

#30 [fr] 

I am Virg of the Tryker Nation. I am a Tryker homin and I have protected Tryker homins.

You WAS "of the Tryker Nation" now you are enneny of all nations. it's the marauders choice.

You HAD "protected Tryker homins" now you kidnapp them (see Grizabella RP story)

(be carefull, i think some players mix rp and hrp in ryzom. you are in the rp-forum section, so that's normal that ennemy are anwelcome in nation activity. => see our tell Virg!)

i'm ok to talk about in game when you want, calmly :)


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#31 [fr] 

Suboxide (atys)
* this gonna sound bad (or evil or like blackmail or ...)

But if you are the one asking to organize it why do they want to rewrite the tryker rules at the same time to ban it?
I heard you are the one that needs to contact event team and so on ...

So they ask you to organize something where they ban 5% of your guild (yes me aswell) to attend, then next meeting they gonna discus if you should be banned from taliar (after I guess you do all the work).
Sorry bina but you are being played here.
To ban you I guess they gonna need to rewirte the FREE tryker lore where you as GL (taliari) are free to organize your guild as you see fit?
Well funny thing is taliari lore also says a guild needs 5 active members to vote, I have big doubts about half the ppl voting they can show 5 active members a day (without alts).
Maybe push to rewrite tryker lore where instead of they gonna forbid as a FREE civ a GL to FREELY organize their OWN guild as they see fit (aslong as all members respect laws when in lakes) to where as a taliar guild you need to show atleast 10 active players a day to be a real free tryker guild?
If they can change lore and vote against their own beliefs for their well being then do the same.

Why should you do the hard work let them ban you (against their own lore) and reap the benefits? Since it looks you'll be banned after you do all the work just before next meeting.

ok all play with all...
and marauders, kara, kami, nation why this is?
marauders who attack citizens are normally forbidden to be in tryker assembly, you are on RP-mode ON here. (Hrp: ask a taliban to be on white-house, i'm sur that he will be welcome lol /hrp)
If you want to play taliari (=rp-role) you need assume to be marauder or not. if not i need tekorn, rubbarn Vedice, and maga 250! what? i play and i want to profite of the game.. no?

a fair for all can be create (include marauders) but it's demand to "be organize" like Chanchey know to do it sometime.


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#32 [en] 

Lordoy Jazzy, let me clear this up for you. I consulted one of the oldest Marauders, one who knows the true meaning of words, his name is Wikip Edia and he is wise beyond his years. He told me that:

"A nation is a large group of homins who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, descent, or history".

I did not start as a marauder, my path has been one of many changes. I started as a mere Tryker and gained fame as such. However I soon became a devout Monk and followed the teachings of the Theocracy and the Kami. These teachings were sadly not of war and when the Karavan started pushing the boarders I choose a more brash approach, taking up the teachings of the Fyros, but still Kami.

It is only until recently that I eventually realized how corrupt, useless and lazy the government was. I realized they would be the doom of us all. Due to this, my family and I did what needed doing. I hope that makes it clear enough. I still fight for the homins of Atys but I oppose the governments and all who support them. In time more people will see the truth and join us. In time more people will see that the governments can not protect them from the dangers above and below us.

Now, onto the complete and utter violation of the Tryker Government towards the FTA. You see, looking at the teachings of Wikip Edia you may notice Jazzy, governments have nothing to do with what is essential to a nation. We Jazzy, are both the normal height for homins to be and share common ancestors no doubt. I started as a Marauder late in life, I am not one of those who was abandoned. This brings us even closer together. Although we do not share the same views, we are part of the same nation.

The marauders have acted in concordance with the FTA. The FTA states that we have to open up our goods for access for all. Now, we know that many people struggle to enter our camps, so in fact we have maintained close relations with the Matisian merchants and you will find them selling our goods in any Matis city.

The Tryker Government must change their decision. The FTA is fundamental to the progression of Atys. Let me kindly remind you just one of the clauses you have broken, smashed and stomped into the ground:

4.2 No signatory member state of the FTA may grant exclusive trade rights to another member nation nor prejudice the rights of another member.

Marauders are members of different nations, we are part of the FTA.

[EDIT1: Spelling Mistake]

Last edited by Virg (10 years ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#33 [en] 

Jazzy (atys)

ok all play with all...
and marauders, kara, kami, nation why this is?
marauders who attack citizens are normally forbidden to be in tryker assembly, you are on RP-mode ON here. (Hrp: ask a taliban to be on white-house, i'm sur that he will be welcome lol /hrp)
If you want to play taliari (=rp-role) you need assume to be marauder or not. if not i need tekorn, rubbarn Vedice, and maga 250! what? i play and i want to profite of the game.. no?

a fair for all can be create (include marauders) but it's demand to "be organize" like Chanchey know to do it sometime.

