

#43 [fr] 

Suboxide (atys)
Thats how it was explained to us  by the akilla on aristople (no idea how the aniro akilla spoke since my guess it was totally different seeing how you react)

that's the real problem today with anim... find a consistency between the 3 community RP (or lore)
i think it's study by GM in progress

I 'm so sorry to have polluted the post born in Roleplay section! really sorry!
an admin to move my explications in other post eventually?


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#44 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Deutsch] | English | Français
[OOC] Liebe Spielerinnen und Spieler,

Das Eventteam sieht sich gezwungen, im unten geschilderten Fall einzuschreiten und an gewisse grundlegende Tatsachen zu erinnern:

Bedeutung des gegenseitigen Respekts
Spieler, die Rollenspiel betreiben und solche, die OOC spielen, teilen sich den gleichen Server. Gewiss ist ihre Art, an das Spiel heranzugehen, verschieden; aber sie ist nicht unvereinbar, wenn jeder dazu Anstrengungen unternimmt. Wenn sich ein Problem ergibt, und ihr in ernsthafter gemeinsamer Diskussion keine Lösung finden könnt, dann raten wir euch, euch an einen Vermittler zu wenden. Im vorliegenden Falle könnte zunächst das Eventteam angerufen werden, da es sich um ein im Umfeld des Rollenspiels entstandenes Problem handelt.

Was ist ein Rollenspiel-Event?
Es handelt sich um ein Event, in dem die Spieler die Rolle ihres Spielcharakters spielen, im Zusammenhang mit seiner Geschichte und unter Respektierung der Lore von Ryzom. Bei dieser Art von Event dürfen Freundschaften zwischen den (RL-)Spielern keine Bedeutung haben: es ist die Geschichte der Spielcharaktere, die deren Verhalten diktiert.

Was ist ein OOC-Event?
Das ist ein Event, das weder in den geschichtlichen Zusammenhang der Lore von Ryzom eingebettet ist, noch von den Spielcharakteren gelebt wird. Ein OOC-Event ist in erster Linie ein Moment des Zusammenlebens, an dem alle teilnehmen können, die es wünschen, ohne ein anderes Ziel, als sich gemeinsam zu vergnügen. Bei einem solchen Event zählen die Geschichte des Spiels und die Lebensgeschichte der Spielercharaktere nicht, sondern nur das Gemeinschaftserlebnis des Events.

In OOC-Weise in ein Rollenspiel-Event einzugreifen, ist genauso respektlos, wie den (mangelnden) rollenspielerischen Sinn eines OOC-Events zu verdammen.

Was ist eine Versammlung und wie weit tragen ihre Entscheidungen?
Jede Nation ist vertreten durch Versammlungen, die durch die Spieler konstituiert und durch ein Mitglied des Eventteams geleitet werden. Diese Versammlungen treffen sich regelmäßig und können auf ihrem Gebiet "Gesetze" beschließen; solche "Gesetze" werden häufig von Spielern vorgeschlagen und müssen durch das die Versammlung leitende ET-Mitglied (das sich damit an das Eventteam wendet) bestätigt werden, was eine Sicherheitsmaßnahme zur Sicherstellung der Übereinstimmung mit der Lore darstellt. Eine Versammlung ist ein Rollenspiel-Event, ihre "Gesetze" haben lediglich Geltung im Rahmen des Rollenspiels.

