
#1 [en] 

OOC: I’m claiming this little corner to post my studies of Ryzom lore and keep a chronicle of my character’s life in game. I’ll be writing in-character and from Perla’s point of view as she experiences and understands the world around her. Perla is a young Tryker, quite naive, inexperienced, eager to learn, explore and find her place in the world. She is a member of Phaedrea's Tears and neutral/undeclared.

~Perla's Journal Entry: Quinteth, Medis 29, 2nd AC 2579~
~Perla’s Journal Entry: Prima, Mystia 07, 2nd AC 2579~
~Perla’s Journal Entry: Prima, Winderly 25, 3rd AC 2579~
~Perla’s Journal Entry: Quinteth, Floris 17, 3rd AC 2579~
~Perla’s Journal Entry: Tria, Pluvia 21, 4th AC 2579~

Edité 6 fois | Dernière édition par Perla (il y a 10 ans). | Raison: New Entry

#2 [en] 

~Perla's Journal Entry: Quinteth, Medis 29, 2nd AC 2579~

Ambercubes! I’ve learned ambercubes were created to keep records of knowledge and that we had a great library that contained them, but these relics were lost during the first great swarming - and I supposed what little had been recorded after was also lost during the second great swarming. For this reason I’ve decided to keep a record of the knowledge I gain from my studies of skills, my training with the rangers, and research of the history of hominiti.

I am a homina consumed by wanderlust. This strong impulse to travel and explore the world led me to Silan. Since my first job for Chiang “The Strong” I understood the work of the Rangers of Atys - to investigate and survey Kitin activity and eliminate any Kitin threat. I was proud to have left Silan wearing the ranger uniform. But I was not fully aware of their mission until I met Orphie Dardius, the Ranger Commander.

Having finished my training in Silan a few weeks ago I designated Pyr as my first destination - In the city I found an announcement posted by the Ranger Commander, calling all aspiring rangers to meet in Almati Wood. Certain matters were to be discussed and the new ranger training exercises were scheduled to begin. I was curious enough about the new training to want to attend. But I had no knowledge of Almati Wood, and no idea how to access the Old Land.

Searching the public records I found information - Almati Wood is a region of the Old Lands that were overrun by Kitins during the Great Swarming. There is a dark and horrible history link to this region that dates as far back as the Temple War Era. Almati Wood was the third region opened during the constructions of the Karavan Temples and Kami Sanctuaries - one of the regions where Kami and Karavan followers fought for materials to build their centers of worship. I was not alive then, but it was a dark period in hominkind’s history when homin fought homin under the flags of their gods, tales of which I’ve heard off through the recounts of other homins, and read in my own studies of public historic records.

Years after the Temple Wars, the region remain opened and became the central access point to the Kitins’ Lair. It was the Karavan Research Division (KRD) that first took upon the exploration of the Kitins’ Lair, along with Royal Kitinologist, Nisti Tinanti, of the Royal College. Some time in 2557, before the Second Great Swarming, there was unusual activity in Kitins’ Lair. The KRD with the help of the Atys Rangers lead an expedition into the eerie tunnels, and collected samples of larvae and carcasses, eggs were counted, and Kitins were observed and even killed.

The study and exploration of the Kitins’ Lair is ongoing. The Rangers of Atys seem to be at the front of this task and have made it their life’s work to fight back the Kitins. In the records I found that the Rangers help save hominity with their battle plans, and convinced the Kamis, the Karavans, the Nations and the Trytonist to collaborate and work together during the Second Great Swarming. And it seems they are now starting to train homins wishing to join their organization with their skills and knowledge.

As it turns out the Higher Powers provide access to Almati Wood, and so after speaking to the Kami Teleporter in Imperial Dunes my tiny Tryker feet set foot on this old land for the first time. The first impression, or rather, my first observation of the area was the clear view of the sky - there are no tendrils over this sector like we see in other regions of Atys. Almati Wood is high above the tendrils.

Since my arrival to Silan I’ve been observing the sky, but no other place has giving me such a clear view of the sky to truly study the stars. I’ve wonder about what parts of this vast and sparkling sky my ancestors come from, and where in it is the home of the Karavan Disciples. I’ve heard many tales about the Karavan, the Kami, and the origins of hominkind. It is all very complex and confusing. In particular the myth of the Dragon, the creation of life on Atys and how we are all connected.

