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Atys: Jarnys, Narutusensai, Obscura
3 (2)
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Abstain 2

#1 [en] 

each of the cities in each of the new lands could have a welcomer (4 new lands, 5 cities each, total of 20) with a set of missions, say 10 missions each (total of 200 new missions) upon completion of SOME welcomer's 10 mission sets a new generic craft plan could be given, which mission giver would give the craft plans would be unknown at launch, thus players would have to do them all to find out which welcomer gives craft plans and which do not. each mission could reward an item and (or only) dapper's, NO fame rewards for missions in the "new" lands. welcomer missions could only be done once.

there are 10 jewels, so the number of welcomer mission set's that would need to be completed could vary from land to land, with at least one set of 10 missions being done in each land to get at least one generic jewel crafting plan (generic jewel plan would require 6 jewel mat's and 6 setting mat's, thus allowing for more advanced jewel recipes) and in order for a player to get a full set of generic jewel crafting plans they would have to do a total of 100 missions in 10 set's of 10. (a player would have to complete all 10 of a single welcomer's missions to get a single jewel plan) one of the main reasons is that craft plans are restricted to using higher grade (choice, excellent) mat's found only in a given region, where generic plans DO NOT have that limit, this would open up a new potential to jewel crafting.

there are 5 medium armor parts: boots, gloves, and sleeves would require 8/8/6/6 (armor shell/lining/stuffing/armor clip); vest and pants would require 10/10/7/6 (armor shell/lining/stuffing/armor clip) these are more mat's then a high quality set would require, but they would allow for more diverse recipes for a less often used armor, the generic craft plans are also not restricted to using a fixed ecosystem plan and mat's.

a generic amplifier plan to allow the use of any combo of mats from any ecosystem it would require the same number of mats as a basic quality amp, 5/5/10 (shaft/grip/magic focus)

generic crafting plans for tools, eg pick, jewel crafting tool, armor crafting tool, ect. these plans would NOT require outpost mat's to craft and would allow homins to craft UNTRADEABLE and UNSELLABLE crafting tools. (this would allow a player to put in the work and effort to craft their own tools, but would not allow them to do so for others.) a player could only craft a given tool that was equal to the maximum level of a current crafting skill. thus if a player had a jewel crafting skill of 201 or higher, they could craft a Q250 jewel crafting tool. if the same player's highest armor craft was at 70 (nice simple number) they could only craft an armor tool of Q100. the number of mat's required for crafting tools would be a very high, also adding to the amount of effort required to make them.


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 

6/6 for jewel crafting would end up being the same recepies as the basic quality jewels with higher durability. You would be better sticking to 4/4 as HQ generic plans are usually reserved for OP plans. The bonus of using any race material would be enough. Other existing npc plans are BQ but for jewels 3/3 mixes would be too strong if any race was allowed.

#3 [en] 

good input, thanks X, always open to ideas and constructive thoughs.


Remickla (atys)
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