Was sagt uns die Lore über die Marodeure?
Während des Ersten Großen Schwarms (lange vor der Geburt unserer Spielcharaktere) konnte ein großer Teil der Homins mit Unterstützung der Mächte aus den Alten Landen fliehen und die Nationen in den Neuen Territorien wiederbegründen. Die Homins, die sich in den Alten Landen blockiert fanden, überlebten unter schwierigen Bedingungen inmitten der Kitins. Ein Homin namens Melkiar hat sie unter dem Namen "Marodeure" geeint; für Melkiar und die Seinen haben die Mächte und die Homins der Neuen Länder sie verraten und den Kitins ausgeliefert. Deshalb sind sie begierig auf Rache und Vergeltung. 
Die Marodeure der Alten Lande haben in den Neuen Ländern Homins rekrutiert, die voller Zorn waren, und sie indoktriniert, ihren Plänen zu dienen. Unter den neuen Marodeuren kann man Idealisten finden, die die Ausführungen von Melkiar wirklich glauben, aber auch Opportunisten, die von seiner Macht und Technologie profitieren wollen, ebenso wie Ausgestoßene der Nationen, die so dem Gefängnis entgangen sind und ihren kriegerischen Antrieben freien Lauf lassen können. ( http://app.ryzom.com/app_lore/index.php?page=/projects/pubde/wiki /L_Marodeur_Zivilisation )

In ihrem Rollenspiel sind Marodeure nicht freundlich, vielmehr die Bösewichter der Geschichte, die Agitatoren, die Kriminellen. Es ist möglich, dass unter den Marodeuren einige Zweifel hegen, einen anderen Standpunkt einnehmen; aber in den Nationen werden die Marodeure als schlechte Homins und Banditen betrachtet, die unwillkommen sind und die man mit Waffengewalt zu jagen sucht, wenn sie auftauchen.

Das wird auch durch das Gameplay unterstützt, das von jedem Marodeur fordert, um bei allen Nationen und Religionen verhasst zu sein (sehr negative Ruhmstufe), erst sechs Homins zu ermorden, ehe er seinen Ritus ablegen und als Marodeur der Neuen Länder akzeptiert werden kann.

Marodeure und der Tryker-Markt
In diesem Zusammenhang des Rollenspiels ist es legitim, logisch und folgerichtig, wenn eine Nation (hier die Nation der Tryker) Gesetze beschließt, nach denen die Marodeure auf ihrem Gebiet unerwünscht sind, und wenn sie auf dem Markt (einem Rollenspiel-Event) erscheinen, sie angegriffen werden.
In diesem Rollenspielkontext ist ebenso legitim, logisch und folgerichtig, dass sich die Marodeure um die Gesetze eines Landes nicht kümmern, sie nicht anerkennen und übertreten.
Konsequenterweise, wenn Marodeure trotz des Verbots auf dem Markt erscheinen, ist es normal, dass die Wachen versuchen, sie zu verjagen und zu töten, und dass die Händler sich weigern, ihnen etwas zu verkaufen (oder ihre Waren mit ihrem Leben verteidigen ..).

Konkret gibt es nichts im Gameplay, das es den Spielern der Marodeure verbieten würde, auf dem Markt zu erscheinen; es muss dann von allen Spielern verlangt werden, die Rollenspielseite des Events zu respektieren, und nicht mittels des PvP zu stören oder zu belästigen (es ist hingegen möglich, einige Wortwechsel zu vollführen, sich ein wenig zu schlagen, und dann zurückzuziehen).

Und das Recht, zu spielen, wie man will und wo man will?
Auch hier wieder ist alles eine Frage des Respekts. Die Freiheit der einen endet an der Grenze der Freiheit der anderen. Die Marodeurspieler haben das Recht, an einem Markt teilzunehmen, sei es aus Gründen des Rollenspiels oder des Gameplays. Soweit es sich um kurze Überfälle auf den Markt durch die Marodeure und Maßnahmen zu deren Abwehr handelt, ist das logisch; aber wenn der Kampf sich auf den OOC-Bereich ausdehnt und zu einer allgemeinen verbalen Schlacht zwischen Spielern wird, mit der Drohung, Spieler deshalb von künftigen OOC-Events auszuschließen, ist es nicht akzeptabel. Das wäre der Beginn einer endlosen Eskalation und schädlich für alle.
Warum nicht, beispielsweise, am "Schwarzmarkt" teilnehmen, der vom Selbstverständnis OOC und offen für alle ist? Oder ein Event "Mister Marodeur" auszurichten, das per se Teilnehmer ausschließt, die nicht Marodeure sind? 

