I vote for
Idea 1 5 (1)
Idea 2 0
Keep it like it is. 7
Other 5
Abstain 4

#18 [en] 

This is slightly a different idea, Maybe make those guilds that own OP's pay a tax wherever they own an OP to the local government. perhaps make them pay more for owning an OP in the opposite factions lands that the guild is aligned with. This can work as a natural control for them 'taking' many OP's for themselves. Or we can include maintenance costs for the OP also? Drills should break now and then!

#19 [en] 

OP tax, limiting members- it has all been proposed before and many many reasons why they are bad ideas have been said in reply.

The OP imbalance always boils down to 3 things: Tactics, Skills and Numbers. The only real fix to numbers is for players to move from the bigger to smaller factions, which many understandably don't want to do. The other 2 require effort, which some people don't want to do.

OPs are a PVP mechanism. If people want balance move faction or put in effort to strengthen the weaker faction. The latter has been happening a fair amount under the scenes and a result has already come from this. Hopefully more is to come.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

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I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
Last visit Friday, 20 September 08:52:27 UTC

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