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Atys: Arfur, Exodus, Indigo, Sienn, Virg
5 (1)
Partially, but some points need changing
Atys: Galtem, Jarnys, Marceline, Mjollren, Naema
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Anzhanto, Bitttymacod, Markanjio, Neela, Shuda, Tadhg, Victoriacamper
8 (1)
Atys: Suboxide
Abstain 1

#1 [en] 

Aileya has created regional flags which create fun opportunities for being displayed in outposts, apartments and cities.

PVP fighting to "own" a region has been proposed before, coupled with this was the fact that teleporters would be switched off for non-owners, which many people didn't like. For example, Kamis take control of void which would disable the Karavan Teleporter.

I personally like the idea of fighting for a region, but would not want any teleports to be switched off as a result. This means people can participate if they want without any future negative implications for them if their side were to loose. So what would be the benefit? Well they would be two-fold: Fun and RP.

With the addition of your factions flags being put up around the region if you were to own it, people could claim they "own" a particular region. Something which the marauders have been trying to create whilst having fun with in our city attacks.

For the region to be shown as in turmoil I personally would like the whole region to be PVP enabled whilst a battle is going on. This would also make it easier to implement the fighting, rather than having to copy/replicate or make something similar to the OP tagging. I know many would be against this but you can easily avoid this zone for an hour or so if you do not wish to participate, just the same as the current PVP zones.

To talk about how a faction would go about declaring: I envision a declaration similar to an outpost, via a guild (for ease) and costing dappers. I think however the declaration should be anytime from 1h to 12h. This would allow small preparation having people have to respond to situations, much like the recent city attacks.

I was going to propose several ideas on the pvp mechanisms but to be honest could only think of one I actually liked. If you have any other ideas please feel free to post them! My idea was a "Destroy the Guard Towers" theme. When the time for the declare comes, small, attackable guard towers would spawn around the region. Or perhaps, the guard towers were already there and instead just become attackable (Instead of towers, the banners already in place could be attacked). The objective is to destroy all the towers within a certain time-frame, such as one hour.

Thanks for reading, any comments would be welcome.

EDIT: Based on feedback and comments Nexus seems like a perfect place for this. If you would like Nexus as a place for please factor this into your vote.

Last edited by Virg (1 decade ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#2 [en] 

So you want OP wars but instead of tagging up everyone in the whole zone is auto tagged up?

Not my thing really can be nice but
> low lvl zones would make newbies attackable (what do they do go sit at stables while event goes on? Not everyone has been treked.
> this kind of similiar att we already have you can own the op's in a region; ok not exactly the same but do all op's get deleted then when it's region pvp instead?
> rp will be strange kara own the ops but kami own the zone?
> it will come over as forced pvp to some
> what about ppl not part of the attacking and defending faction? they can't enter the zone?
> not your idea but if tp switch off is turned on then that would be unfair for op wars
> just sounds like forced region wide op wars to me I read it couple of times just don't see whats different can just call an op an flag? or and flag an op?
> there would be alot off ppl against the idea maybe implement the removal of op's in the idea since RP wise owning a region would be nicer then an op


#3 [en] 

I have enjoyed doing the city attacks and wanted a game mechanic which allows short notice pvp that actually has some RP bearing. You raise some very good points though. I understand for the lower level zones and perhaps making this q200 and q250 zones only would remove that issue?

As for the point about Karavan owning the outposts but Kami owning the zone: This would not be unlike Hidden Source. The Marauders own the city there but technically the zone and outpost belongs to the Matis. Just because a building/outpost is owned by someone doesn't necessarily dictate that the zone is also owned by them.

Anyone can enter the zone they just have to bear in mind they are attackable. I believe the teleport switching off thing is a stupid one which is why I am not in support of it.

I fail to see how this is forced PVP. There are already PVP zones and this isn't forcing PVP. Just the same as a temporary zone wouldn't be forcing PVP.

I wouldn't want to remove any OPs as I am trying to add PVP mechanisms rather than remove it :)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#4 [en] 

Doing only in higer lvl zones would atleast kind of make sure no new players get stuck in town while the pvp goes on.

What for instance I'm mara and karavan att kami zone and i'm in that zone am I then just colatheral damage (innocent atys citizin that gets killed in a war he isn't part of) since I wouldn't for the life of me wanna help kami defend or kara att and end up owning it.

