which option would you like to see:
remove the limit of base markers.
Atys: Calestra, Cryangel, Drogos, Gazzi, Hwinoree, Jacp, Kimory, Leruella, Marikka, Phaozhu, Sienn, Suboxide, Sywendhyl, Yubina
14 (2)
double the base limit of markers. 0
triple the base limit of markers. 0
change the rite to allow unlimited markers.
Atys: Aelyne, Aleeskandaro, Anzhanto, Barukaa, Bazett, Ciliana, Djaimse, Gooony, Kaean, Lapiaz, Mjollren, Selair, Slorforn, Snarfster, Yubomei
change the rite to add double the base number or markers. 0
change the rite to add triple the base number of markers.
Atys: Kaehla
ANY of the above options would be fine.
Atys: Alrik, Bradbreddan, Bringidi, Gidget, Jarnys, Kovabon, Luminatrix, Marceline, Mikira, Mirakel, Nuzanshi, Oolykyloo, Raded, Tzarfati, Zam, Zoumpaf
16 (1)
NONE of the above options, things are good as they are.
Atys: Applejack, Arfur, Binarabi, Ventron, Zilon
5 (1)
Atys: Bitttymacod, Naema, Rubiksmomo
Abstain 2
Poll is closed

#1 [en] 

idea: remove the limit of, or increase the base number by a factor of 2 (at the least)

reasons and points:

ok first the reason, i'm one to create a referance point for anything (and i mean ANYTHING) that i find i might need (even in the rare chance) i mark everything that's not standard on the map already, bandits, npc locations (for the roaming one's this can be a very large number all by it's self), a place where i've encountered a named mob (excel / choice loot dropping mobs), grind spots, tribes (friendly and unfriendly both), tp locations (all of them, regardless of the fact that i'm kami), markers for a safe trip route in HH, the list can go on and on but i think you get the point.

next, i've played ryzom on more then one computer, and have noticed that when i am playing on another computer that NONE of my map markers are there, that tells me that that data is saved on MY COMPUTER, not the server, thus there should be NO reason to limit how many i have at all, but in the terms of fairness i can agree to a "limit" on what i can store on my own computer.

i know there is a rite that will give you a few extra map marker spots, but honestly do i need a rite that tells me what i can store on my own computer, and more over, what good is a few extra, what's 5 more points, or 10, as i've been told it's these very low numbers that are added to the limit, perhaps the rite should be to remove the limit completely, then i would find this rite honestly useful.

please let me hear something dev's/event team/csr's (whomever might be in charge of this)


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 


Never ran out of map markers myself, then again some years ago with the marker bugs and loosing em couple of times because of that I've never really bothered marking much. I always have BMsite and my mind close. (some stuff I do mark at times)
I can understand alot off ppl want to mark and shouldn't have a limit there to mark stuff


#3 [en] 

bumped for the people that were reading and commenting while i made the poll, which is now active.


Remickla (atys)
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#4 [en] 

Before I place my vote, I am curious why there is a limit in the first place? My initial reaction first encountering the limit, was: Hey, this is stupid! Is there a reason to the limit at all, or is it just to be mean to the players? If the latter one, I for sure agree to remove it, in any other case, I would need to know the reason before placing a vote.



#5 [en] 

saddly i don't see us getting a answer to that question, after all it's not being stored on the server, so what reason could they have?.... we'll have to wait and see, but thanks for the input Drogos, maybe we'll get lucky and get an answer....


Remickla (atys)
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#6 [en] 

Well, from a "realism" perspective of the RP, it's impossible to have a map with unlimited markers, you can only cram so many markers on a piece of parchment before things get unreadable. Even if you made multiple maps for different types of markers, you would always carry a finite number of said maps with you, at any given time.

(in fact, the ingame map does become unreadable too if you place too many markers close to each other)

This also provides an excuse to have more "content", in the form of a rite to expand your allowed number of landmarks. Let's say you were a noob at life and were using yubo skin, the rite giver teaches you to use something more durable like ragus leather.

Last edited by Mjollren (10 years ago)


#7 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)
ok first the reason, i'm one to create a referance point for anything (and i mean ANYTHING) that i find i might need (even in the rare chance) i mark everything that's not standard on the map already, bandits, npc locations (for the roaming one's this can be a very large number all by it's self), a place where i've encountered a named mob (excel / choice loot dropping mobs), grind spots, tribes (friendly and unfriendly both), tp locations (all of them, regardless of the fact that i'm kami), markers for a safe trip route in HH, the list can go on and on but i think you get the point.
How are you able to keep your sanity and actually use them?