Was tun, wenn der Konflikt sich nicht beruhigt?
Wenn dennoch die Dinge fehlgehen, ist das CSR-Team dazu da, zu beraten und für die Einhaltung der Regeln der Höflichkeit zu sorgen. Gegebenenfalls müssen dann Maßregeln von der Verwarnung bis hin zum endgültigen Bann, abhängig von Verhalten und Vorgeschichte der Betreffenden, ergriffen werden.
In-Game Verhaltensregeln

1. Belästigung jeglicher Art sind verboten.
2. Sie dürfen andere Spieler nicht behindern.
3. Sie müssen respektvoll gegenüber anderen Spielern und dem Kundendienst sein.
6. Sie dürfen nicht unter dem Deckmantel des Rollenspiels gegen die Verhaltensregeln verstoßen.

Wir hoffen, dass diese Klarstellungen hilfreich waren.

Und vergesst nicht, dass Ryzom ein Spiel ist! [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#45 Multilingual 

Grytt :)

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Aelyne (10 years ago)

#46 [en] 

Tamarea (atys)
[OOC]  That is why they are eager for revenge and vengeance.

The Marauders from the Old Lands have recruited angry homins in the New Lands and have indoctrinated them to serve their plans. Among these new Marauders, one can not only find idealists who really believe in Melkiar words, but also opportunists who seek to take advantage of their power and their technology. They also harbor in their midst people who are researched by the law, therefore avoiding prison and having a way to give free rein to their violent impulses.( [u]http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_Marauder_Civilizat ion[/u]
http://app.ryzom.com/app_lore/index.php?page=/projects/puben/wiki /L_Marauder ) [/OOC]
the link only says this about their aggression: Marauders of the Old Lands vehemently reject both the Kamis and the Karavan and will fight those who support either religion

it does not say this:
Tamarea (atys)
[OOC] Roleplaywise, the Marauders of the New Lands are not nice guys but, on the contrary, are the villains of the story, agitators, and criminals. It is possible that amongst the Marauders, some have expressed doubts and have a different point of view, but the Marauders are seen by the homins of the Nations as villains. They are bandits who are unwelcome who will be chased with pikes when they are identified. [/OOC]

Aris maurauders did not wait in the pvp zones of Prime Roots to kill homins, they were not massively villains of the story, agitators, and criminals

I am concerned that this hatred of them in role play clashes with the way they were seen on Aris server


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)


[OOC] Several posts have been moved towards a new topic. [/OOC]
[HRP] Certains posts ont été déplacés vers un nouveau sujet.[/HRP]



Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#48 [en] 

Tamarea thank you for your post however I personally feel that it was written with a complete bias towards roleplayers. Firstly I would like to quote you twice:

1. [FH] market (a RP event)

2. A non-RP event is above all a good time shared by all players who want nothing but to have fun together. During such an event, the game's story and the experiences of the characters are of no importance. Only the feel of the moment matters.

These two statements are complete utter contradictions, at the very least in reference to the FHF experienced on Ari. You talk of respect but where was the respect offered to the players who were on Ari when the Tryker RPers hijacked the FHF, twisted it into a RP event and solely excluded the marauders from it.

I will add a third quote which I feel will sum up my thoughts on the situation at hand, and reflects many others as well:

3. [It is] disrespectful [to] roleplay at a non-roleplay event.

I don't think I need to mention the particular CoC you have quoted and the thought that what some players have done could be considered against it...


I have spoken to many Ari players and even ones who don't usually agree with me all the time and many have backed up exactly what I believe; That the FH fair on ari was not a RP event, instead it was an event for the server. In fact, let me quote a friend:

"FHF is not in my mind a Tryker event, but an Atysian event put on by the Trykers. That being the case, all homins should be welcome. In addition is is an event with a very LOW RP factor".


Your own personal take on marauders is far too outdated. Many old players roleplayed as such and where are they now? They all left. Instead, Syndicate has now attempted to revitalise the Marauder faction, many players even leaving their own faction, their lovely hard fought and won q250 OPs and sadly some friends as well. This was, for me at least, a huge sacrifice. One that I took upon myself to make for the better of the game.