About forced pvp it is forced pvp in the end and the time limit doesn't help with that if the limit would be a couple of days then I wouldn't have such a problem with it myself. But imagine you are one of those diggers that lives in a zone has all his packers there and such. He plays a couple of hours a day after work. He logs in and arrives in loria next to his packers just to see 12h ago there was an att declared in the zone and you are attackable (and in war zones packers can be killed). He can teleport out but his precious packers are still in the zone, running em out in a battlefield is to dangerous (and he was sadly digging close to mara tp day before). If he wants to keep his packers alive all he can do is logout of game since ppl could kill them while he is logged in. (not every zone has water to drop em in quickly loria might been bad example)

What about doing something like this but in prime roots? I would love that idea. Most of PR is already a pvp area there are no outposts either, no new players (a trek can be done with a detour if you really wanna trek), ...
Only problem I see here is that since it's already pvp all the time that there should maybe be some extra incentive for the owners of the zone (not the tp thing pls) since I don't think ppl will just gonna pay loads of dapper to have some flags in a PR zone. (no idea if this would be possible but 25% boost if you are part of faction in digging in that region or ppl from that faction get a notice of boss spawn in chat (guess everyone gonna get 4alts then) just first things i can come up with)

Well Virg on Aristople when we build the mara camp we where told it was just temporary was also rp'ed a bit like that we where first to build this camp to get things there or something (long time ago) and we could expect big new things for mara in the future; there was some work put in the camp then all off a sudden we didn't hear anything from anyone anymore for months until merger got announced since then nothing much happend either :(


#5 [en] 

Very valid points about the packers in a pvp enabled region! Perhaps fighting for a PR zone would be a much better idea as you pointed out.

Maybe then for a reward (1x number of tribes in that region) of every supreme mat every week? Could be a RP spin that as you own the region the tribes are paying you to leave them be?



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#6 [en] 

Like that since PR atm is only digging and boss hunting, pvp there could be a more fun thing and if you pay for it and win it why not get a reward in the end.


#7 [en] 

After reading these ideas, how about a new city right in the middle of Nexus? It would be a conquerable city that aligns itself with the conqueror, rather than the other way around. It would have merchants, trainers, maybe even 2 new Occupations that you can only do if the city is aligned with your faction. (not sure how that would work with the rangers). Also, there would be a building where the owning faction could access their guild halls, Although I see major complications of having apartments/Guild Halls there, so don't have those. Declarations would be done similar to op wars, and cost alot. Many soldiers can be bought to defend them. A more ambitious idea would be to make the lands mats only diggable for the faction that owns the city, AND make them PR mats. Maybe even bring back the supremes (not the band XD)
Nexus is worthless right now in my opinion since the merge happened and all supremes taken away.

#8 [en] 

"don't see how it's forced pvp"

if you force me to tag up against my will, that is forced pvp. so....

i already dislike the forced pvp regions of pr/nexus, now from what i read in the first couple comments your wanting to make places like void a forced pvp zone, because of something, and it being like tagged pvp.

look many people in ryzom don't care for pvp, and as a result it's hard to get pvp points for the gear (and as mara's hard to get crystals, as you only have pvp points to spend to get them)

go out and farm them, so many people already do, or better yet, don't be a mara and do things that every one else does.

if all you want to do is pvp, i suggest playing league of legends, a game that's all about pvp. (no i don't play that either, but have seen many people that do)

always wanting to do this or that about pvp, i still say ryzom would have been just fine without pvp outside of op wars, but what do i know?? (something because i sure see more people not pvp tagged then i see tagged)

that's my two dappers. if you want to fight over things pvp, stick to the forced pvp zones we already have (which are why some players never venture into the roots, for fear of attack mid trek or durring an exploration.)

also, again i'll say it even though pvp players don't like it, give us merchants that sell supreme mats at insane prices. i don't pvp outside op's, i've visited a few sn's, basically it's either you have massive numbers, or get wiped out by a large group of high level players. give us sup's on the surface in ALL lands, not just nexus.

not everyone has a love of pvp, and i've be willing to guess that less then 25% of the active player base cares much for it at all (outside of op's)

as always i'm very anti-pvp, and i always will be, there's far too much violence in the world already. (both atys and the real earth)


Remickla (atys)
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#9 [en] 

Talk --

I liked most of your points right up to the line where you started ranting about sup mats.