#8 [en] 

Karu (atys)
Talkirc (atys)
ok first the reason, i'm one to create a referance point for anything (and i mean ANYTHING) that i find i might need (even in the rare chance) i mark everything that's not standard on the map already, bandits, npc locations (for the roaming one's this can be a very large number all by it's self), a place where i've encountered a named mob (excel / choice loot dropping mobs), grind spots, tribes (friendly and unfriendly both), tp locations (all of them, regardless of the fact that i'm kami), markers for a safe trip route in HH, the list can go on and on but i think you get the point.
How are you able to keep your sanity and actually use them?

you presume he is sane to begin with, karu. :P


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#9 [en] 

maybe TalkIRC wants to put his map on a plody skin?


#10 [en] 

Well, i can support this..+1.
However, I think you will need to fix the zoom lvl so you can zoom way in and differentiate between which flags you want so you can choose to see what is there. Sometimes i get frustrated clicking on one flag, but it tells me something that is nearby, but not what i posted on the flag (Glitch!). It tells what is on the flag next to the flag i click. :(

That being said, by the time I get to the point where I need more flags, I usually am ready to delete some I don't need anymore, (usually I have memorized the spots by then).

Perhaps you can increase the flags 30% more after the rite, not just give 5 or 10 more flags, lol.

Next, how hard would it be to delete the limit on your computer client? It might cause problems that are not worth it?? Maybe its too hard.

#11 [en] 

i also intend to find out about that very fact naema, not sure if that's allowd or not, but as far as i'm concerned, i already bought and paid for the data storage space in my personal compuer (where ryzom get's no less then 26GB) and since the data is saved on my computer, i see no reason that it would not be ok.

karu, if i could, i'd have every marker bm has on my map, boss/named spawns, mat's, bandit's, tribe's, everything.

if i could i'd like to "edit" the map that we see in game, so i could do things to it, eg. make a faint line that would show a route to trek (basically follow the line to trek from zora to dyron, as an example for the example)

MJ, my rp is event based at best, mostly i just play ryzom to have fun, and so based on that fact i kinda don't look at it with a realistic issue of gameplay

there is a way to change the max zoom of the in-game map, but i don't remember it, and when you do zoom in more, the background get's distored (get's kinda blocky, just like the zoom on the BM site map does if you zoom in to the max)


Remickla (atys)
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#12 [en] 

Talk -- while the map markers are based on your computer, I suspect that they are queried by the server when they are being used, and I suspect it is the entire array of them that is queried. That would mean that substantial increase in the number of markers would in fact increase the load on transfer and on the server. This is a suspicion, in part based on the fact that the limit numbers have been the usual powers of two. Note that the current limit numbers are twice what they used to be.


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#13 [en] 

if there is indeed a type of load on the server i could understand keeping a limit in place, but i have to wonder, what reason could my map markers that are stored on my computer need to be checked against on the server?

i guess what i mean is: what data could possibly need to be sent to the server about data that's store on my computer

the client install takes up over 6GB to install, if the map isn't stored locally that's a dev oversite, since there's nothing that we could do to the map that could really give anyone an advantage over others

like someone said, there's the BM site map, which has so many points that it would surprise you, but i'd rather not have to go out of game (or open a different map app to the one built into the game) (i think last time i tried to do a +basic +fine +choice +excellent +boss search gave me back like 2500+/- hits atys wide, if i'm reading the data right on the results there's a grand total of 2796 things that the BM map could show.)

anywho, it would be nice to have some answers about these questions we all have, on the reasons for the limits, and if they could be changed, maybe we'll get some answers....


Remickla (atys)
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#14 [en] 

found this old thread about something very similar.... (for those that may not notice that we keep asking the same questions over and over, and for some of the same basic things as well.... hmmm.)

link to other thread post about something related, where map markers are mentioned directly in several posts


Remickla (atys)
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#15 [en] 

I voted to keep it as it is. I don't know why there is a limit, I just accept it as a lot of things in the game have to have limits. I used to mark everything too - til I realised that the maps on the BM site and Silenda have most of what I need already marked, plus more besides.

I lost all my map markers after my character got corrupted (another story) and TBH it was welcome - I still had loads of dig spots marked from before the merge and it was a pain working out which ones were still current. Besides as you level up you don't need to know where the dig spots are in a region you have outgrown.


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