I took some time to study the sky, looked upon the stationary sun, the one source of light over our planet that only grows brighter during the day and dimmer at night time. I’ve heard tales about the sun, that it’s Jenas light, that it’s Karavan technology, and it seems there are as many opinions about it as there are many ways to skin a Yubo.

The history of the world interests me greatly, I plan to spend time studying the public records, searching for the answers to the many questions that boggled my mind. But for now my interest is on the work of the Rangers of Atys.

I’ve learned that the Rangers of Atys mission is to help homins live in peace without division and from the threat of Atys greatest foe, Kitins. They are an organization that works with all the nations and the Karavan and Kami religions. In a speech by Orphie Dradius she explained in detailed the expectations of those wanting to join the organization - “The rangers are a force to fight the kitins. If you are to become a ranger, you will have to eventually detach yourself from allegiances. We are a sword in the hands of hominity: it would be a shame for us if hominity did turn the sword on itself. If two friends fight, be the shield between them.” she said. After hearing those words I felt like I had found my calling, if I had any doubts about joining the organization it die then.

At the ranger meeting Orphie Dadius mentioned Wilk Potskin - a ranger that had been handling training, but was now deep in the old lands conducting some unclassified quest. Very little was said about Wilk and his studies, other than due to his absent Wuaoi Yai-Zhio will be managing training. The Zorai ranger talked about the magnetic fields and how rangers need to study these given points - we were taken to Zora to begin the training.

Unfortunately for me the Ranger Trainer refused to teach me, said I needed to work on my reputation, that all aspiring rangers need to become more familiar with the nations and not have negative fame standing. I understood, having just recently arrived from Silan I still had much to learn, and I am practically a stranger. I did make the acquaintance of other aspiring rangers and they help me trek to the other nations. For the last few days I’ve worked hard to familiarize myself with the four nations. I’ve worked for the Corporals of each nation and accepted tasks for the Karavan and the Kami. I even became a water carrier and florist and helped supply materials to New Horizon.

My determination paid off and once again I stood before the trainer and this time she could not refuse me. The work was simple, though it had it’s dangerous moments, I managed to complete the first training exercises. I am now awaiting to meet with the next trainer to begin the second face of the training exercises. And I am looking forward to it.

#3 [en] 

~Perla’s Journal Entry: Prima, Mystia 07, 2nd AC 2579~

So much has happened since my last journal entry I don’t know where to begin. Perhaps the reason is that I feel so much different now. I've changed not only physically but also mentally, intellectually. I've shed the primitive skin of a refugee for that of a more thicker skin and learned homin. Living in the mainland has forced me to see the world with the eyes of an adult. Still, there is much I need to learn, but I can honestly say I am a different person.

I've continued to challenge myself with the tasks given to me by the Ranger trainers. What an incredible adventure I've had so far - the culmination of the work that’s been accomplished and the homins I've met along the way have made this journey exciting. Has revealed to me how dangerous the world is also. Everywhere I traveled I found kitins, some quite dangerous, more lethal than the Kirosta found in Silan. Nevertheless, I am now an Apprentice Pathfinder.

Aside from the ranger training I've taken great interest in studying homin history. Mostly because I’m interested to learn how it was that homins lived then. I study hominity through the parables of the Karavan and Kami religions, the myth of the great dragon as told by my ancestors - these are the records of our origins. I can learn from the past how it was for them to live and how they evolve into the people we are today.

It is no secret that our ancestors were brought here by the prince of shadows, the great dragon, and he enslaved them. The goddess Jena fought and defeated the great dragon, and in that process Jena’s light transformed Atys into a planet of plants. She then purified the people and set them free. This was a time before the Kami came to be, and all homins worked and worship Jena and the Elect of the Karvan - her disciples. The Karavan guided the homins and helped them build the nations. It was them who thought the Trykers wind technology, and the Fyros how to harness the power of fire, and thought the Matis the secrets of living matter, and even the Zorai got their knowledge of magnetism from the Karavan. All the nations were built with the help of the Karavan Disciples.

