

#1 [es] 

Lerya puts a poster at the Academy:

Here a summary of what happened in the last akenak assembly.

Topics were:

- Gift for Empress Xania.
- Virgs request.
- Atreus.

Gift for Empress Xania:

With the help of the visitors from Thesos and akenos Lerya, the things that happened on the quest for the gift for Empress Xania were told. 

Ventron explained that Thesos was responsable of the gathering of the materials for the jewel that will be given to the Empress. They went to the Barkers tribe to ask for this materials, but they were told, at the tribe, that the best material they had, amber of exceptionel quality, had been stolen. They found the amber on Thesos, Pecus wanted to give the amber to his wife as birthday gift. 

Pecus gave them the amber back, and the Barkers told them that they will send the amber to the Water Breakers so they craft a jewel with it. 

Pecus wife will receive another gift in compensation. 

Lerya explained that the akenos assemblies of Dyron and Pyr, with the visitors of the assemblies, went to the Water Breakers tribe to ask them for help. Help to craft a gift for the Empress Xania. 

When they arrived there they were told that the tribe would make the gift with pleasure, but that they would need certain materials that had been stolen. Water Breakers told them that the thiefs were the Frahar Hunters that attacked a comboy of the Water Breakers tribe. 

So they went to the Frahar Hunters tribe to investigate what happened. Frahar Hunters told them that nothing like a robbery took place and that those resources were given by Water Breakers as a present. 

At that point, both akenos thought that someone, a rival tribe for sure, took some armors from both camps and deceived them. 

akenos explained to both camp chiefs about their thoughts about the robbery and the Water Breakers announced that they will make the gift once the Frahar Hunters give back the resources. 

Resources were given by Frahar Hunters. 

After this, Abycus Zekops told that sharükos Lykos is proud of us and that the Barkers gave the amber to the Water Breakers and that the last ones are already working on the gift.

Virg´s request:

After this, Lyan Cexius came. At that point Lerya told that an homin, Virg, came to her with a request. It was about events that happened long ago, about Matis attacking Thesos. 

When Virg asked Lerya about what would the sharük do in answer for the attack, Lerya reported to the celiakos Lyan inmediately. Months later, in the last akenos assembly, Virg was present too and Lyan told that the topic would be brought to the senate. 

And it was in the akenak assembly that the celiakos came with an answer to this. 

Lyan Cexius said that the senate was divided about this topic. Some of the celiakos have the story of what happened in their journals, and they remember that the retaliation was taken, but others didn´t remember such a thing. And the records at the Academy seem to omit any information concerning this topics. 

So Lyan told to the assembly that we must find the Truth, and asked if bearing arms after so long is needed, if there wasn´t response to the attack of Thesos by the hand of the Matis. 

Mermaidia told to the akenak assembly to check certain documents at Fairhaven about a trial, and akenos Lerya asked her to talk about that. 

Mermaidia told us about what she saw and know. She saw the flames at Thesos and lifeless bodies of brother, a poisoned lake, a proud fight. 

The sharükos was just recovering from a long illness, but his strenght seemed unequalled. The Fyros has repelled the matis troops until their lands. The Karan and the general of his army were made prisoners, and moved under guard to the Imperial Palace. They had broken the Treaty of the Four Nations, and insulted the honor of Fyros people, they wanted to profit from Fyros weakness. So they could not let them go ahead. When the Matis troops retreated, the son of the King had left since a long time already, in words of Mermaidia, as cowardly as he is. They wanted to negotiate, to free their King from the Fyros prison. The ransom was dappers and the Hidden Source for the Empire. The Fyros were building a tower at the Hidden Source as symbol of the victory. But their perversion had no end, it is at that time that the flames burned in Thesos, and that the lake, was poisonned. The bodies of the fyros brothers couldn´t be brought back to life, the life seeds seemed broken, exctinct. 

The guilty was quickly found, and it was made public that Rodi di Varello had fled from Yrkanis. He was retreaved in the Lakes, of Aeden Aequous, and the Fyros asked for his extradition to the Tryker goverment. The request was rejected, it seems that the Trykers were fearing that the anger of the Fyros would hurt too badly the Matis duke, and they were maybe right.

They suggested a commong trial, the duke could have a defender, and the jury would be Tryker and Fyros. It was hard long, and many affairs were crossing. Many had the hearth filled with sadness, bad faith was obvious; separating truth from lies became difficult. The trial was finnaly reported, at everyone´s surprise

In the end the duke had been sentenced only for flamable material delivery, to two year of emprisonment. Not enough for many Fyros, but justice had been made. 

