

#31 [en] 

In French, the term "nation" refers to a "nation-state".
And since the authors of the lore are Frenchspeaker, I'll play it safe and bet on a hasty translation of the original version into English.

Let's expand on that and let me copy-paste the French version (tant qu'à faire) : Les Maraudeurs des Nouvelles Terres rejettent également les Homins des Nouvelles Terres. Beaucoup parmi eux ont dans leur passé servi leur nation, mais, déçus par celle-ci, ont choisi de s'en détacher.

In French, it is said that the marauders were let down by their "nation" (- déçus par celle-ci-, literally means "disappointed by it" (it being the "nation")). The funny fact is that there is no mention of constraints or of governments in French. Maybe the English translator felt it was needed to give some more explanations ? It would be interesting to have an official stance on this, especially since core explanations are so different o_O.

Anyway, this does in no way invalidates your way of seeing thing, which is actually interesting and answers to the core value of the Marauders : You are saying that you wish to destroy all the governments, which are sources of poison and corruption. So it means that you actually are the ennemy of every citizen that accept such government.

Then it means that you are actually breaking away from every governement/civilisation/nation, right ?

So you are actually defending not your way, but the way of some other people who decided that Marauders should be able to live in the civilized areas, under the rule of governments ?
Please correct me if I am wrong.

#32 [en] 

Binarabi (atys)
Corwin (atys)
or just honestly admit this is an obvious bug due to unfinished dev on the marau faction
same way marau aligned toon can port while sitting , in water or when using invulnerability, all other aligned toon cant.
there is no reason for some player to be able to do it while some others cant

This is nothing - we are talking about genocide of a multinational organization here in this land

Please Binarabi, stop using he word genocide in this context. It is disrespectful. What is happening here in a "virtual" game (and I stress on "virtual") does not compare with a genocide at all. Nobody is actually dying. The term genocide should be used when there is an actual genocide, so it does not lose its strength and its importance.

Same goes for racism. There are human beings suffering from that IRL. I don't think you are actually helping anybody by applying it to a discussion about the gameplay of a video game during a discussion on an Internet forum. If you feel like you actually need to fight against racism, I invite you to go to your local Anti-racism association and learn more about what they do and actually help them in any way you can.

Some words are not to be toyed with.

#33 [fr] 

j'espère que nous aurons une réponse "plus officielle" avant la fermeture de ce sujet.
Merci d'avance :)


Mermaidia, heureuse Chef des Eclaireurs d'Atys
Homins, unissons-nous et agissons dès maintenant afin de préparer notre futur sur la Belle Atys!
Libres et fiers, en quête de notre histoire commune et de nos racines, nous retrouverons et protégerons ce monde qui nous a tant fait vibrer!

#34 [en] 

To those who are calling for "official" intervention, some comments:

If your point of view (that Marauders should not be a part of any aligned guild) is so correct, then Marauders will NOT be a part of any aligned guild; the Guild Leaders who absolutely control membership will not let them join or will kick them out if some officer accidentally invites them. In fact I am in agreement with that point of view. I would never invite a PvP'er to join the pacifistic Phaedrea's Tears. If you are a Kamist Matis guildleader, however, who sees in the Marauder a kindred revolutionary that you think you can "use" to gain power over your enemies in the Nobility, feel free to invite her and take the political consequences.

If your point of view is that Guild Leaders should be *forced* (via game mechanics) not to allow Marauders into the guild, then I stand against that. Let Guild Leaders choose their form and level of roleplay and choose who shall be a member and who shall not. Let the sandbox be free to evolve. (I am actually in opposition to the Nation restrictions as well -- not sure about the religious ones: I don't want either party (Jena or Ma-duk themselves) directly intervening in Atys.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Bitttymacod (10 years ago)


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#35 [fr] 

Max once again you just jump from governments to organizations. The two are seperate entities they are not interchangable.

Look into real life examples: Mobsters and gangsters. Heck even companies like Nike. They are organizations. They are multi-national.. They are not a government.. They can be anti-government or they arent..

Tbh I am just tired of this. Just try and understand my last posts please.

Last edited by Virg (10 years ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#36 [fr] 

T'es chaud patate Maximus ! C'est beau !
Mais tu sais (enfin j'imagine que tu le sais) ça ne sert pas à grand chose d'en parler (enfin j'admire le fait que tu n'abandonne pas ..) avec "eux". Tout ce qu'ils veulent c'est jouer "comme des potos" quitte à laisser complètement tomber les fondations du jeu.
Par ailleurs, vu que ce poste va sans doute être surveillé par les gms/anims, j'attends toujours une réponse de la part de l'équipe d'anim :D (et merci d'avance).

#37 [en] 

Maxxye (atys)
Mais tu sais (enfin j'imagine que tu le sais) ça ne sert pas à grand chose d'en parler (enfin j'admire le fait que tu n'abandonne pas ..) avec "eux". Tout ce qu'ils veulent c'est jouer "comme des potos" quitte à laisser complètement tomber les fondations du jeu.