Ma-Duk was created from the draconic ashes expelled by the Dragon, this ash is the essence of the Kami, the omnipresent ashes blended with all of creation on Atys, and all beings on Atys carry traces of the draconic ashes - invisible, odorless and tasteless, and breathed in by all living creatures. The Kami proclaim that Ma-Duk is the Life Giver, and perhaps he is - as this creative energy nourishes matter on Atys and the Kami teach that this great fusion creates from the Void and gave birth to all living creatures on Atys, including hominity. The Kamis think of homins as being created from the seeds sown by Ma-Duk, but even in the writing on their temples they say they discovered us - so it fits with the teachings of the Karavan that our ancestors were brought here from some distant world. And in the dark times of our history we evolve as a species, we became link to Atys by breathing in the draconic ashes, the essence of the Kami.

Hominity, then a primitive race, grew conscious of their own essence, and of Atys and the Void, and we had the power to change the world. Though we can be destroy by the Void, our own awareness of the Void gives us the ability to resist its corruption. But although hominity isn't corrupt by the Void we are corrupt by the grand dreams of power, and he who draws the prettiest picture believes to be the greater race. We live in a time of racial conflicts, augmented by the old traditions of the nations, and divided by the teachings of the cults.

Overall the Gods are not so simple to understand and what I've summarized, what I understood, what I’ve taken from it may very well be wrong. It will take years to fully understand the teachings of the Karavan and the Kami - but I am certain that we are all connected by the ashes of the Dragon, the creative energy that is Ma-Duk, and the purifying light of Jena. The gods do provide hominity the gift of resurrection - and that is enough for me.

In the last few days in the mainland I joined the members of Phaedrea’s Tears, a guild of neutral homins studying craftsmanship, harvesting, and the work of the Rangers. They have become my family. They are also a fount of information and support through which I've gained greater knowledge about skills and the environment. I’m content to have been accepted to their family, and recommend them to any homin wishing the path of neutrality and the knowledge of the Rangers.

#4 [en] 

~Perla’s Journal Entry: Prima, Winderly 25, 3rd AC 2579~

Today it seems I lost all sense of time, it must be the magical beauty of Virginia Falls which has bewitched my senses. Here, seating on the edge of the bark, listening to the noise of the waterfall a homin can find peace. I've been told wedding ceremonies are held here and I can see why. Though it wasn't a wedding that brought me here but the tale of Tyneetryk, the former leader of Phaedrea’s Tears.

It was here at Virginia Falls a ceremony was held in honor of her life on Atys. I never met the woman but I wish I had. Mac’Od Bittty calls her Child of the Wind, he said Tyneetryk will always be in the winds of Atys, he even wrote a song dedicated to her of the same title - Child of the Wind. They tell me she inspired the Tryker in everyone to come out, that she was a cheerful homin who valued freedom, equality, and sharing, a renown treker and crafter as well. Listening to the way my guilders talk about her makes me nostalgic about my own family. Because I can see how much she impacted their lives, how much they love and miss her.

So I sit here in the designated place link to my new family reflectively, giving thanks for what I’ve gained and remembering what I've lost:

~Perla’s Exodus 2562 (Part 1)~

When the kitins invaded the cities for the second time in homin history I was seven years old. Seventeen-years later I still have nightmares about it…

I am running in the dream, always running, across the desert that served as training grounds for the Fyros. I do not see myself as any older than seven years old. Seven going on eighteen was what my mother often said. I was not entirely sure what she meant by that, but over time I've realized she did so with a smile on her face that it’s clearly not intended to be insulting.

In the dream I am running alongside other members of the Rangers of Atys. They are not children such as I but instead all tall and powerful and confident in their abilities - they are all adults. And they are all wearing ranger uniforms and carrying formidable weapons that each of them depends on to do the job that they have long been trained to perform.

I am bypassing every single one of them - my speed is quite simply unparalleled. I am moving so quickly, so fluidly, that it is impossible for any of them to keep up with me. “RUN, PERLA, RUN!” Shouts my mother. And I make it a point to heed to my mother’s command.

Somewhere in the distance I hear roars. It takes me a few moments to realize what the roar is: a Kitin raid. Hominity’s greatest enemy, the Kitins, have attacked, they attacked the city without warning. I no longer hear my mother and the realization paralyzed me. It makes me nervous. I sense immediate danger. And then I wake up!