The marauders currently have, as I am sure you are aware, no meetings, no events, no missions and certainly no RP made for us. I understand this is supposed to come, but that was several months ago. Instead everything we do, we make up ourselves. Any other events that are made can be considered a little treat for us, something we can do without having to put any effort into creating it. So I am sure you can imagine my reaction when I read that I will not be allowed into the FHF, a server-wide non-roleplay event. The most RP that has actually ever been brought to an Ari FHF was a little speech I once made about tryker freedom, it lasted less than 2 minutes and that was about it.

There are little events as it is these days- do we really need to start excluding people from it? I know many of the higher-powers that be are set on removing the marauders from the game and I can only imagine their delight when CSN left but the marauders bring a much needed third point of the triangle to OP wars. This game, despite much outspoken hate against PVP, would be dead without it.

I do not roleplay much, but when I do it is nothing like how CSN used to roleplay. Think about what we have seen recently- the Karas and Marauders fighting together at an OP battle. The game has changed and the roleplay adapts.

I won't delve much into the roleplay that I personally follow but it can be found here as are several links below it. Just have a thought for a second, I was in another faction first, like many other marauders, am I just meant to suddenly start roleplaying that I was left behind in another land and hate the people who deserted me? Sounds stupid to me.


To expand on my views of a "nation", one which no one has actually even attempted to properly speak against even though choosing to openly dismiss it. The marauders are an organisation, we are NOT a nation. We are actually, a multi-national organization. Although we may not like the governments that run those particular nations we are still bound to the nations through many particular ties. If you disagree feel free to state reasons why, but stop dismissing this without actually thinking about it.




Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#49 [fr] 

Virg (atys)
where was the respect offered to the players who were on Ari when the Tryker RPers hijacked the FHF,

where was the respect offered to tryker RPers when the players who where on Ari hijacked the FHF (rp for animo)?
Virg (atys)
FHF is not in my mind a Tryker event, but an Atysian event put on by the Trykers. That being the case, all homins should be welcome. In addition is is an event with a very LOW RP factor".

it was for you may be! not for aniro players! that's why we are very surprise of the reaction...
we can find a solution no? for both side of game? RP and OOC?

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jazzy (10 years ago)


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#50 [en] 

I feel it is a real shame that it had to come down to massive discussions on the forums and on uni- I believe that I tried to approach the situation with both OOC and RP reasons for change, and even offered a RP reason why we should be able to attend the fair.

What solution did you have in mind?



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#51 [en] 

Trying to put together an Aris history for mara homins ... also trying to recover from some suggestions from Aniro homins about what should have happened to Nizyros

And I think we have to discuss this Virg - because this seems a big clash between the Aris and Aniro community - and again we are doing this on role play forum ... oh well

Last edited by Binarabi (10 years ago)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#52 [en] 

Well when a previously seen (on Ari) non-RP event ends up being turned into a RP event (non-RP->RP) one can only assume that people will get angry and try and turn it back around (RP->non-RP). The shame is that it is on the RP forum in the first place where imo it doesn't belong (Ref: Tamarea's definitions).

I had a little read on Nizy's case and could not quite believe that they wanted to completely stop him from playing on that account all together. After X many years of work.. Well in doing so they aren't really doing any positive promotion (imo) for RP. "Hey come RP and we will try to stop you playing on your main toon!"

Hopefully we can find a fix but all of my propositions have been turned down without much reason or rhyme.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#53 [en] 

Virg (atys)
"Hey come RP and we will try to stop you playing on your main toon!"

Makes me think we should have a warning for new refugees - as in potential subbed homins - Beware what race and alligence you take - it makes a huge difference to your experience of the game - and to be honest I find that very sad


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#54 [en] 

I can point out here that the Support crew could do a rename if requested as a way out of the RP "killing Nizyros". A name change and a new tattoo and we put him on the protective services plan and it's all good. I'm assuming that Nizyros was voluntarily playing the villain in this scenario.

