

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Just saw you can now turn in more then 1 item at a time to the new horizons wich is great just doing 2 delivery's of 18mats at a time makes it fast and doesn't make your brain melt out of boredom anymore.

But why do we need to find out these things ourself? Why isn't there any pride from the devs/owners/... that they give us some patchnotes. It would show you are activly developing the game and if we the players see these small patches being added we would have an idea where you work on and such.

Allowing us to drop 18mats at a time into the new horizon npc is a big deal for alot I guess had lots in guildchat say wow if that's true I start with NH again was to boring in past and such.

So be proud let us know when you change something about the game!


#2 Report | Quote[en] 

I am happy to hear the changes are well recieved. 

This went live last night, and was originally just a bugfix for the "sometimes dont recieve rewards, even though ive handed in my items" bug. Since this bug is now very squashed, handing in multiple items at once can be done safely too. A new method for allowing this was also made possible by some updates to other things.

As for patch notes, I agree it would help convey more active development, however in this particular instance things happened very fast, and sometimes it is nice to let players discover these little tweaks.

Thank you for the feedback!


Ryzom EN Event Team
Arkitect Wizard

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Discovering these things for players is fun I give it that. But there are ppl who aren't playing for instance that still look on the website and forums showing them things change as small as they are (I don't call this last thing small) they might get inticed with resubbing when they oh they did this and that ...


#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Hmm Back to the drawing board Goki, i just turned in 35 mats with my alt and she should have gotten 7000 Faction points + cash and there was no change. Even after a relog :( This was in Yrks

#5 Report | Quote[en] 

Well, it's never too late to add the patch notes, even a while after the new stuff went live.


#6 Report | Quote[en] 

true can put it in like a ninja and wait till we discover it. Then later down the line like a week or so publish somewhere in a threath about the changes for ppl not playing or ppl playing that never found out and stuff.


#7 Report | Quote[en] 

I'll see what can be arranged about some patch notes, but I can't promise anything.

Naema, sorry about that, the error that caused that has been resolved.


Ryzom EN Event Team
Arkitect Wizard

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

We all knew the matis NH were thieving scum, nae. No news there. Handing in 18 mats at a time though, might be time to do some flowers again! Bloody brilliant that is!


"It's shite being tryker! We're the lowest of the low. The scum of Atys! The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilization. Some people hate the Matis. I don't. They're just wankers. We, on the other hand, are COLONIZED by wankers. Can't even find a decent culture to be colonized BY. We're ruled by effete arseholes. It's a shite state of affairs to be in, Marceline, and ALL the fresh air in the world won't make any ****** difference"

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

Count this as another vote in fav of the value of patch notes.

Even if done in an after action report once things settle down a bit from patch deployment, there is still good value.


If us, the players, see written word (if it's wrote down, it's true and real. Everyone knows that.) on what's been done, there's a track record of stuff getting done. Otherwise, it's way too easy to start feeling like the game has been left to go fallow and that's not a good feeling to have. Hard to stay loyal when there's nothing to grab onto to show loyalty returned in kind.

Also we want people back in the game. We do. Honestly. We want more people to play with.

The more "sign" of issues being addressed, bugs being dealt with in something other than promises, etc and so on, is good and positive news that we, your loyal players, can all brag about to both new blood (players new to the game) and old vets who've given up.

So, whip us up some notes. Even a series of small notices for one off fixes and quick improvements, written and posted, would be a morale booster. Show us you're actually fixing things, even small things, so we know it's not just another round of empty promises.

Help us help you by providing what can be pointed to as good news that we can spread around.

#10 Report | Quote[en] 

On another note a whole new faction with FREE q250 tp's (yes not 6k to get to void but totally FREE wich is a really big advantage since you can't make 6k from solo grinding mobs in void to lvl).

I would imagine when a whole new faction got implemented with a new FREE tp system it would be anounched and how a new players can get access to it?

In any other game this would be world news plastered around everywhere forums/site and such but in ryzom for some reason this is kept silent. Is there something we can't know I don't know it just feels all huchhuch to me.


#11 Report | Quote[en] 

But Subox -- it isn't a faction yet.  There is no official Ranger Faction.  It's coming, and it's been coming for the last year +.  It's not news.  Once the full rite has been set up and it's possible to actually become a Ranger, it will probably be announced.

The Pathfinding:Beginnings was just a Mission for Ranger aspirants.  These are just training paths, and we haven't been told that they are permanent, just that they'll be around for a while.  There is no safe zone around the entrance, and there is no accessing them from a distance as with normal tps (even the zinuakeen).  There is a substantial barrier (to some players) in terms of fame scores, and the fame requirements for becoming a Ranger are going to be stronger still.  As for the requirements, they have been plastered all over the Forums.

(In more general terms, I can't see the devs setting up a Faction with free tps for the long term -- it's not balanced.)

As for making 6k grinding mobs, you ought to be able to do that as long as you loot and sell.  It's certainly very easy if you're digging.

Bittty (not a dev).


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Sorry bitty I guess wasn't nice of me to hijack my own thread for this.
me just venting > (I'm kind off mad becasue I tried reporting broken mara rite last week when a guildy did it and only response I got is "It's ryzom afterall" on irc then another guildy says how great rangers already look and how great the free tp system is he's using and how fun some of the '4 rites' he had to do where; makes me kind of angry since I've tried hard for the organisation I helped building the camp for tried loads of stuff on forums but all I end up with is great idea or we need it and nothing ever happens but in the end they make a whole new thing. Makes me feel like oh mara was a failed test before we implement ranger.) < for my venting

But about patch notes rangers might still be a beta test but why don't they announce it as a beta test tell us we are testing some new stuff in some patch notes. I think some old players might actually return if they hear about a ranger faction being tested if it's on forums and front page. It's kind of a big thing, alot bigger then new horizons turn ins but I know already from alot of ppl they told me they where hapy I put it on forums since now they doing NH again after seeing the post and had given up on NH months ago.

Nothing stops you from doing patch notes about ranger stuff now and then in 6months when there is a revision of the system posting new patch notes that change stuff in the organistation; this is what patch notes are for.

ps. yes the information is on the forums bitty but written as RP text by players that is hard to read and hard to get into not everyone is an RPer and such some might wanna join or bug test just for other means then just RP.


#13 Report | Quote[en] 

Very fair point(s). I believe the ranger faction was in alpha during the termite minigames, now it's moved into early beta with the introduction of actual ingame mechanics. This should warrant an announcement, new article on the wiki (not sure who has editing powers), etc.


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