
#1 [en] 

*Sniffs the air*
“Hmm, something is not right here…” said Marikka as she began to run through her beloved Marauder camp. Suddenly she sees an unknown figure sitting next to the campfire.. She pulls out her pike and confidently approaches the figure, only to realize that it’s someone she knows all too well.
“Talkirc! what are you doing here?! How did you get in here uninvited?” she was slightly annoyed.
Talkirc immediately perked up and said “I’ve been captured, and held at ransom for 50 million dappers! I’m hoping some of my friends will come in here soon to rescue me!”

The earthy smell of jungle dung started to slowly linger through the air into her nostrils as he spoke.
“With a smell like that. I doubt it. But regardless, we all hope that someone comes to take you away soon.” she said rubbing her nose furiously as she walked away.
So everyday since then, the foolish Kami sat in the Marauder camp waiting, and hoping that someone would come and rescue him from the clutches of these “evil” Marauders.
And everyday the Marauders mutter to themselves… “We really should invest in some new guards...”

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Marikka (10 años hace)



High Officer of | Syndicate |

#2 [en] 

ooc: i like it, it's building the story even more...

rp: (3rd person)

day after day the torment and anger of the homins that call this camp home grows more hurtful and vicious. there are a few that simply look the other way as they pass. they know these gurads have been paid by the kidnappers, in fact, they prevent escape should the bonds of the secret magic be broken.

anyone that's come to get a drink in the camp has had the fortune to hear some part of the foolish zorai's tale of woe. parts they hear are: 50 million dappers, payment to 3rd party, undisclosed location and time.

poor kelen knows the tale from start to finish, and likely more then she's willing to tell since the prisoner is so close by. after all 50 million, that sure does allow for some smaller payments to be made to complete things in a completely secret way... after all, dappers can buy some homins silence. kelen doesn't care though, 10% of that was already paid in full up front for a simple job, keep quiet.

marceline, the foolish one, did not think to barter a deal, her hope was that she would gain some reputation with the others in camp. that would allow marceline to live up to that loving nickname, vowing silence for the cost of nothing. somehow this wasn't enough for marceline's lot in this evil plan.
the job of collecting the ransom should anyone pay would also fall on marceline, followed by the drop off of the booty at some point or another.

there were some that tried to save talkirc by force, they fought in, and tried to brake the bonds, they failed.
kelen simply laughed and told the homins that there was some type of magic that bound talk and ros in place. then realized that she'd said too much, so she went back to cleaning her bar.

the homin's then had to fight their way back out, perhaps to raise the ransom dappers to set talk and ros free.

kelen shouted one final thing as they fought their way out: "anyone can pay for these two's freedom" with that being said, her debt to the master mind was now paid in full.

this link is to the story that this post was generated by.
forced statement of talk and ros

Última edición por Talkirc (10 años hace) | Razón: added link


Remickla (atys)
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#3 [en] 

"Haha, and did you see that Bolobi squirt that stink on him?!" said Marikka.
"Yeah, I never saw a Zorai run that fast!" giggled Grizabella.
"And to think that's really all we needed to get him out of our camp. Maybe we should replace them as our guards!" Marikka smiled.
From then on the Marauder's camp was finally rid of the foolish and selfish Kami. The stink dissipated from the air, and all was content.

Última edición por Marikka (10 años hace)



High Officer of | Syndicate |

#4 [en] 


wow a hello kitty daydream version. my self and ros were in fact killed in the exact method demanded by the roleplay. we tagged up and sat for hours while the people that complained the most about us being there did nothing. funny how roleplay is only cool when it's serving some as an excuse to act out.

roleplay takes dedication to do, sitting for a week doing nothing is dedicated roleplay when your a hostage, complaining because someone's invaded your "camp" is roleplay, as long as you do something about it when the time comes, when you do nothing but complain it makes your roleplay very weak, empty, and simply self-serving.

i'm sure this pisses some people off, to be honest i'm hurt that someone would be so upset over an event that was intended to promote the very style of gameplay that those players wanted. my intent was to give you a cake and let you eat it too, but you used the knife intended to cut the cake and stabbed me with it.

below is the link to the true ending to the roleplay hostage story.

ending to the roleplay event


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#5 [en] 

OOC: Then next time, ask us before you try and force us (Syndicate) into RP we didn't want to do. Last I checked you only asked the marauders in a KAMI guild.
We never asked you to come into our camp, we never asked you to sit there for a week and talk on about your stories. Sure we asked you to tag up for once so we could kill you but not for your RP story. But you kept going on about how you and Ros never tag up so we left it alone. But then you change your mind to benefit your own story. So in my mind we weren't at fault here. You can't be mad at us for not participating in something we didn't want to do in the first place...Don't make us out to be the bad guys, you're better than that.



