Web Apps


#1 [en] 

The "Announcements" link is with the "(1)" for one unread announcement right now - but if I click the link to read it there are none new (all without the red number in paranthesis)

In addition to that I'd like to select the languages for which I receive the announcements (I don't need English, French, German, Spanish AND Russian and prefer to see them only in the languages I'm able to read...)


#2 [en] 

Jarnys (atys)
In addition to that I'd like to select the languages for which I receive the announcements (I don't need English, French, German, Spanish AND Russian and prefer to see them only in the languages I'm able to read...)

announcements are only shown from active forum group (UI language unless switched manually).
Because english/spanish/russian are grouped you see those together, but you should not see english and french ones at the same time.



#3 [en] 

Mmh has the "new announcement" flag been fixed? it disappeared today.

Karu: I know that and I've deactivated French - the group en/es/ru is what I was really talking about as they can't be separated


#4 [en] 

Maybe it's because I forgot to mark the latest news as "Announcement" and only mark it 24 hours later, so Jamys read the topic before it has appeared in "Announcement"?


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#5 [en] 

well I also had that for a few days , that the Announcements tab was showing that there was 1 new , but it's gone now :)

#6 [en] 

Ah, that explains it Tamarea - maybe some dev can fix this case for future forgetfulness
It's low prio though...


Last visit Sunday, 16 February 12:06:56 UTC

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