So vivid are the dreams that I wake up shaken and saddened. I know that my mind is starting to remember the events of those years. All I know for sure is that the Rangers were there.

I had another dream…

My bed is nothing more than a hammock suspended across the room, which is filled with clothes and toys. As I attempt to get out, my foot snags on the ropes. Instead of clambering out of the bed, I fall forward and land hard on the floor, twisting the hammock around on myself.

“Oh, for Jena’s sake,” mutters my father as he starts to move toward me so that he can disengage me.

That is when a loud , terrifying screech cuts through the air. I freeze. The shriek is a menacing noise that thoroughly immobilized me.

Papa’s head snaps in the direction of the screeching.

“Is that…?” I managed to say in a strangled whisper.

He nods. Something has changed in the way he looks, in the way he holds himself. He’s all business, 100 percent ready to take on what was coming.

“They surprised us,” he tells me. “They keep invading the city at random times…” Quickly he swings a dagger right across me and severs the bindings instantly. I start pulling the remains of myself. As I do so he asked me briskly, “Are you hurt?”

“No,” I said. Then there is another high-pitched howl of animal fury, and I jump to my feet scared.

At that moment my mother materializes in the elevator. Papa whirls and looks behind him, and I cannot see the expression on his face. For a moment they just stared at one another, just stared. I can tell they were relieved to see each other. But the urgency of the unfolding event left little time for romanticism.

Papa pulls me up and carries me to my mother, as her arms wrapped around me, he leans in and kisses her first, then kisses me on the forehead. I realized he was wearing heavy armor. He fastened the helmet over his head and grabs the shiny axe left against the wall by the elevator. He takes one last look back before stepping inside the rainbow and disappearing - that was the last time I saw my father...

I hear running feet and I hear voices directing people to a survival shelter. But I’m no longer in my family’s apartment, I am standing by the Kami altar in Pyr. Rangers are running through the streets, making sure that everyone is heading down to the Oasis - the Kami Oasis - the only place in the New Lands where Kitins can’t go without dying.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Perla (il y a 10 ans).

#5 [en] 

~Perla’s Journal Entry: Quinteth, Floris 17, 3rd AC 2579~

The Matis have done it, they've captured a Kitin of the depths. I still can’t believe it myself, that such a beastly, dangerous creature can be trapped - but they did it. I was there among them when it was captured, along with the Royal Kitinologist and other homins in Falls of the Two Totems.

The purpose of this risky undertaking is to study the creature and learn from it, so that in the future we may be able to fight Kitins more effectively. But I have doubts. The Matis have a long history of experiments ending in fiasco - one example of such grand and horrible schemes are The Ruins of Silan. I remember the days of my training with Sterga Halma, “..I think that the best method for beating the enemy, is to first get to know them. If we could analyse some samples, we could find an effective way of eradicating them…” he said, and after he tried to get me to betray the Rangers and their work. Back then we were talking about plants, and everyone knows how that fiasco ended.

The Matis have always been dreaming grand matissian dreams; obsessed with their legacy and past glory, obsessed with genetic mutations both marvelous and horrible. They are prideful people and it is their arrogant superiority that in the end makes them dangerous. It surprised me, the level of support noted at the event by the peoples. But I was more surprised that no official Ranger was asked to help with the task, given that Rangers have been studying Kitins for eons since the First Great Swarming.

But I can understand why they would not ask Rangers to assist. What knowledge the Rangers may have, whatever advantage they may have over combating Kitins, it is clear they are not yet ready to share it, nor willing to teach one nation so that they gain an advantage over the other. I can’t help but wonder if the Matis will share their discoveries with the other nations or hold whatever advantages they may gain from their Kitin studies for their own agenda. I wish I could be reassured that they will, but I can’t help shake the feeling, the fear, that it will become another Matis disaster.

However, I am glad I was present at the event. It allowed me the opportunity to put my new learned skills to the test. I've earned quite a few titles as my skills advance in melee, Light Armswoman, Heavy Armswoman, Close Fighter, and even Gunfighter. I’m also a Priestess and Elementalist. Simply swinging a weapon isn't enough, there are other tactical advantages that come into play when trekking, training in a party, or when training Solo also.