Sup materials are available from all three Wasteland Regions and from Grove of Umbra and none of them are PvP areas. In addition, sup materials are available in AoI, and the other PR areas with low incidence of PvP attacks unless you are on the SN's. (Yes, you can be attacked, but most of the time you won't be.)

Last edited by Bitttymacod (1 decade ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#10 [en] 

sorry bittty, i got a little off topic with those, that's an old rant of mine that sometimes comes up when i start thinking about the forced pvp zones in pr.

it's a good point you make about the non forced pvp zones of pr, however, most of those spots are hit within very short time of season change / server resets, thus it's still very limited to only a handful of players getting them.

i do however think that since surface mat's above fine grade are restricted to crafting only with that civ's craft skills would make it worth while to have surface sup's, it doesn't have to be in large numbers, say 25 to 50 mat's of each type per season, limited to 5 mat's in a node, and the surface sup node would be one node in a 100m area, and i think they could be limited to seasons, much like exl mat's are.

much about the mat's is rather off topic though, but i do believe that any type of forced pvp is rather pointless, since you do not get pvp points for killing anyone in a forced pvp zone unless they were already pvp tagged.

the only reason to kill someone that i can see is to get pvp points, and since there are no pvp points awarded for killing someone in a pvp zone (unless they were tagged anyway) there is really no reason to have forced pvp zones. (super nodes could be an exception, but the forced pvp should only last as long as there are mat's in the SN.) if points were awarded for ALL types of pvp, be it forced, tagged, or op war's then i could see good reason to have a desire to kill other homins.

i'm firmly against pvp outside structured events like op wars and sn's.

i will admit that i've been ignored in forced pvp zones for the most part, but there are a few players that just want to "bully" others around in forced pvp zones, and i've fell victim to them several times trying to trek through PR, thus i stopped attempting to go into the forced pvp zones. (i haven't seen any of those players in game so i'm guessing they moved on to a more "fun" game that is more pvp orientated.)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#11 [en] 

Talkirc (atys)
"don't see how it's forced pvp"

if you force me to tag up against my will, that is forced pvp. so....

We are not forcing you into that region. As suboxide has already talked about I can see it being a major inconvenience in the q250 regional zones, which is why he suggested the q250 PR zones. If one zone is under attack there are still plenty more you can go dig in.

go out and farm them, so many people already do, or better yet, don't be a mara and do things that every one else does.

This statement is just shining a light on the complete and utter failure to respond and manage people talking about PVP point farming on the forums. In essence, you are one of many who suggested to do something that is illegal on the forums. If I said I was going to, and had, gassed someones mektoubs, parked mobs or posted a photo of me on the GM island (postmerge) you can bet there would be a response quickly a sharply condemning the practice for all to see. Why has no offical statement been made to people talking about something illegal? GMs are happy to say its illegal in tell windows but please if any of you are reading this- an official statement needs to be made. Start policing your own rules properly.

if all you want to do is pvp, i suggest playing league of legends, a game that's all about pvp. (no i don't play that either, but have seen many people that do)

This is a sandbox game. As such I am trying to introduce more mechanisms for PVP. This would be optional. You don't have to go to it.

always wanting to do this or that about pvp, i still say ryzom would have been just fine without pvp outside of op wars, but what do i know?? (something because i sure see more people not pvp tagged then i see tagged)

You don't have to take part in OP wars. They are optional. If you don't like them, don't go to them. Or go play Minecraft on survivor mode with no one else if you want a game without PVP.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#12 [en] 

Doing it in PR 250 zones is an awful idea and open to self-evident exploitation. Doing it in any region that is not atm a pvp area is forced pvp. Why not do it in Nexus? No one digs/trains there. It is already a pvp area; one that is completely wasted as a gaming area atm.

Last edited by Lacuna (1 decade ago)


#13 [en] 

What would be the self evident exploitation?

Nexus is a great idea, although was hoping for more than 1 region.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#14 [en] 

Uhmmmmm large pvp guilds being able to make areas pvp during season change for one. Then there are those bosses.


#15 [en] 

Could put something preventing declares at the start of season change continuing for a few hours. As for bosses you can't tell when they are going to spawn and thats why I suggested a 1 hour minimum time limit after a declare. Should be plenty of time to get a boss.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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