

#31 [fr] 

juste un point d'info sur l'action de Nizyros:

il s'est connecter tout les soirs pendant une semaine, mais n'a pas bougé de la terrasse qui lui avait été attribuée comme prison.
on pouvait le visiter et l'UFA faisait des rondes régulières.

Avec ma guilde nous l'avons visité afin de nous assuré que tout allait bien, mais il dormait avec sa peluche de yubo cadeau de sa fille (un maraud avec une peluche....)

(comme quoi même les marauds peuvent aimer leurs enfants....)

(oui je sais cela rappelle une chanson....)

le marionnettiste de Peatpom

Last edited by Aelyne (1 decade ago)

#32 [en] 

sounds to me like they were hoping that niz would just quit playing ryzom after this RP, after all that's what they expect from what i'm reading now.

Nothing say "Nizyros must stop playing, because homin must kill his toon". Question his about sacrifice who people accept to play, and the necessity of agreement, and find a good reason roleplay to explain choice. If player of Nizyros says "I want a beautiful end for my toon", other players create event for that. but here, event his for explain (with rp and not only gameply) why Nizyros quit marauder and return in lake. Player of Nizyros made the elegant choice to stay "prisonner" and have a lawsuit, and, in according with his rp choice, stay during 10 evening in a "prison" (tower of fairhaven). Discussion is about this gameplay constraint. Most roleplayer says that the importance is "agree, with people, with lore, with personnal history" and "don't force people to a roleplay (and so, a gameplay)". Not all, but almost all.
it's high time that the hardcore RP community stop trying to tell everyone how to play, tell yourself how to play, and leave everyone else alone, time to go back to grade school and "do unto others as you would have done unto you".

Sorry to discuss. But, if you have less trust in your translator, you see that rolist don't say "that is the rule, unbelievers will be punished". It's only a exchange about choice. Maybe one or two hardcore rolist in the discussion, other are sweet and pacific rolists.
get over the damn RP, if all you want is RP, go play D&D, there's way more to ryzom then just RP.
Sorry, I prefer ryzom for rp : better universe, more people, more interaction. We don't say to you how play, so please, don't say how we must play.

It's just a game. And game is better when all people know the same rule. By nature, rules of rp is continually moving. So, discussion between rolist is important to play together.

[FR] Désolé pour le blabla en anglais, ça n'ajoute rien à la discussion, mais j'en ai marre de lire des réactions à des propos déformées par les traducteurs automatiques, donc j'inflige mon anglais de primaire, na !


Plus d'histoires ici.

#33 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)
sounds to me like they were hoping that niz would just quit playing ryzom after this RP, after all that's what they expect from what i'm reading now.

i recently did a little rp event where myself and ros were taking hostage by the mara, and if the ransom wasn't paid we were to be killed, rescue was not a option due to the magic that bound us. no one paid the ransom, after sitting in the mara camp for 10 days restricted from all gameplay we were killed, that doesn't mean that i'm not going to play ryzom because of it. if someone wants a RP reason, it's because "Ma-Duk would not allow us to truely die, and simply brought us back to life at one of the many focus points of "life magic" found on atys."

it's high time that the hardcore RP community stop trying to tell everyone how to play, tell yourself how to play, and leave everyone else alone, time to go back to grade school and "do unto others as you would have done unto you".

bottom line, let's all grow the hell up and start acting like adults, RYZOM is a game, RP is a person's personal style. there is no right or wrong way to RP ryzom, all RP should be is something for players to do. the dev's sure don't use the roleplay to enrich the game (see upper brances) as they have claimed, save for a few choice RP actions that have been done, which only seam to favor a fraction of the players.

get over the damn RP, if all you want is RP, go play D&D, there's way more to ryzom then just RP.

In my opinion, this is a bad reaction to have. Why being so aggressive ? Roleplay is a huge strengh for Ryzom, and "anti-roleplay" ruined my roleplay work so many times I can't even count it. But I've stopped bein aggressive, it's the only way if you want to be listened. That's acting like adults.


Thols Bevhus, bavùchos èr orkolum
Archéologue novice de la Confrérie du Grand Dragon

-- neyùch zel atalùn talash --

#34 [en] 

perhaps i was a little harsh, my reading what that niz was expected to stay in prison for the rest of time in total. the discussion didn't say there was a time limit he would be in prison. i can totally respect him living up to the agreement to stay in prision for x days rl, that is honorable roleplay in my eyes. (sticking to the plan is always good, as i've also done myself)

i know a few of the "role'ers" that do it when it's called for, but i took the thread to be about those that expect 100% RP all the time. i can respect the one's that want to do rp all the time, so long as the rp they do doesn't affect the gp of other players, or cause those players to try to pressure other's to do the same.

ryzom does offer us all the chance to do things both gp and rp, and while my personal rp is rarely done by my actual toon in game (my rp is more story based and is intended to offer paths to potential content additions) i do from time to time engage in actual rp of my toon.

my main goal in ryzom as a player is to try to find ways to do things that anyone can join in (i don't let rp prevent who i play with and what we do together). i have seen some players object to mixed teams of kami, karavan, and mara training skills, claiming that it's helping the "enemy". while from a devoted rp angle i can see their point, i like to counter with this: when i go to an OP war, i want to have fun playing on my side, to do so i need people on the other side that are equally skilled in some respects. so when i team with another group to grind a skill it's because we all want to reach master in skills, and when the time comes use them to kill each other, for the enjoyment of the gameplay. if that's wrong, why should we have any factions at all, we should all be neutral and just have free-for-alls.

anyway i don't want to rant, i did get aggressive, but in the past i've felt that was also being directed towards me as well. this was not the first post i replied on today, and it's possible that i was already unhappy with things previous to getting to this post, and that had tainted all of my posts following that. now perhaps i have cooled down and thought a little more clearly.


Remickla (atys)
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#35 [fr] 

J'aurai pu tp aller pex avec mes potes aller la ou bon me semble ... mais pour moi cela aurais ete en incoherence avec le jeu (l'event) que j'ai décidé de jouer .

Ensuite j'aimerai faire part de ceci. Ryzom ne ressemble a rien au monde dans lequelle nous vivons. (je parle de la planete terre)

Donc certe j'ai fait des truc qui pour un humain serais abominable... mais la on est dans un jeu. Dans certain jeu j'aurai ete récompenser et pas juger lol ^^ bref ce que je veux dire c'est que le rp donne accès a toute notre imagination. et de se fait "tuer ou emprisonné" un avatar a vie serais totalement stupide, car nous avons l'imagination pour justement trouver un moyen une raison rp qui ferais continuer le shmilblik ^^

Donc techniquement rien ne nous empeche sauf que bon je le redis les lois et les regle de la terre ne s'applique pas a ryry ^^ meme si tu a fait les pire action sur ryry jamais on pourra emprisonné quelqu'un a vie de facon rp ou meme tuer.

Voila ce que j'en pense^^


#36 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)

get over the damn RP, if all you want is RP, go play D&D, there's way more to ryzom then just RP.

Ever had a 10+ hours dungeon crawl with some crazy GM on D&D ?
Not sure it would please people who want to roleplay on Ryzom :-p

#37 [en] 

sorry i meant that way out of it's context, i do rp work as well, i didn't mean it as though i think roleplay is bad. i mean that using roleplay as an excuse to not be as utopian as possible when not involved in structured roleplay/gameplay (outposts and super nodes, or other structured official events).

i just think that sometimes some rp get's made into the game right away, and others can't even get an opinion on one, even when the poll is in favor of it. (for many years)


Remickla (atys)
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