
#78 Report | Quote[de] 

Matis- und Tryker-Flaggen von Aileya erstellt:



Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#79 Report | Quote[fr] 

Neela (atys)
Tamarea (atys)
And if one day the guilds with an outpost could put up a nation or religion flag?
But maybe you'd have other ideas?

How about a banner with their Guild Logo on it? "I claim this outpost in the name of...."

Also be cool to be able to add the Guild Logo to your armour, say on the back or front of the breastplate..

Creating a guild banner (as the civilisation ones but with the guild logo) is almost easy to do.
The problem is, that the game engine (NeL) doesn't support variable textures (the picture on the object - always the same but with different logos) and the game client doesn't support automatically downloads, when it needs them.
In fact there are more than 1000 guilds registered since merge. Even if we ignore inactive ones, there would be also storage guilds etc which all need its textures (which you would have to download also) for their armors, (maybe) weapons, flags, ..
So it is unfortunatelly not in the hands of the Ryzom Forge team, but needed dev team (Ryzom Core or Ryzom one). We'll need to talk with them about this question.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#80 Report | Quote[en] 

Matis and tryker flags, created by Aileya :



Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#81 Report | Quote[en] 

+1 for region flags and +10 for campfires


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#82 Report | Quote[de] 


#83 Report | Quote[fr] 

Vraiment génial de voir ce type d'ajouts arriver petit à petit. Hâte de voir les prochaines créations !


Artemysfowl, La Cabale Aleph Arkelen
Lieutenant de l'UFA

#84 Report | Quote[en] 

Tamarea (atys)
Cependant, la difficulté réside dans la multitude des blasons de guilde... et donc un nombre important d'étendards à créer guilde par guilde.

Quid d'une génération de l'étendard à la volée à partir du logo de guilde ?
À une forme de logo peut correspondre une forme d'étendard, les deux couleurs du logo peuvent être les deux couleurs de l'étendard, pareil pour l'aplat des couleurs et enfin on garde le dessin.


Markanjio di Segafredo
Noble Gardien des Matis - Noble Matis Guardian
Fléau de l'Empire - Scourge of the Empire

#85 Report | Quote[fr] 

ce que peux savent:

notre blason est un grand kiro blanc dans un disque blanc

cela ne sera pas facile....

je pense que si les étendards ont une forme standard suivant une nationalité
une couleur de fond suivant la puissance (kami, kara, neutre)
avec le blason de guilde qui s'inscrit à l'intérieur

cela devient scriptable... (du moins je le pense).

#86 Report | Quote[en] 

Tamarea (atys)
Neela (atys)
Tamarea (atys)
And if one day the guilds with an outpost could put up a nation or religion flag?
But maybe you'd have other ideas?

How about a banner with their Guild Logo on it? "I claim this outpost in the name of...."

Also be cool to be able to add the Guild Logo to your armour, say on the back or front of the breastplate..

Creating a guild banner (as the civilisation ones but with the guild logo) is almost easy to do.
The problem is, that the game engine (NeL) doesn't support variable textures (the picture on the object - always the same but with different logos) and the game client doesn't support automatically downloads, when it needs them.
In fact there are more than 1000 guilds registered since merge. Even if we ignore inactive ones, there would be also storage guilds etc which all need its textures (which you would have to download also) for their armors, (maybe) weapons, flags, ..
So it is unfortunatelly not in the hands of the Ryzom Forge team, but needed dev team (Ryzom Core or Ryzom one). We'll need to talk with them about this question.

What about a adapted guild flag?
Select a flag type for the guild (first step = one of the 4 race-flags) and put the guild logo in there with the same color as the race logo right now - needs 1 texture per flag-type + the transparent 2nd texture that's put above and is in the game already for each guild logo-design.

Don't know if ryzom supports multiple textures per object though.


#87 Report | Quote[de] 

About guild banners:

The RyzomForge devs are working already at it, because some things are missing by now within the NeL Plugins.
When they are done, the RyzomForge artists can work on guild banners and possible other things with guild logos or whatever else :-)


Aileya | Senior Game Master | Deutsch / English
Customer Support Representative
Graphics Team Member

Ryzom Forge Meeting Reports
What is Ryzom Forge?

#88 Report | Quote[de] 

a campfire that projects guild logo in the sky at night?


#89 Report | Quote[en] 

Hey all :) Give as some more reasons to PvP pls.Armors with PvP pts or something.
I'm not subbed atm but pls something that will make ppl to PvP in ryzom.

Don't wanna start to flame and all but if it comes to that so be it :D

Have fun :)

#90 Report | Quote[fr] 


Je vous invite à regarder la todo list des infographistes de Ryzom Forge dans la Projet Graphique, vous y verrez ce qui est prêt à être implémenté, ce qui est en cours et ce qui est prévu.

Vous pouvez aussi voir ici le début de tableau des assets déjà existants, qui servira de base de tri pour voir ce qui est déjà créé mais pas implémenté, et ce qu'il reste à créer pour qu'un même type d'objet existe pour tous les peuples.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#91 Report | Quote[fr] 


I suggest that people should look at the Ryzom Forge Graphic Team's todo list in the Graphic Project Wiki page, so you can see what is ready to be added ingame, what is in progress and what is scheduled.

You also can see the beginning of the "already made stuff" table here, which will be used to organize what already has been created but not added ingame, and what is still to be created to make each sort of object exist for each nation.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#92 Report | Quote[fr] 

Ich schlage vor, mal bei der Todo-Liste des Ryzom Forge Grafikteams unter Wiki-Seite: Grafikprojekte vorbeizuschauen, um zu sehen, was bereits hinzugefügt worden ist und was sonst noch geplant ist.

Ebenfalls kann man unter bereits erstellte Gegenstände die Tabelle der bisher erstellten Dinge einsehen, um Ordnen zu können, was damals bereits erstellt, aber nicht beendet wurde, und was noch erstellt werden muss um die Objekte aller Nationen abzudecken.

Last edited by Tamarea (1 decade ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit Friday, 1 November 04:31:04 UTC

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