Jazzy yes I don't RP but that doesn't make me a criminal. I leave RP alone and the ppl doing it alone aswell (while they send me tells on how much they hate me and such all I do is ignore it) i'm not intruding (sometimes even try to partake but recent times less and less since everytime I try I get shot down by ppl like you).
All I want is that RP leave alone ppl playing the game for it's GP (gameplay) or atleast not forbid them from doing certain things. Those guards in FH (less now) forbid ppl from the GP they been doing for years by hiding behind RP. The Fairhaven fairs have always been more GP then RP where everyone was just as welcome and asked to partake. Yes it's organized trough RP in the meetings wich I'm thankfull some ppl wanna do. But to all of a sudden saying the fair itself is RP now because we RP organized it thats just a sad thing and will make ppl like to feel less and less welcome in this game since if GP is starting to get forbidden I have nothing to do except unsubbing and who knows who else. (not unsubbing yet Bina). I have always liked the events and tried to partake in the GP events organized by the RP community if that community now doesn't want me there and even adds extra guards well then I'll see this as a sad thing for this game and it's state of community. 

* and yes as an non RP player and non english I can't write posts in RP mode (nice job for the ppl who can) maybe somebody can  try and translate it to RP speak, or split the topics wich would make reading so much more fun


#34 [fr] 

where can we see your FTA?
who have written this FTA?
sorry because i don't know it, and i would read it if it's possible.

marauder are anti-nation! is it too difficult to understand that pro-nation don't want marauder in their life?
(i say rp!!!!! like i have said you tomorrow! occ saying, i try to create game for all players around me! and you know that with the soty of Grizabella)

but sorry in a mmoRPG you need to be RP. if not, Ryzom will become like call of duty or more... WoW!

i propose you to talk about this pb ingame

(i note you i try to speack english but it's very difficult for me to explain very good my point of view.)

Last edited by Jazzy (10 years ago)


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#35 [en] 

the FTA no idea who wrote is but yes it's actual part of game lore somewhere.

Marauder are anti nation? since when?
Marauder tried to convince the nations in letting them live there but power hungry the nations where they attacked the mara convois and didn't want those old homins in their teritory. Mara then settled into a small camp build with the help of trykers in the desert part of the forest. (atleast on aristople where that didn't mean anything roleplay wise)

Anyway the way I read what you say is "it's your way or the highway"? <= sorry but if I read it corectly then good bye sir and don't let the door hit you on your way out don't need ppl like that myself. This is a place to relax not to folow rules and stuff, makes me freaking sad that way of thinking.

We where 3 servers all playing differently I say lets just mix and match some stuff still do what you like to do but stop excluding ppl and stuff for an mmorpg you still need ppl wanting to play. Stop thinking black and white you can still do heavy RP but when it's public big events stop thinking like you freaking are the boss and banning ppl (you never talked with) from an event. All you'll acchieve is angry ppl (one that most lickly will get a ban when he sings i'm a barbie girl in shout the whole fair long), some others that att so you can point fingers and show how bad the mara are and so on... 
< if that makes you happy go for it and kill the game make the community feel rotten won't be my singing doing it but your RP forbidding ppl that always where welcome at an event to be banned


#36 [en] 

hmm no sorry!
1/ fair of FH was may be just GP on arispotle!
but always be RP on aniro! we have create the market place to FH so...
so what we do?

2/ i'm not all players!
i don't hate you! but i try to be rp, like you it's not a crime i think.
when i see homin attack tryker guard, i trad that it's an ennemy of trykers.
and just for information: try to compare Lore of Nevrax and your Lore... like someone know say: 'it's pathetic'

i respect ALL players! ALL! ask Bina for exemple when i have tell her long time about marauder in her guild even if she want to be taliar! ask her if i have not support her and your guild!
so dont be general! because i could be too and shoot that EN pull moob and attack always by surprise and don't try to speack other language that theirs!

please please please...
I have nomore energy to develop game content and entertain players, especially when I am severely criticized by players who only participate without "hold".

but i can reproch you to that you are rp just when you want to profite

thx all


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#37 [en] 

think what you want, create your event! and continu to kill the game like you know reproch it to me!!!!

see you ...


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#38 [en] 

just for the last:
Who are our enemies?
Kitins: will always be our enemies. They continue to slaughter Marauders still present on the Old Lands. One day, after taking control of Atys, we will eradicate this menace once and for all.
Religious factions: we fight all those who defend the teachings of the great Powers.
Homin governments: the Powers encouraged homins to devise separate governments only to divide hominkind. The only true civilization of Atys is that of the Marauders!



Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#39 [en] 

[OC] (Jazzy I understand that you are looking at this from a RP point of view. I spoke to you about it and tried to change your mind from a non-RP stance, for many non-RP reasons, but I saw that this was not possible. So, this time, I am trying to change the decision made by the Tryker Government using RP. I know I don't RP all the time, in fact I know only a small handfull of players who always RP. I even respect it when others want to RP (by attacking them) and when they don't want to RP (as you know when I don't attack you when you are training). I believe I have the right to try and change the governments decision through RP and I will try to do that. I know you respect others and I respect you. Also here is the link to the FTA.[OC]

As a homin, who is bound to a nation through his ancestry, poorly spoken langauge and history, I am entitled to the FTA. Marauders are not a nation. We are a multi-national organisation. As such we still belong to the original nations we were in before we took up the title "Marauder". We are anti-government.

If the Tryker Government continue with their path to break the FTA, I shall have no choice but to call forward the commission. Given the current bias circumstances against Marauders, I will have to call a special hearing, more details will be given later if this is the case. I hope we do not have to go down this path. Most of all, I hope the Tryker Government keeps to binding agreement that their ancestors signed up to in the year of 2516.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#40 [en] 

No RP isn't a crime, hats of to ppl that do heavy RP and events

I don't say kill the game or anything but why this hard stance on ppl who are mara alot of them are mara just because they been everything and are bored.
To me it feels like it's just hating for the hating yes some of them like PVP and see it as their endgame. But thats just some. Others went mara for totally different reasons some just for the heck of it others for some fun others thinking they could make a new free hominity ...

On ari kara/kami/mara/neutrals/all civs yes during normal gameplay and light events we all played toughether thats how our community was and alot of ppl liked and stayed because of that. 
Now on merged server thats not the deal anymore but still seems all the hate goes to the mara atm, everyone is friends and all that is done atm is kami/kara/civs/... trying to get mara out of game or something I don't know. Thats how I feel and can hardly call myself a real mara anymore not done anything ingame in months (if not years). I don't understand the hatred all of a sudden against from the biggest 2 factions and some smaller ones all off a sudden in force being against one small faction that isn't a treath to anyone.

On your guard killings most of the time it's some non mara boob attacking a guard by mistake or some tryker agro dragging one of the new guards from inside town to the outside onto me at the stables. Won't find many ppl attacking guards out of free will much I expect and I've spend many hour at the stables.

ps. Yes there is the mara rite but that one has been so bugged for months that 90% of them doing it never even need to kill the random FH guard


#41 [en] 

i'm not sûr at 100% Virg, but ALE (is RP because in the lore) have been signed between 4 nations representants.
and i have read ALE (thx for network-adress :) ), i report me to the first article (article 1.2).
Today marauders are ennemy of trykers (and i think noone can define really marauders, some say ennemy to nation, other say not...) so it's result that marauders are not welcome to lakes acticity!
after, if you want, you can contact me to turn this event rp!
i ask to get out federal guard, just Federal United army and if you win against, you could be on the market! just an idea like that!

to Suboxide, seeing your point of you, i think you are more Ranger that marauders... i suppose this because you only ennemy is kitin if i have understood.

i try to create some game in ryzom. i have never stop GP of one player... ask to Nizyros! with his trial! (he is free because we can't morally forbid a GP to a player. But he accept to do the rp-game paying a hard price! like a challenge for him)

and you need to know all, i'm not csr or gm. just a player who try to do live the game ... in game!
i'm ok to talk about marauders and their camp IG but i'm not The God of trykers.
but i want to explain this because i'm snip.


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#42 [en] 

Nope i'm certainly not a ranger; yes they want to get rid of all kittin but they want it trough an army, no idea if they want freedom or power in the end when kittin are gone. And they just using conventional weapons given by them by the factions and the civs
I don't think you'll win with just conventional weapons against such powers mara and trytonists atleast are prepared to make sacrifices. Mara aren't scared of trying new things they invented their own tp system some have been seen playing with goo (or so has been told), don't know much about the trytonists but they are atleast after the truth aswel.