According to Mermaidia, during that time the TENANT commission worked for peace on Atys, it was time to sign up for a new treaty to put definitive end to war. Thanks to their common work with the nations and Rangers, a meeting was set in Fairhaven. Each nation established a camp near the capital city. Except the Federation of course, it was their capital city. Each leader told his speech of hope, except the Karan who wanted the Hidden Source back in exchange of his agreement to the Treaty. The Fyros revolted, but Dexton agreed, certainly to spare the efforts and quickly settle the affair. 

Mermaidia also adds out of the assembly that TENANT obtained an interview with the Karan when he was in jail, just after Stevano has taken the power and sent the nobles in exile. The commission played a major role in the liberation of the Karan, more than Matis themselves.
And re-signing the Treaty was important at that time, people should unite, as marauders resurfaced and kitins arrived too.

After this visitors told different stories about what happened:


"The crisis unfolded during the sickness of sharükos Dexton. At that time, nobody in the sharük was aware that not Dexton, but his son, assisted by sharükos Xania, was the factual regent, a cruel burden for the young sharümal. The chain of events started with an arson attempt at the market of Yrkanis, allegedly perpetrated by a “Fist of the Empire”, some unknows Fyros extremist group. Tension grew, and another terrorist attempt occurred in Pyr, where the entrance of the academy was poisoned with some Goo.

The perpetrators were identified as Matis conspiracy named Envine di Ende.

Next attempt were the “fist” again, a trader at the green seeds was assassinated by a later fugitive Fyros merchant. Then, during an Akenak Assembly, an explosion occurred in Pyr, destroying the billboard at first bazaar. After that, the “fist” attacked the Matis ambassador in Fairhaven, internationalizing the conflict.

While homins were inquiring and finding traces, Envine di Ende mercenaries stormed the Bar in Pyr, occupying it until driven out in fierce battle around all the square. The leading female matis was killed before she could be interrogated, and escaped with the help of a resurrection pact. At that time, tensions between the two nations were at the boiling point, and war threatening to break out anytime. And, worst, a Fyros scholar had been held by the Matisian border guards, on his way to the Yrkanis academy, for absolutely stupid claims to have been part of the assassinations. A former Fyros soldier formed a militia to free that homin, at that point we were close to a war. But Karan Yrkanis managed to avoid a clash with the aid of homins of all peoples, and the leader of the intruders was arrested.

Further on, the Fyros merchant who acted for the “fist” was held and revealed, that he was blackmailed by kidnapping of his wife by the matis extremists, a group wanting to drag the two countries into a war they hoped to bring the kingdom to ancient glory and planetary dominance. The leader of the group, a Matis female noble, was identified, the headquarters in upper bog found and conquered after some fight.

Not all connections to reactionary high nobility have been revealed to my impression. But a bloody war had been averted".


"Whilst I have many views to share on this topic, for now I will just share the events from the memories of my friends and I. They seem to be different from the others, and much much simpler. I was a young homin at the time so what I say now are fragments of my memory, patched with other wise Fyros homins, such as Azad. 

There was an unprovoked attack on Thesos, led by matis nobles, such as Meagon. Thesos was set alight and fyros guards littered the ground. Matis guards remained in their place, walking over the dead bodies in the most disrespectful manner. No revenge was taken upon the Matis which is why I brought forth the demands for justice. And in my humble opinion, listening to these other homins´ memories, no justice was done there also".

After a long talk that took us all night, even some misunderstanding, it was clear that the problem was not what had happened, but the fact that the stories are so different and they affect people of importance, making the situation particularly delicate. Lyan Cexius told that the senate will be looking in to this more deeply and that maybe a council with the Matis in order to see what they have to say could be done. 


Last topic. Mermaidia wanted to add something about Atreus. She told that he is still weakened but he willingly accepts the confrontation. She also said that we will hopefully hear about him soon.

cal i selak ! 

Last edited by Lerya (1 decade ago)


Lerya Rechtuch

#2 [es] 

*After hunting for writing materials for 5 hours I sit in my minimalist apartment in Zora and write my letter to Lerya, Lyan Cexius and the Fyros Senate*

The Truth of the Thesos Massacre

This is from a time before the 2nd swarming when I was in the Tryker government and my guild followed Jena and, frequently, supported the Karavan in battles.
Unable as I am to remember clearly the background to this massacre - I do remember the Matis government asking the Tryker government for support when they were secretly planning an attack on the Fyros, we refused.

As a Tryker I saw no reason to support Matis and there were no Trykers who did, we believed that the Matis were pompus and overbearing and unhealthy and had already been drawn into other battles alongside them.

