
What applies to you:
I agree with the post
Atys: Afriel, Aleeskandaro, Alrik, Anzhanto, Astarth, Bambamseven, Bastien, Bazett, Bitttymacod, Bringidi, Ciliana, Dale, Divinesoul, Dudu, Eloira, Elvanae, Fishgod, Glorfem, Hyunata, Jacp, Jarnys, Jazzy, Karabas, Karigan, Keny, Khalaoden, Lhyrs, Malachi, Mari, Marikka, Mikira, Mithrandir, Mjollren, Narga, Narutusensai, Neeis, Nitrouss, Npee, Nuzanshi, Omer, Pirozhki, Priest, Remigra, Revvy, Rubiksmomo, Ruelana, Sandmoi, Snarfster, Talkirc, Teratantula, Trykerkyloo, Virg, Vorazun, Xoep, Xolok, Yubina
56 (8)
I think there should be a new zone
Atys: Agan, Aleeskandaro, Alexiansiva, Alphina, Anzhanto, Arfur, Arthenice, Bambamseven, Bazett, Bitttymacod, Corwin, Dale, Djaimse, Drekai, Drogos, Dunea, Eloira, Evilox, Ffionnys, Gazzi, Glorfem, Hechicera, Jarnys, Jiro, Kaetemi, Karigan, Keny, Khey, Kiwalie, Klayton, Kovabon, Lilz, Malachi, Marceline, Marikka, Meagon, Mereum, Mikira, Naema, Neeis, Nitrouss, Norris, Nuzanshi, Omer, Oswin, Piquedram, Pirozhki, Priest, Riqles, Rubiksmomo, Ruelana, Sassafras, Sendres, Sienn, Talkirc, Teratantula, Tibicenas, Trykerkyloo, Tzarfati, Virg, Watashi, Wui, Xilith, Xoep, Xolok
65 (12)
I don't think there should be a new zone
Atys: Orbotz, Ventron
Atys: Ethelbaldt, Priest
Abstain 5

#68 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français

y le regrette mais mon opinion est relativement proche de celle de Nair'Virg :p

une nouvelle terre devra être ouverte pour tous...

Même si les rangers devront avoir leur rôle à jouer :)


#69 [en] 

No need to be sorry about that :P


A thought on one possible addition to the zone

Background: A huge group of kitins lie over an old outpost, hidden in the depths of the region. Once a week a kitin boss spawns, the boss mechanics become active and can be attacked by the server. If the kitins are successfully cleared then the players present can loot item X from the outpost.

Difficulty: This should already be hard with nearby aggro but this boss needs to be harder than the NPC bosses, with more players needed to kill. The server should fail, lots of times.

The purpose: A common enemy for homins, binding them together. Sure we can go back to killing each other (or the ground) later on but if there is one thing each faction/civ/religion's lore agrees on, is kitins are a major threat. (Yes there are the current nests to be raided but they provide little reward for a large group of players which is why they aren't attacked regularly).

Item X: An old (untradable) relic material that researchers in different camps collect which gives points to go towards titles and perhaps a unique piece of gear/set? (Sorry FF but I do not think the reward should be the same/similar to current game OP mats).

[I understand that it might be useless debating things for a region that may never happen, but I figure the more things people like about it, the more chance it has of happening]



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#70 [en] 

In my personal opinion, a new region should be available to all and fairly used by all. With such a thing needing a lot of dev time to produce it would be a shame if only a certain group of players could use it to its full extent.

(Also there are other folks who are denied certain game advantages in my opinion but that is all I will say- don't want this thread going off topic)

So how would you suggest thie issue "equal opportunity" of access to be addressed if we can't talk about it when any change is proposed ?

I don't see how anything suggested made anything "unavailable" to all ... any more than currently exists. RThe same could be accomplished by placing the features in any region.


#71 [en] 

I am in favour of many different things being added into the game that are for only for specific factions/civs only. Many times (when concerning marauders) I was met with the answer "you choose that path, deal with it". I still do not agree with that.

In this specific case, with such a massive new thing being added- a new region, which many have asked for in many different posts, I believe, at least to begin with, that everything added should be available to all. One of the main points of a new region would be to tempt back old players, I think placing certain faction-only mechanics in the region might hinder this.

(Also from a RP-point of view I believe the marauders are entitled to the same opportunities (if not more) to fight kitins as the rangers. Probably bias but that's just my point of view).



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#72 [en] 

I can see that ... but as w/ Episode 2, we didn't have OPs in any of the regions until then. In accordance with the story line, I can see it as a evolvement of area or areas. Of course it makese sense to have these progress accordingly and to fit in with the geography. It will take time to develop the story line, which may have begun already with the fortifying of Thesos.

I also agree that the maruders are short shifted as they are also denied access to equivalent opportunities which should also be resolved. I don't agree about your story line tie-in tho as maruaders are foused pretty much on hating all other homins. OTOH, no one is being denied opportunities to fight kitins. Go back and read my post ... ANY player can sign on to help Rangers defend as I would think they would against anything that tries to eat them ... kitins don't look for faction tags before attacking. And if anyone participates, they should be able to share in rewards.


#73 [en] 

If anyone can participate then how would your idea help re-adress the imbalance of ranger content?



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#74 [en] 

Participate yes, benefit in the same way no. For example, lets use NH. As a citizen of a race, everyone gets double the points, fame and dapper as I do. As an Atys Citizen, I get 50%.

The same mechanic could be applied to Rangers as members of the "faction" responsible for the defense of Atys against the Kitin threat, they would benefit in a manner similar as do citizens of a race.


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