Yes mara have the same ennemy kittin it is what the mara are running from in the end. If the old lands where not kittin infested then the mara wouldn't be here. So it's natural mara want to get rid of the small bunches of kittin lingering in the new lands with who knows what weaponry they can come up with that safes us all.
Afterwards we atleast know what the mara want. And thats to expose the factions and the civ's for power hungry war mongering things they really are and to overtow them and by doing that freeing all homins from the brainwashing and their shackels. Thats how it was explained to us  by the akilla on aristople (no idea how the aniro akilla spoke since my guess it was totally different seeing how you react)


#43 [fr] 

Suboxide (atys)
Thats how it was explained to us  by the akilla on aristople (no idea how the aniro akilla spoke since my guess it was totally different seeing how you react)

that's the real problem today with anim... find a consistency between the 3 community RP (or lore)
i think it's study by GM in progress

I 'm so sorry to have polluted the post born in Roleplay section! really sorry!
an admin to move my explications in other post eventually?


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#44 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [Deutsch] | English | Français
[OOC] Liebe Spielerinnen und Spieler,

Das Eventteam sieht sich gezwungen, im unten geschilderten Fall einzuschreiten und an gewisse grundlegende Tatsachen zu erinnern:

Bedeutung des gegenseitigen Respekts
Spieler, die Rollenspiel betreiben und solche, die OOC spielen, teilen sich den gleichen Server. Gewiss ist ihre Art, an das Spiel heranzugehen, verschieden; aber sie ist nicht unvereinbar, wenn jeder dazu Anstrengungen unternimmt. Wenn sich ein Problem ergibt, und ihr in ernsthafter gemeinsamer Diskussion keine Lösung finden könnt, dann raten wir euch, euch an einen Vermittler zu wenden. Im vorliegenden Falle könnte zunächst das Eventteam angerufen werden, da es sich um ein im Umfeld des Rollenspiels entstandenes Problem handelt.

Was ist ein Rollenspiel-Event?
Es handelt sich um ein Event, in dem die Spieler die Rolle ihres Spielcharakters spielen, im Zusammenhang mit seiner Geschichte und unter Respektierung der Lore von Ryzom. Bei dieser Art von Event dürfen Freundschaften zwischen den (RL-)Spielern keine Bedeutung haben: es ist die Geschichte der Spielcharaktere, die deren Verhalten diktiert.

Was ist ein OOC-Event?
Das ist ein Event, das weder in den geschichtlichen Zusammenhang der Lore von Ryzom eingebettet ist, noch von den Spielcharakteren gelebt wird. Ein OOC-Event ist in erster Linie ein Moment des Zusammenlebens, an dem alle teilnehmen können, die es wünschen, ohne ein anderes Ziel, als sich gemeinsam zu vergnügen. Bei einem solchen Event zählen die Geschichte des Spiels und die Lebensgeschichte der Spielercharaktere nicht, sondern nur das Gemeinschaftserlebnis des Events.

In OOC-Weise in ein Rollenspiel-Event einzugreifen, ist genauso respektlos, wie den (mangelnden) rollenspielerischen Sinn eines OOC-Events zu verdammen.

Was ist eine Versammlung und wie weit tragen ihre Entscheidungen?
Jede Nation ist vertreten durch Versammlungen, die durch die Spieler konstituiert und durch ein Mitglied des Eventteams geleitet werden. Diese Versammlungen treffen sich regelmäßig und können auf ihrem Gebiet "Gesetze" beschließen; solche "Gesetze" werden häufig von Spielern vorgeschlagen und müssen durch das die Versammlung leitende ET-Mitglied (das sich damit an das Eventteam wendet) bestätigt werden, was eine Sicherheitsmaßnahme zur Sicherstellung der Übereinstimmung mit der Lore darstellt. Eine Versammlung ist ein Rollenspiel-Event, ihre "Gesetze" haben lediglich Geltung im Rahmen des Rollenspiels.

Was sagt uns die Lore über die Marodeure?
Während des Ersten Großen Schwarms (lange vor der Geburt unserer Spielcharaktere) konnte ein großer Teil der Homins mit Unterstützung der Mächte aus den Alten Landen fliehen und die Nationen in den Neuen Territorien wiederbegründen. Die Homins, die sich in den Alten Landen blockiert fanden, überlebten unter schwierigen Bedingungen inmitten der Kitins. Ein Homin namens Melkiar hat sie unter dem Namen "Marodeure" geeint; für Melkiar und die Seinen haben die Mächte und die Homins der Neuen Länder sie verraten und den Kitins ausgeliefert. Deshalb sind sie begierig auf Rache und Vergeltung. 
Die Marodeure der Alten Lande haben in den Neuen Ländern Homins rekrutiert, die voller Zorn waren, und sie indoktriniert, ihren Plänen zu dienen. Unter den neuen Marodeuren kann man Idealisten finden, die die Ausführungen von Melkiar wirklich glauben, aber auch Opportunisten, die von seiner Macht und Technologie profitieren wollen, ebenso wie Ausgestoßene der Nationen, die so dem Gefängnis entgangen sind und ihren kriegerischen Antrieben freien Lauf lassen können. ( http://app.ryzom.com/app_lore/index.php?page=/projects/pubde/wiki /L_Marodeur_Zivilisation )

