#30 Added by Rollocks 1 decade ago
And if people playing as friends irrespective of faction insults someones RP sensibilities then frankly they need to get over themselves.
#31 Added by Exodus 1 decade ago
Exodus -- Did you miss the part that I was talking about the time before the merger when I was both a Tryker nationalist and a dutiful Karavan? What I presented was my roleplay credo during the time when I was active in OP battles, and active in debating religious matters in roleplay with devout Kamis. You have not shown me anywhere in the Lore that commands followers of the Kami (or Karavan) not to associate, trade with or join with the opposing side in common enterprises (such as fighting kitins or Marauders). I presume that command is in the rules of the Alliance, but it is not in Lore. You are free to play by those rules. I will not, and apparently there are a number of Kami who also will not. As far as I'm concerned if roleplay does not follow the Lore, then the roleplay may as well take place in some other game where opposing sides cannot lure player toons to change their flag, or even talk to each other. That's how I see it. If it is not based in Lore, then what is the roleplay based in? In your case it seems to be based in the rules of the Kami Alliance. You are free to make and follow those rules, but I am free to disagree with them. You are correct that I do not need to justify my current position based on the Kara/Kami lore, but I do have to justify it based on what small lore we have concerning the Rangers. Yes, you can be upset - I do not deny you that right. However, you seem to be telling me that I *cannot* be upset, just because I am (currently) neutral? I don't think so. The current status quo affects me as a neutral, and not in a good way. As for forums -- most of my roleplay in forums consists of reporting on events that actually happened on the server (for the benefit of those who could not be present) or presenting invitations (framed in roleplay terms) for others to join me ingame for roleplay. (I will admit to some number of simple journal entries that I wrote in the hope of illustrating the methods of aligning a players mind towards roleplay.) You say that I cannot be affected by other people's roleplay because I post things in the forums? I challenge that assertion. Each time people play with me, and each time they do not, I am affected. (An obvious example might be the hunting of the aggressive white kitins and the scouting of the behavior of them as homins have tried to close the kitin Mounds.) That this roleplay does not involve battles against other homins does not make it more or less roleplay. Sir, I debate you. I do not call you names. I do not intend to insult you. I merely present my point of view in response to your statements. -- Bittty
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Exodus (1 decade ago)
#32 Added by Exodus 1 decade ago
Last edited by Exodus (1 decade ago)
#33 Added by Rollocks 1 decade ago
. . . . for all I care the karavan can burn, . . .
Last edited by Rollocks (1 decade ago)
#34 Added by Lilz 1 decade ago
Last edited by Tiximei (1 decade ago)
#35 Added by Bitttymacod 1 decade ago
I think the problem is, is people like you exodus who dont know enough about the game, its roots, or even the lore, because you cant even take an hour to read bits of it to fully understand ryzom, however you find the time to try and rip a well known and respected player like bitty for his knowledge of the game, if i ever see you ill put your childish self in check young boy.
#36 Added by Bitttymacod 1 decade ago
I felt you were sarcastic, when clearly there no point in doing that.
Oh and one more thing, you *were* a karavan on Aris, you are neutral on *Atys*. Big difference, what was on Aris, stays on Aris. Plain and simple. Try to see the current situation and then "tell us the good news"
Kami Alliance is 80% of the population, majority wins, we had to adapt.I'm suppose to fight against someone who uses all the dirty tricks and then besides the 80% of population I got more than 50% of karvans playing with kamis AND some neutral telling me how to play the game (yes, you are telling us how to play, cause you jumped in this discussion explaining us how you feel is right)
#37 Added by Exodus 1 decade ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tiximei (1 decade ago)
#38 Added by Lilz 1 decade ago
#39 Added by Talkirc 1 decade ago
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
#40 Added by Exodus 1 decade ago
#41 Added by Salazar 1 decade ago
We all need to come together and bond Atys like it previously was, and make the community happy and proud to play the game again because we all know there is a lot of hurt going around.
#42 Added by Lilz 1 decade ago
#43 Added by Victoriacamper 1 decade ago
Last edited by Victoriacamper (1 decade ago)
#44 Added by Exodus 1 decade ago
The same reason a Marauder is allowed: inside a kami guild, next to karavan and kamis at OP etc etc. What i find ironic though is that Exodus actually said the Karavan could burn and he keeps complaining about cross faction relations...O well...
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Exodus (1 decade ago)
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