

#73 [en] 

there's a point in your last post bittty that i like and agree with, something along the lines of a guild that would willingly allow all types of players in at once, that would be the only way to be a truely neutral guild without prejudice, one where EVERYONE could be a member. personally i like that, then there'd be something for everyone.

besides bittty, the bulk aspect, i'm saying that on the grounds of "where is the balance", since this is an unfair advantage in terms of bag space (even keeping one tp of each alter has an affect.) i would like to invest 10m dappers on tp's so i don't have to rebuy them all the time (similar to the fact that a mara can buy 10m dappers worth of tp's and not waste ANY bulk.) i'm complaining about this because it's a fact. (tp's are the only real dapper sink in game atm)

well that's my two dappers.


Remickla (atys)
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#74 [fr] 

Tamarea (atys)
When the marauder rite has been added, there was not any specific "marauder fame": the Marauders were recognized by their all very negative fames only and not by a specific marauder positive one. This has caused problems with the marauder guards, who didn't recognized the Marauders so didn't defended them. Since then, the gameplay has been changed and a specific Marauders positive fame has been added: any Marauder has got a >50 Marauder fame now. That's the reason why the marauder guards protect Marauders now: they check their Marauder fame.

The old system (Marauder = all negative fames and not = marauder fame>50) is also the reason why there still have a "bug" with the guilds, who don't check the new "marauder fame" for the moment so don't recognize a Marauder and only see him as a factions-neutral and civilizations-neutral. This has to be fixed. A Marauder shouldn't be able to join a non marauder guild, as a Kara homin can't join a Kami one or a Fyros homin can't join a Matis one.

This old system (Marauder = all negative fames and not = marauder fame>50) causes also a technical problem with the forums: Marauders should not have access to "Factions-neutrals" forum neither to "Civilization-neutrals" one because they are not neutrals, they are "Marauders". This will have to be fixed too.

En parlant de ça tiens, vous avez toujours le contenu de mon mail de .. C'était quand déjà ? Disons un peu plus de deux mois maintenant. J'imagine que je vais passer un peu sur l'irc pour demander quoi, un de ces 4.

#75 [en] 

ok, so now the neutral forums have disappeared for mara's. how long, roughly, will it be until they can't be in a non-mara guild?


marceline nitwit.
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#76 [en] 

Aren't the dev's lovely in doing it all so quick - for the ***** *********


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#77 [fr] 

Oh bina I had great fun in working out what you wrote.. it took me all of 5 seconds :P

It would be great if work was put into improving marauder game play rather than just piling on restrictions. The anti-marauder guards are a key example of restriction whilst offering nothing but an annoyance to many maruaders. Perhaps if these guards were made interactive they could actually be a good thing for the marauders.



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#78 [fr] 

I wonder why there is no mention of this "problem" on the Dev Roadmap, yet it seems to be getting fixed very quickly. When was the mara rite first introduced, 2 years ago? So, we have known about it for that long, and haven't acknowledged it until recently. Now, it totally skips the dev roadmap, and we are fixing it ASAP even though it doesn't give anyone a clear (or unclear for that matter) advantage over anyone else, but will certainly disadvantage the tiny handful of people the "fix" will affect.

As Marce pointed out, we can no longer see the civ/faction neutral forums, am I to assume that soon I'll log in and just be guildless, kicked by the development team from the guild I created, the guild who asked me to come back AFTER I took the Mara rite?

Can we please get a time frame so that we might set things in order before it happens?


#79 [en] 

This will be announced before to be done, of course. The date isn't scheduled for the moment.

About the forum changes, they are part of the current merge and reorganization of the forums.

Last edited by Tamarea (10 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#80 [en] 

Virg (atys)
Perhaps if these guards were made interactive they could actually be a good thing for the marauders.

We are looking at this idea but it would be interesting to have more opitnions about it.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit Thursday, 19 September 01:37:38 UTC

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