Trekking for example - when in a trek across the land there are rules to guarantee the survival of everyone in the party. The number one rule is “if you don’t have a master skill, you heal,” and it doesn't matter in what capacity every bit of heals helps the party. Never pass the guide, let them lead and stay behind them at all times - this will prevent running into dangerous animals. If the group is attacked heal, if you are attacked don’t run, stand still, give the tank the chance to taunt the animal away from you, and for the healers to heal you - going off and running away from group, or, running toward other homins while dragging aggro will put everyone at risk. And the second most important rule “do not loot unless told to do so,” quartering during a trek can respawn the animal, much worst, respawn a full pack or mob on the party that can get everyone kill.

When training Solo - It isn't enough to equip a weapon and wear boosted gear, one also needs to know its opponent, and know what type of weapon to use against them. The flora and fauna of Atys is smart and in the mainland knowing when to use slashing, smashing, or piercing weapons on what is important.

For example; I've learned plants are magical so using heavy armor while combating them doesn't offer protection like one would think - unless one is fighting Cratchas because they have a poison as well as a piercing attack - instead jewelry takes a greater role as it provides max protection against magical attacks. Stingas for example do cold and root damage. So, I can fight Stingas naked and still be protected wearing jewels with max cold protection - but I prefer to use light armor with +2 dodge. Now, as far as a weapon, Stingas have 25% protection to piercing and smashing weapons, but 0% protection to slashing weapons. I made the mistake thinking a two-hand weapon will slice through Stingas like knife to butter, I was wrong. Stingas tend to evade and dodge two-hand weapons, two-hand weapons are poor against dodging targets - but one-hand weapons are better at hitting dodging opponents ((two-hand weapons are better at hitting parrying opponents)), I learned.

This is only an example of the knowledge I've gained while training melee; a good fighter is a thinking one, one that can outsmart opponents in combat but also work well in a party. A thinking fighter makes good use of auras. In the mainland, stanzas like melee protection aura (MPA) and invulnerability are life savers. A fighter needs taunt stanza, not only to pull a single target from a mob, but also helps take the aggro from the healer, or from another fighter who’s too badly hurt. Sometimes, using invulnerability (invul), will allow me enough time for a healer to revive someone from the party. Other times I use melee protection aura (MPA), and those near me also benefit from this aura when I use it. A good fighter not only keeps the mob from the mags and healer but also knows when to help heal teammates. Even the most devoted melee fighters study magic, at the very least healing magic to revive (Rez) friends.

Many of these tactics were practiced not only by me, but by other homins during the run from Yrkanis to Falls of the Two Totems. We encounter quite a few violent animals on the roads, Gingos, Torbaks, Javings, Cutlers, and even Gibais. But it was during the taunting of the Kitin from the depths that group tactics became more evident. And with good teamwork they captured the beastly creature successfully.

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Perla (il y a 10 ans).

#6 [en] 

[OOC Note: Today’s post was hard to research and it took me some time to gather the information and study it. I've spoken to some players about Elias Tryton, surprisingly few knew who he was, and the ones that did knew very little about the mysterious homin. Researching the old forums also confirm what I was told, that Elias was part of an event that few people witnessed. But, most importantly that the RP faction, Trytonist, is not yet fully developed in game. For this reason I wanted my research to be as accurate as possible, and I have collected and summarized the information in the entry as best I could. However, Perla’s opinion of Elias is based on her understanding and interpretation of the research, and her imagination of how events unfolded during exodus, which may very well be different from other homins.]

~Perla’s Journal Entry: Tria, Pluvia 21, 4th AC 2579~

The nightmares have continued. The Rangers are always in my dreams in some form or another, and the outcome of my parents is always the same - I am separated from them in the chaos. In my dreams the Rangers helped people get to the safe zone, but the Oasis was too small to hold everyone, and as the moments pass more and more homins filled the sacred place. That’s when the mysterious figure, Elias, arrived and opened the Rainbow, the Rainbow that took us to the The Place With No Name.

But they aren't just dreams, I've realized. I know now that the dreams really happened. I had forgotten, but now I remember...

~Perla’s Exodus 2562 (Part 2): The Place With No Name~

The call for reinforcements had gone out and it was Elias Tryton who finally showed up to assist. A crowd had gathered around the Rainbow. People were stepping through and disappearing. Rangers handled crowd control, and thankfully, everyone followed orders without trouble.

