how do you feel about forgiving players banned over 6 months ago?
i support this idea.
Atys: Afriel, Anzhanto, Cyndalia, Drogos, Elvanae, Fishgod, Marikka, Meagon, Mestro, Naema, Seralee, Tinial, Tuxi, Virg, Yakapo
15 (1)
i do not support this idea.
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Alirae, Alricelle, Arfur, Daniyrak, Defaultkghz, Helgah, Irfidel, Maxxye, Mederi, Mireilla, Pleiades, Victoriacamper
13 (8)
Atys: Sherkalyn
Abstain 2
Poll is closed

#1 [en] 

ok, the title basically offers the entire idea.

the idea is to give players that were banned over 6 months ago another chance. they can be warned that for the first 3 or 6 months of this second chance they will be on probation, where anything other then the most minor infractions will lead directly to being banned again, and that more then 3 minor infractions would also lead to being banned again. (3 strikes your out)

i offer this idea because ryzom isn't growing, i see more players leaving ryzom then we have coming in.

this could be a chance to bring back some of the old players that made mistakes, and also a chance to increase the income of the game by allowing them to have another chance.

sadly odds are that only a fraction of those banned will return, but each one that does is that much more income WG can use to develop, improve, and promote the game with.

thoughts and comments welcome, please vote on the poll above.


Remickla (atys)
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