Wait, so it's a case of 'them and us'?
This discussion is over then... we will continue to play however we like as you will, in turn, play however you like.


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#38 [en] 

I think also this has to be clarified.

A patriot may be close friend with zorai, he cannot enter a zorai guild, while a marauder can.

Nothing can prevent you subtle way of interpreting the marauder's lore. But it has to be in the same gameplay limits than others.

OR ... free all the limitations. In a way it could be more realistic, but it's a high risk to flatten the game.

Maybe the guild fame could be more usefull in game's mechanics. And mixed guild would have strong penalty on it's fame, preventing them to do this without a deep willing.
For exemple the guild fame could influence the price to declare op war. This is just a exemple, and not enough to my point of view.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Zendae (10 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#39 [fr] 

Ah ... C'était mieux avant quand même !


Author of the novel "La Guerre Sacrée" :

#40 [fr] 

I have taken the time to write an in-depth coverage of what roleplay I choose to follow. I actually think this roleplay is far less superficial than many of the "hardcore" roleplayers. I do not follow the lore like I bible but I do not think the lore should be followed like a bible- this is a sandbox game. Do not tell others how to play with their sand- essentially you are trying to impose your own RP restrictions on others- others who aren't even in the same faction as you! It is ridiculous! (I know I have recently asked Zendae to change the RP of an event but that is an entirely different matter, one OC, and I will not go into that discussion here).

Have a think of what a "lore" actually is. It is not written in stone and it certainly is not something to be followed down to the last word. I think you guys get way to hung up on the lore- it is not a rulebook! Have a look at a few definitions online and maybe then you might understand more.

Last edited by Virg (10 years ago)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#41 [fr] 


je pense, que si on se place sur un plan Strictement RP on peut envisager d'utiliser les mots "racisme" et "génocide".
Toutefois, je suis d’accord, quand on utilise abusivement un mot il s'use et perd de sa force. Aussi, devons nous user avec prudence et beaucoup de circonspection de ces deux mots...

Aussi, si on se place sur un plan strictement RP:
l'équilibre RP/GP est quelque chose de difficile à trouver je le sais bien...
Aussi, soyons tolérants... mais n'abusons pas de la tolérance, car l’extrémisme adore la tolérance des autres qu'il sait parfaitement exploiter à son avantage. L'histoire et le présent regorgent malheureusement d'exemples qui en témoignent, je parle ici de la vraie vie avec des morts et de humains brisés sans possibilité de rez ou de rename...


Edited 3 times | Last edited by Aelyne (10 years ago)

#42 [fr] 

Sinon, je suis plutôt d'accord avec Maximus. Et c'est bien trop rare pour ne pas le prendre en considération ! Ne jouant plus depuis plus d'un an, c'est quand même assez frustrant de voir que rien n'a changé, voir que les choses ont empiré.

Je souhaite bien du courage à ceux qui essayent de continuer à jouer dans l'esprit d'Aniro, cela ne doit pas être évident tous les jours.


Author of the novel "La Guerre Sacrée" :

#43 [en] 

Marceline (atys)
Wait, so it's a case of 'them and us'?.

Not really them & us, more.. the way to play
Marceline (atys)
This discussion is over then... we will continue to play however we like as you will, in turn, play however you like.

That's it ! Just play as you want and let people say what they want ( well in a respectfull way of course !)
Only two things could change that, open another server (no need to say why or for who ) or close the game ( i don't like the 2sd one !)

#44 [en] 

Maxxye (atys)
That's it ! Just play as you want and let people say what they want ( well in a respectfull way of course !) :)

works for me :) 

Maxxye (atys)
Only two things could change that, open another server (no need to say why or for who ) or close the game ( i don't like the 2sd one !)

erm... yeah... i'd like to avoid the second one if possible.


marceline nitwit.
professional procrastinator.
atys's first openly transgender homina.
loyal member of the guardians of subox.
founding member of the cookies.
proud honorary member of the Lost Girls.

Douglas (atys)
“What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer.”
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#45 [en] 

Just a little word on here to say how I consider things here.

Kamis can't join Kara guilds. Marauders can join any guild. Neutrals can join any guild.

A neutral's "ideal" fames is +50 everywhere: basically, supportive of everybody. Ideal between quotation marks because different roleplays may induce very different fames.

A marauder's ideal fames is -100 everywhere, but at least under -42 because of the marauder rite. Making them ennemies of every state. From a logical point of view, if Karas and Kamis can't mix, then Marauders shouldn't be able to mix either. Heck, Kamis and Karas can't even enter neutral guilds.

It is not racism, fascism or whateverism driving those who request marauders not to be able to guild in non marauder guilds, and maybe they're adressing the topic in a way making the marauders feel like they're singled out and mistreated. The fact is, though, that it's closer to asking equality in the way Marauders, Kamis and Karas said are treated.

Last edited by Ingfarah (10 years ago)

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