In ihrem Rollenspiel sind Marodeure nicht freundlich, vielmehr die Bösewichter der Geschichte, die Agitatoren, die Kriminellen. Es ist möglich, dass unter den Marodeuren einige Zweifel hegen, einen anderen Standpunkt einnehmen; aber in den Nationen werden die Marodeure als schlechte Homins und Banditen betrachtet, die unwillkommen sind und die man mit Waffengewalt zu jagen sucht, wenn sie auftauchen.

Das wird auch durch das Gameplay unterstützt, das von jedem Marodeur fordert, um bei allen Nationen und Religionen verhasst zu sein (sehr negative Ruhmstufe), erst sechs Homins zu ermorden, ehe er seinen Ritus ablegen und als Marodeur der Neuen Länder akzeptiert werden kann.

Marodeure und der Tryker-Markt
In diesem Zusammenhang des Rollenspiels ist es legitim, logisch und folgerichtig, wenn eine Nation (hier die Nation der Tryker) Gesetze beschließt, nach denen die Marodeure auf ihrem Gebiet unerwünscht sind, und wenn sie auf dem Markt (einem Rollenspiel-Event) erscheinen, sie angegriffen werden.
In diesem Rollenspielkontext ist ebenso legitim, logisch und folgerichtig, dass sich die Marodeure um die Gesetze eines Landes nicht kümmern, sie nicht anerkennen und übertreten.
Konsequenterweise, wenn Marodeure trotz des Verbots auf dem Markt erscheinen, ist es normal, dass die Wachen versuchen, sie zu verjagen und zu töten, und dass die Händler sich weigern, ihnen etwas zu verkaufen (oder ihre Waren mit ihrem Leben verteidigen ..).

Konkret gibt es nichts im Gameplay, das es den Spielern der Marodeure verbieten würde, auf dem Markt zu erscheinen; es muss dann von allen Spielern verlangt werden, die Rollenspielseite des Events zu respektieren, und nicht mittels des PvP zu stören oder zu belästigen (es ist hingegen möglich, einige Wortwechsel zu vollführen, sich ein wenig zu schlagen, und dann zurückzuziehen).

Und das Recht, zu spielen, wie man will und wo man will?
Auch hier wieder ist alles eine Frage des Respekts. Die Freiheit der einen endet an der Grenze der Freiheit der anderen. Die Marodeurspieler haben das Recht, an einem Markt teilzunehmen, sei es aus Gründen des Rollenspiels oder des Gameplays. Soweit es sich um kurze Überfälle auf den Markt durch die Marodeure und Maßnahmen zu deren Abwehr handelt, ist das logisch; aber wenn der Kampf sich auf den OOC-Bereich ausdehnt und zu einer allgemeinen verbalen Schlacht zwischen Spielern wird, mit der Drohung, Spieler deshalb von künftigen OOC-Events auszuschließen, ist es nicht akzeptabel. Das wäre der Beginn einer endlosen Eskalation und schädlich für alle.
Warum nicht, beispielsweise, am "Schwarzmarkt" teilnehmen, der vom Selbstverständnis OOC und offen für alle ist? Oder ein Event "Mister Marodeur" auszurichten, das per se Teilnehmer ausschließt, die nicht Marodeure sind? 

Was tun, wenn der Konflikt sich nicht beruhigt?
Wenn dennoch die Dinge fehlgehen, ist das CSR-Team dazu da, zu beraten und für die Einhaltung der Regeln der Höflichkeit zu sorgen. Gegebenenfalls müssen dann Maßregeln von der Verwarnung bis hin zum endgültigen Bann, abhängig von Verhalten und Vorgeschichte der Betreffenden, ergriffen werden.
In-Game Verhaltensregeln

1. Belästigung jeglicher Art sind verboten.
2. Sie dürfen andere Spieler nicht behindern.
3. Sie müssen respektvoll gegenüber anderen Spielern und dem Kundendienst sein.
6. Sie dürfen nicht unter dem Deckmantel des Rollenspiels gegen die Verhaltensregeln verstoßen.

Wir hoffen, dass diese Klarstellungen hilfreich waren.

Und vergesst nicht, dass Ryzom ein Spiel ist! [/OOC]


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