I patted the side of the rainbow-portal, I was curious, and it forcibly pulled me forward but I half stumbled back. I didn't want to go through yet, not without my parents. I regained my footing, and paused and looked for my parent in the surroundings. There was enough noise from the crowd, and general shouting of orders and people calling for their loved ones that I decided against adding to the noise by calling out for my parents. Instead, I methodically scan every Tryker face that walked through the rainbow.

“Hey!” a boy no older than me called out to me, but I didn't respond.

He moved into my line of vision, I was surprised to see tears in his eyes, he looked anything but alright.

“Have you seen my Mom?” Pyto asked me.

“No,” I admitted.

He turned around and I watched him wandering in circles, as he too searched for his parents, looking increasingly confused. I stepped forward decisively, grabbed the boy’s right wrist, and walked him back to where I was standing.

“We can watch for our parents from here, when they reach the rainbow they will see us.” I said as I walked him over. The moment I said it, he became remarkably placid, and grabbed my hand tightly.

He stayed quiet as I continued to lookout for my parents, our parents, though I had no idea what his parents looked like, until finally, several agonizingly long seconds later, his mother emerged from the crowd.

The boy broke loose from my hand and ran forward embracing his mother. She held him tightly, as if for the first time in a long time, as if the very wind would carried him off if she let go. The boy whispered something in her ear and she raised her head to look at me.

I couldn't hide my emotions, tears wet my eyes, and I raised my hands to my mouth to cover the painful cry forming at my throat. In her eyes she told me what I refused to believe. They both walked towards me and embraced me, and I lost it. I knew then this was it, and before she said the words I knew I had to go with them.

The final call was announced. The rainbow was closing. Without looking back I enter the rainbow. I enter The Place With No Name, the safe haven where no kitin has ever set foot. But the most challenging facet of the aftermath had begun for me - and its the memory of my childhood that I do remember, which I now commit to pen and paper so that I never forget.

In the days that followed I never felt safe; separated from my parents and anyone I know, sleeping next to strangers, being moved around from one location to the next against my will. But what does a seven-year-old child know about safety. All I knew for sure was that I was alone in the world.

Each morning I’d rise expecting to wake-up next to my parents only to be disappointed. I’d wait and wait in vain for them to come and find me, and when the night hours became to heavy to stay awake I’d cry myself to sleep missing them terribly. Only to relive the same fate the next day after.

I supposed the memory of my parents begun to fade when I was shown kindness by Pyto and his mother. And it took the time of almost nine months for me to completely forget. Time moved on and I along with it. But I had no real concept of time - I only knew life became easier. I joined other children to play, I had adults who looked after me, and I was, I supposed, happy.

We have the capacity to build strong bonds with the people closest to us that gives one boundless hope, bonds that provide safety, unparalleled love, and even loyalty. Yes, loyalty, I believe loyalty is the bond that comes first, the loyalty of a husband to his wife, the loyalty of a parent to their children, the loyalty of friendships that can never be broken even if years apart. I learned the meaning of loyalty during my years of refuge. I learned it so well I can tell who of my friends will expect it of me and who will abuse it when I give it…

Ever since I remembered it was Elias Tryton who opened the Rainbow, I can’t get him out of my head. Who is this homin? What knowledge does he have about the Powers, and the origins of hominity? Why is he an outcast? Why is the man who has saved hominity twice from Kitin attacks hiding in the shadows?

Almost obsessively I’ve begun to search the public records for any and all information on Elias Tryton and what I’ve discovered has truly shocked me. Though I still need to verify what I’ve found, he has appeared throughout our history consistently:

Elias first appeared to a select few as an apparition during the First Great Swarming (2481) - he gave them direction and helped them take refuge in the Prime Roots away from the kitin onslaughts. The elders believed he was a messenger of mercy sent by Jena. Though the scriptures of those times have been lost - it was the sages, the elders, who founded the Guild of Elias with other homin races to keep his memory alive.

The Trykers believe that Elias is none other than the holy father, the husband of Jena. But this belief was concocted by the “select few” on the teachings that it takes two to create a homin life, and the Tryker utopian dreams elevated Elias to the status of divinity.

