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#1 [de] 

I am Matis vassal (Guardian of the Kingdom). Granted, much of my fame I won doing NH product donations. I found that the fame of my Matis national guild Obscurum, where I am the only member so far, did not follow my own fame achievements: my personal Matis fame is 100, that of my guild is 30. It seems that fame from bandits, craft, and dig missions are reflected in guild fame, but not that won over NH. Kindly check and correct.

Última edición por Tenebra (10 años hace)

#2 [de] 

Much more important things to be doing than making sure you can level guild fame through the NH, but that's just my opinion.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#3 [de] 

Hey :-)

As far as I know - this may not be fact actually, never really was too bothered about guildfame, ours not wanting any - guildfame is made by each guild member as a percentage .. for instance 1 guild member will give 1% of the fame he gains to guildfame. As you only have 1 member (yourself) your guildfame will only move by that 1%. The more guildmembers do fame, the faster guildfame will move up or down. But like I said .. not sure if that is how it works.

And also, why should guildfame (fame that some players are proud about and work really hard for, grinding missions and whatnot) be so easily achieved just by feeding items to NH for a couple of days. Would it really be wise to make is so damn easy?

Bestest regards,
Sera :-)


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#4 [de] 

What I was told is that there's a ratio between the number of people gaining fame versus number of guild members; as a direct consequence, pruning inactive members is supposed to help gain fame faster. A one-member guild would then, theoretically, gain fame faster than a guild with dozens of inactive members. Perhaps Binarabi can comment more on this.

In any case, considering how many people use New Horizons as their source of money, I think  it's a deliberate choice that these fame gains do not reflect in guild fame; most guilds would eventually end up at 100 fame with their civilization. Unless I'm mistaken, fame from crafting missions is the same, barely moves guild fame (if at all); repeated missions done to generate money would keep pushing guild fame around.

Maybe a game guide could comment?


#5 [de] 

what i rember from an old test:

1 member => 1 fame gained personal = 1 for guild (it actually goes up like a homin so if you need to do 1 mission 16times to get from 99 to 100 then it's same for guild); grinding it down is the same
2 members => we didn't think was 2 for 1 but was hard since one player had more fame then the other and such

< also heard that depending on GL/HO/O/mebmer it raises and lowers it faster/slower and since 1 member guild is just one GL (you can't be just member and such) it's kind of really hard to find out if it's true for HO/O/member

Well if you are a solo guild then go for 100 matis guild fame the way it used to be doing kill bandit missions should take you less then a week to have 100 guild fame like it was meant to be done (99to100 for a solo guild should be max 18missions i think and upto 80 it's really fast).

Do not couple guild fame with NH pls. NH is a personal choise and has nothing to do with guild bussiness.


#6 [de] 

Another question I would like to ask (didn't check lore at all)

Is there any lore that explains why NH give fame for deliveries? Since I see them as a taxi service all over atys. They are kind of like a mega corperation having an sole privilige to set up shops everywhere to transport homins. There is no competition against em at all (if they would decide to increase prizes we are f*cked).
But since they are in all lands why do they give fame based on land where you deliver to them, and they give way to much fame. I'm sure an official corporal should give more fame then some company with the sole purpose of making a profit. I can see they paying you dapper for delivering to them but never understood the massive fame they give you.


#7 [en] 

My theory/rationale is that while there is an overall "guild" or mega-corporation (!??!) that extends over all of Atys, the individual New Horizons operations in the four Nations are locally owned franchises, and owned by patriots at that. Therefore they give discounts to those with high Fame for that Nation and they reward donors with Fame and cash for supporting their local efforts.

Who is the organizing force and where did they get such fast mektoubs? If Eye of the Tyrancha was still being published, I'm sure that their intrepid investigative reporters would find out. For now, it is a mystery.

Última edición por Bitttymacod (10 años hace)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#8 [de] 

I must admit that i agree with Suboxide. There. I said it.

With new factions coming alive, it's probably a good thing that we can change fame quicker than before. But i dislike the way it's distributed. However, the ratio of fame appreciated versus amount of work done has always been broken. Just consider how little fame crafting missions yield versus the infamous bandit kills. If there's an adjustment to be made, then it should encompass the old missions as well.

#9 [en] 

Even I could live it even less fame from bandits but in end killing a dangerous bandit tribe does sound more dangerous then suplying guards with a sharper sword. The ammount for the sword is sadly alot more then to kill the bandit. And in ryzom the bandit tribe doesn't really pose a big treath but if you would go all 'immersive' (and i guess that was the idea during development) then yes it could get dangerous leaving a dangerous treathning tribe alive.
But the ammount of fame you get to suply a taxi service (not even speaking about the dapper) is just out of bounds with the rest of the game and while they wanted to fix the ryzom economy with merger instead they made it even more fucked up.
Grinding melee all night on big mobs hardly gonna be paying for your tp's while doing a small mission for a taxi service will make you filthy rich and give you loads of fame. (and since as a mara you have to use an alt to do it, it's even more sad and forcing mara to have 'civ spies' not that they want to but it's only ..


#10 [de] 

...way for them to remove the immensive advantage the other players have over them)


#11 [en] 

My guess (which could be way off) is that NH doesn't actually sink much money. They offer free transport for persons above fame 45, which encompasses both neutrals and the nation-aligned persons (in that land). I could bet that the Tryker NH gets most used, because it saves people the trouble of swimming to Avendale/Loria. In the desert you can use NH once and then simply use your tps, I don't see the matis cities to be visited a lot by non-citizens, same for zorai cities.

Given this state of affairs, I *could* understand why nations act benevolently towards those who donate products to the local franchise - it's a boon that ends up helping the already well-regarded citizens and neutrals.


Last visit viernes 7 junio 16:43:32 UTC

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