High Officer of | Syndicate |

#6 [en] 

+1 Marikka

and OOC:

How can you be mad at us for not playing your game if you didnt even consider asking us (Syndicate) if we even wanted to play ... in fact after you were told that we actually didnt want to play, you still pushed on. You call that dedication? I call that selfishness .. You wanted something (us to be greatful for your cake), you didnt get it (of course not, cause we didnt want your cake), and now you are mad at us, because you baked that cake for nothing ...

If only you had spoken to us before deciding what you thought we would want .. we could all have had a fantastic break-out with lots of fun for all.


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#7 [en] 

i'm just not wasting my time with this, you've changed who you are and how you treat friends. your roleplay only comes out when it suits your less then community standard of play, in other words "self serving".

"the friendly marauder" where the ones that gave me the idea and had NOTHING to do with you or your guild. when you spoke to me and started demanding that i tag up at your command, long before the end of my event, it was clear that you were thinking you owned the camp. now because of the act's of a few, syndicate is getting the same reputation that "just us" had, hated by everyone outside their group. my true friends never once said shit to me about being in the camp, i've been going there since long before most of you were marauder, but suddenly it's yours.

i don't give a shit anymore, some of you have become something you never were before, i just hope that one day you can become the person you once where, one that didn't let the petty ingame politics come between friendships, one that just played the game to have fun, not create drama.

point in check: some of you tried to ticket me for a roleplay event, yes i know, csr's did indeed ask me what i was doing in the camp, and i explained, thus was welcome to do it. unlike some of you i didn't bother to file a ticket when someone tried to aggro drag on me for 20 minutes before finally getting one yelk back to try to gas me. childish that you would try, adult that i didn't run and tell like you.

you become mara and try to tell me how to play my game when related to the mara. i've been comming to the camp on and off since the merger, never once did i ever have an issue with any mara, until syndicate that is, and even then only a few had a problem. (long before syndicate i sat in the camp and chatted with both mara players and CSR's learning about the mara's and the camp, just so you know that this wasn't a first time visit.)

i hope that one day those of you that have changed will see the error of the change and go back to just wanting to play and have fun, not wanting to let the in game politics ruin friendships and dictate how you play.

sorry if you don't like my thoughts and views, but you'd be surprised at just how many people feel this way, i'm just one of the few with the nerve to speak out about it. i'll be the first to try to forgive and move on, once the time comes that you can admit that you changed, not me.

it should also be noted that i do not feel this way about the entire guild, but like "just us" in the past, on the individuals that this applies to.

i have far better projects to apply my effort to then this, and so this is where i bid you adieu. as always, good luck and have fun on the big tree.


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#8 [en] 

I see what you are trying to say Talk. We can agree to disagree.
Have fun. :)



High Officer of | Syndicate |

#9 [en] 

+1 Marikaka on your post # 5.

I also might add, +1 for your post # 4 Talk, Especially for sitting one week!

Plus, +1 on I enjoy your dedication for trying to invent some roleplay! Keep it up. I could not help as i had a ton of other things to do. Don't get discouraged, and don't get all mad. I think maybe your event needed more preparation, or support first. May you should have gathered a Mob in advance to destroy the marauder village before you started or something like the Kara did once (just an idea).
I don't know, but you have to recognize Syndicate or any other marauder guild/individual have their own roleplays too. Give them reason to want to play yours. But also, you have to recognize theirs and what they want to do, not just yours!

Don't get all discouraged, again I say it!

Última edición por Naema (10 años hace)

#10 [en] 

I think Naema sums it up pretty well.

More roleplay events such as that are needed in the game but a bit of planning and communication is required otherwise people may not react in the way that you want.

Anyways a good learning experience hopefully and if anyone is interested in setting up an event involving marauders feel free to send me a tell/mail.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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