But the Karavan called them a sect that stood against the church of Jena - Karavan followers are prohibited from joining the Guild of Elias. The Karavan see Elias as a destabilizing factor, one who could turn many homins away from the church of Jena. The Karavan referred to Elias Tryton as a fallen prophet corrupted by the Dragon. They blame Elias for the First Great Swarming, going as far as stating, “He is the one behind the Great Swarming”.

The Trykers and the Matis nations are devoted followers of the Karavan, and following Karavan Law, have banished the Guild of Elias from their lands. During the reign of Jinovitch (2505), the persecution of members of the guild begun, and some were condemned for heresy against Jena and burnt alive. Since then the guild has remain in secrecy, working in the shadows.

In 2528 the Guild of Elias re-emerge: sightings of members of this mysterious group were seen in the cities. They were quickly hunted down by Karavan followers, who called them dangerous heretics. But surprisingly, Kami worshipers intervened. What followed were rumors of a secret meeting, where members of the guild and speaking on behalf of Elias, announced the coming of Jena. They claimed Jena would arrive on Atys with her legions to destroy Ma-Duk and the Kamis. The alarming news onset the start of the holy war between the Powers. (the Temple Wars 2530-2531)

The Karavan didn't deny the intentions of Jena, and revealed to the homins that the true nature of Ma-Duk was to consume the vital force of the homins to enable him to survive the Goo. The Kamis call for the defense of the planet against Jena and her supporters, stating Jena only brought death and servitude. The four sovereign nations prepared, and quickly ask the many formed guilds to declared their alliances, and to join under the banner of Kami or Karavan to support the coming war. But the guild of Elias asked homins to unite and stand as one against what was coming.

As I read on, the public records that recount these events, there was no documentation that confirmed Jena’s arrival on Atys. But the fact that the Karavan didn't deny Jena’s intentions reveals that the Guild of Elias was telling the truth. What troubled me, or rather, what I’m questioning, is how was Elias aware of this information? Could he have connections within the Karavan world, secret followers of Elias within the Karavan ranks that secretly passed on this knowledge? And if so, could there be a division of ideology among the Karavan Disciples - one side believing in the unity of all homin races without Kami or Karavan interference, opposing the other side that has rooted itself deep within homin culture. Or, perhaps the most simple explanation, that as a fallen prophet he has always been aware of Jena’s intentions waiting for the right time in history to reveal Jena’s plan.

These questions were what drove me to keep on searching for answers. Finally, buried in some small print, I found the words of Elias Tryton as read by Syndix. The exact date of this speech isn't clear, but I believe it was in the year 2531. The message was delivered at Loria’s Rise in Fairhaven. Though I can’t confirm if this is an accurate account of the message, nor can I confirm if the message was written by Elias himself. (I wonder, are there homins still alive today who might have attended?)

I read the speech in it’s entirety. I studied it. In the message he didn't strike me as someone seeking to be a martyr, perhaps this is clear and the reason why he only seems to come out of the shadows when we need him the most, to avoid this false idolization. I don’t believe he is a holy being nor the husband of Jena, this rumor was started by the elders who tried to elevate him into a divine being only because he came from the stars. And though he was an inspired teacher and former proclaimer of the will of Jena, for reasons yet unclear to hominkind has chosen to follow his own path. A path that directly affects us all, for he has change the fate of hominkind more than once. Perhaps out of some personal guilt, if there is truth that he is behind the events of the First Great Swarming.

In his message Elias revealed plenty about his intentions, he clearly opposes both the Kami and the Karavan, and speaks with strong beliefs in the unity and freedom of homins. Had he not reveal Jena’s intentions, we may have been living in a very different world today, the hidden agenda of the Powers may have come to fruition. What is the agenda? Well, the Powers themselves revealed them; the Karavan say Ma-Duk wants to claim homin’s essence so that he can survive the Goo, and the Kamis say Jena only brings death and wants to subjugate homins, so that they can take the planet’s resources and drain it of all its substance. Elias brings awareness so that hominkind can understand their position in the universe, that homins are the balance between these two opposing powers, and that the path to freedom can only be obtain when WE control our own destiny and the future of Atys.
Last visit vendredi 7 Juin 01:35:57 UTC

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