The Matis went ahead with their attack. Supported by the Matis Royal Guard, Meagon and a small number of other Matis slaughtered all of the homins at Thesos, the Fyros were so small in number that there was little they could do.

Their dead bodies lay there for many seasons, all the traders, even the barman, Thesos had become a ghost town.

Then there came the arranging of the marriage of a Matis Prince, forgive me for not remembering names Lerya, and this led to an extended rigmarole - planning and almost endless meetings ... the 1st one I attended, but no more. Finally the Princess-to-be was chosen (Meagon) and the wedding was arranged and invites had been sent out to all homins for a wedding at Dryland Gate Stronghold in Knoll of Dissent. My guild had no intention of attending BUT I had received secret information that the Fyros were planning a revenge attack on the wedding party including the Matis Royal Guards and slaugtering all guests. We attended the wedding with our armour and weapons packed in our bags.

Throughout the time we waited at the wedding the Fyros homins, no more than 25-30, marched slowly from Thesos, through Hidden Source, to Knoll of Dissent, shouting as they went that they were coming for revenge for the Thesos Massacre. They came within hearing distance and then ...


All the Fyros homins had been banned from the region (Jena's intervention?) and were taken away to distant lands.

We left the wedding.

It is my opinion that revenge be taken on the Pompous Matis, and I would pledge my sword to support the Fyros in any action they took

I will not pledge my time in any negotiation for peace

There is far too much peace for the Matis Nation, and long negotiations and discussions are not to be tolerated

Hopefully, Lerya, you will be able to persuade your senate to take action and, at the very least, the Zora theocracy will allow homins from Zora to take part if they wish


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#3 [es] 

Lerya throw another dagger to the dartboard and continues with the letter

cal i selak, Binarabi:

Thanks for this information, will be of great help and the sharük is greatful.
I´m sure that celiakos Lyan Cexius has already reported this to the senate as soon as he finished reading the letter.

I agree with you when you say that negotiation isn´t a choice when something like this has happened, and I´m happy that you will support that attack if it is done. But I have to ask you to be patient.
The akenak and the celiakos know that all our brothers had talked the Truth. Sounds strange because every story is different, but celiakos are working hard to get as much information they can to solve this situation. We can´t attack before that, Honor without Justice is only a revenge, and Justice without Truth is meaningless.
So since the moment the celiakos come back and tell us what is the Truth, we can´t talk about Justice or attacking for make the Matis pay. As I told you before, all our malos had talked Truth and we must respect that, the Honor of our citizens, those that, as the celiakos and akenak were told, were killed by the Matis, and those that they told us different stories is in our hands. Is a hard situation; I will keep in touch with celiakos Lyan to know what is going on with the investigation.
Every letter will be welcomed, as yours; the Truth of your words is undoubtable.


cal i selak!!

Last edited by Lerya (1 decade ago)


Lerya Rechtuch

#4 [de] 

Atys'ata, honored Akenak Lerya, and renegade Binarabi

Thank you for your detailled reports, also about some events that happened at Thesos.
Unfortunately the background to this has still not been brought to light.

It is sad to hear about citizens of Thesos lying around dead for such a long time. It reminds me of a Marauder-attack on Dyron, led by Mezix in the past...

Fortunately the Marauders were driven away at that time by homins of all four nations fighting side by side to defend Dyron.

To renegade Binarabi:

know that you will of course never be allowed to break the existing peace-treaties between the nations that are currently in effect by participating in politically incited battles against other nations, unless and before our Grand Sage Mabreka Cho officially declares that the Theocracy will take part in that war.

Battles for outposts, conflicts between guilds and duels of individuals are of no political concern or consequence.

But if a political (still) relevant guild as yours takes part in a war against cities or even nations without the explicit approval of the Sages, then this will most probably result in your guild being stripped of all political rights and its voice within the Theocracy.

By insulting "Matis-sympathizers" in reply to a mentioning of an "Zorai-ambassador" at the previous Assembly in Yrkanis, you were aiming your insult at me, an Awakened of the Theocracy, and you know it. Just as you already know about the good relations of the council of the elders and the Grand Sage with the Kingdom, so you can definitely consider them "Matis-sympathizers" as well...

Besides you still have not expressed any regrets yet for the attack you have led against the guards of the Theocracy in the Great Outback; peaceful guardians of your own country.

Hence and also because of your openly supporting of Marauders, a group who wants to overthrow our honored leaders and has already attempted the assassination of Sage Sorrow / Supplice, I will as of now refer to you as a renegade.

Last edited by Zhoi (1 decade ago)


#5 [es] 

*OOC: will take a little time to compose answer - meantime will send izam mail to all that appear to be involved to speak in and open and frank way OOC*


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
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