-- B.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#55 [en] 

But hell's bells Bittty - do you not see this as something over the top? The RP Nizyros has done is fine and was carefully worked out - time has been spent on it - this criticism is just obsessive and, also, means all refugees should get a warning about what race and alliance they choose when they start the game - which in my opinion is just not right!

Nizyros is automatically a villain - according to Aniro lore - see what is written above - but he has had his name for some 10 years I suspect - so this is just not on!

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Binarabi (10 years ago)


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#56 [en] 

> Actually Tamarea you got to kill nobody or 1-2 tops to do mara lore it's been broken for months!!!!!!!!!!!

Then again:

English NON-RP discussion versus French RP means we need to ask the French RP event team to fix it?????

Sorry but tamarea in all of this you are part of  the problem here, you are part of the community the discussion is about or against or who knows. Yes Tos or CoC says somewhere me telling you that is a bannable offence so go on.

It still comes down to how different servers where and you coming from the other server have no rights to tell us coming from ari that our way of playing was/is wrong.
I feel sorry for you but on ari mara was played differently and Akilla and such who we meat trough roleplay on our server was portrayed differently aswell.

I come from a server where my fame meant nothing for my gameplay and I want that server back. I hate ryzom more and more by the day sadly because it's now a game where just some players got all the rights to pester you away RP wise. RP is nice but pestering ppl away with RP is whats going on now but I guess me telling you wich is part of that RP group will do nuthing!!!

We all like/liked ryzom for what It got but it's easy kind off atm RP players RP so are in contact with event team, Non-RP players don't RP so are in contact with nobody and only got these forums to react to what the RP community is doing to them.


=> rant over for now hope to all see you ingame and be friendly but I guess thats impossible since I'm not even allowed by the french to rez them (yes I get insults if I rez a player I see death these days)

=> Will haplly sub 4 accounts instead of 2 now to support this game if we get our old server and way of playing back since now I play a game wich i'm starting to hate on this server.

Please mind the language when posting, edited to remove offensive swearing.

Last edited by Tiximei (10 years ago)


#57 [en] 

Suboxide (atys)
> Actually Tamarea you got to kill nobody or 1-2 tops to do mara lore it's been broken for months!!!!!!!!!!!

Then again:

English NON-RP discussion versus French RP means we need to ask the French RP event team to fix it?????

Sorry but tamarea in all of this you are part of  the problem here, you are part of the community the discussion is about or against or who knows. Yes Tos or CoC says somewhere me telling you that is a bannable offense so go on.

It still comes down to how different servers were and you coming from the other server have no rights to tell us coming from ari that our way of playing was/is wrong.
I feel sorry for you but on ari mara was played differently and Akilla and such who we met through roleplay on our server was portrayed differently as well.

I come from a server where my *&^%*** fame meant nothing for my game-play and I want that server back. I hate ryzom more and more by the day sadly because it's now a game where just some players got all the rights to pester you away RP wise. RP is nice but fucking pestering ppl away with RP is what's going on now but I guess me telling you which is part of that RP group will do nothing!!!

We all like/liked ryzom for what it's got but it's easy kind of atm RP players RP so are in contact with event team who does stuff to &^**@$ over non-RPers for them, Non-RP players don't RP so are in contact with nobody and only got these forums to react to what the RP community is doing to them.

=> rant over for now, hope to all see you in game and be friendly but I guess that's impossible since I'm not even allowed by the French to rez them (yes I get insults if I rez a player I see dead these days)

=> Will happily sub 4 accounts instead of 2 now to support this game if we get our old server and way of playing back since now I play a game which I'm starting to hate on this server.

This is true Subbo - and not having an OOC forum to discuss it all on is really not good - we have a community issue here and this is a community problem - though maybe it is not a problem for the hard-line role players?

I tried to write "History" of our experience on Aris - but probably no one much is reading it ...


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
Last visit Friday, 18 October 10:23:49 UTC

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