Finally, serae Liosta shared the apologies of House Cara Via, which was unable to send a representative to the Chamber.

The floor was then given to the ambassadors.
Serae Yokao Zhuangi introduced herself as the new ambassador of the Witherings. She reported no events of importance in the Theocracy that might be of interest to the Kingdom, other than the explosion of the amber cube containing a piece of the sting found near former Ranger Guide Orphie Dradius. The piece of sting seems to have been destroyed in the explosion.
Filira Copal confirmed the ambassador's report, pointing out that the Circles Assembly had included only a few Initiates and Awakened. On the subject of the sting, he asked for the results of the analysis to be carried out by the Dynastic Gardener on the fragments taken from the site of the explosion.

Ser Nilstilar was absent and unable to report on activity in the Lakes.

Stevano-Karan recalled that any noble or ambassador present at an assembly could represent the Kingdom if necessary.

With no other ambassadors present, the next topic was the Water Road.
Filira Copal reported on the relatively smooth running of the Road, with no outbursts during the crossing of the Kingdom. Nevertheless, the Trykers seemed offended by the Fyros' manners, whether in negotiations to define the route or in the payment of expected compensation.

The rest of the meeting was held behind closed doors.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Quinteth, Fallenor 11, 4tht AC 2625.

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe

* on October, 16th 2023.
** As usual, please let me know by IG mail if I’ve been mistaken regarding the attendees or their titles.

#68 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Español | Français

The Chambers of the Nobles will gather in the Royal Palace on 4h - Prima, Germinally 25, 3rd AC 2627*.

Social organisation, tradition
  • News from the Royal House
  • News from Matis Houses

Politics & diplomacy
  • Floor to the Ambassadors

--- Behind closed doors.---
Domestic policy
  • Development plan for Matis crafts

This assembly, as for all the Nobles Assemblies, is not public. It's open only to the Matis Nobles and Matis Vassals. Ambassadors from the other nations and guests are allowed during the first part only.

* [OOC] Wednesday, 21 February 2024 20:00:00 UTC (10 months ago). [/OOC]

#69 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
The Nobles Chamber of the Verdant Heights has gathered in the Royal Palace of Yrkanis, on 4h - Prima, Germinally 25, 3rd AC 2627*, and was lead by His Majesty Stevano-Karan , and in the presence of Filira Zagabranth, member of the High-Council.

Were attending:
Filira Copal, Royal Scribe and Ambassador of the Kingdom
Filira Salazar, Royal Historian
Filira Zakkk, Noble of the Kingdom

Ser Nilstilar, vassal of the Kingdom
Ser Cionae, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Canillia, vassal of the Kingdom
Serae Shepeng, vassal of the Kingdom

Ser Fleurdetuber, ambassador for the Federation
Ser Ulymorus, ambassador for the Empire
Ser Zorroargh, representative for the Rangers**

Stevano-Karan opened the session with the traditional prayer to Jena.

The Houses present then reported their current affairs.
La Firme was represented by Filira Zakkk and Serae Shepeng but reported no news.
Serae Canillia reported that she had been reintegrated into the Alkiane order by Filirae Aylia, but that the last one had disappeared again.
Ser Cionae presented his new house, Les Fervents de Jena, and pledged to strive for excellence.
Filira Salazar had no news from the Order of the Argo Navis.
Finally, Filira Copal is working on acquiring the skills needed to fulfill his role as leader of Les Gardiens du Savoir.

Stevano-Karan then gave news of the Royal Family.
The Karae has held her Court recently and continues to work with the Karaedin on Matis culture.
Karin Aniro is busy with an investigation.
And Karin Manalitch is continuing his training as his brother's future advisor.

The floor was then given to the ambassadors.
Ser Fleurdetuber reported that the Lakes had just suffered an attack by white kitins near Fairhaven. He also deplored the proliferation of maraudeur drills.

Ser Ulymorus also reported attacks by white kitins in the Desert, but claimed alternativela that the Empire was helped in its defense by marauders and ploderos.

Ser Zorroargh explained that he was replacing the official representative for the Rangers, and that they were in the midst of reorganization following the death, retirement or disappearance of many of their leaders.

Finally, Filira Copal completed the tour of Atys with the Withrings, where nothing noteworthy is happening.

The rest of the meeting was held behind closed doors.

Written down for Yrkanis’ Archives on Prima, Frutor 25, 3rd CA 2627.

Stevano Aiye !
Matis Aiye !
Jena Aiye !

Copal Frerini
Royal Scribe

* on February, 21st 2024.
** As usual, please let me know by IG mail if I’ve been mistaken regarding the attendees or their titles.

#70 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Español | Français

The Chambers of the Nobles will gather in the Royal Palace on 4h - Tria, Harvestor 15, 2nd AC 2631*.

Social organisation, tradition
  • News from the Royal House
  • News from Matis Houses

Politics & diplomacy
  • Floor to the Ambassadors

--- Behind closed doors.---
Domestic policy
  • Update on spying rumours and Filira Zagabranth's investigation

This assembly, as for all the Nobles Assemblies, is not public. It's open only to the Matis Nobles and Matis Vassals. Ambassadors from the other nations and guests are allowed during the first part only.

* [OOC] Sunday, 24 November 2024 20:00:00 UTC (1 month ago). [/OOC]
Last visit Thursday, 2 January 14:13:50 UTC

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