Do you like megacorp and want to know more?
Yes, bring on the events with megacorp
Atys: Aikoon, Alassea, Aleeskandaro, Alric, Anzhanto, Arfur, Arugula, Binarabi, Falloutdclinux, Fitis, Gidget, Gilgameesh, Grasswind, Indigo, Iwakura, Jarnys, Jezabel, Mainca, Marikka, Naema, Neela, Ozwomen, Pirozhki, Placio, Sassafras, Shackra, Sherkalyn, Shvet, Stiene, Suboxide, Tearofserenity, Tgwaste, Uatu, Vircano, Virg, Xoep, Zam, Zopheira
38 (7)
No, I don't like chance and rather have the same old
Atys: Casy, Corwin, Lilsis, Markanjio, Petulka, Zoumpaf
6 (1)
Atys: Bitttymacod, Keldun, Neeis, Nokkuya, Redishwolf
Abstain 9

#1 [en] 

Event team announced an OFFICIAL event (yes official was in title) with alot of fanfare even sending us all a real mail about it, hinting at a new episode ingame.
Then they hinted at megacorp and ryzoms history as written in the bible. Wich is intresting to say the least. Today all of a sudden they posted on some hidden notice board that all what is in that 'new episode' should be forgoten and not named ingame. We should continue with atys as we know it boring old unconhesive (3history's + megacorp) and milked to death. Some kittin attacks some evil mara, the great and all mighty rangers and so on ...

I would love if they embrace this new direction where they let homins taste megacorp and our true history they gave us a taste for in this event. It could bring a new wind to this game bring in elias tryton, jena, megacorp, and the rest ... (instead of 5h long meetings about a notice board in zora for over 1year and it's still not there)

Do something new instead of beating the death mektoub over and over

ps. this could even be used to explain the 3 different histories we got (want my ideas on it event team contact me since i don't want to put bannable spoilers into forums)

> I'm actually thinking of making a town crier char talking about ruins in pr and giving ppl an extra nible of the bible, YOU the event team let megacorp in homins have questions if you don't answer others will take that task upto them

Last edited by Suboxide (1 decade ago)


#2 [en] 

That post was only clarifying the fact that the website is in the present real world and not in the future on Atys. It's just a out-of-game chat that has an ig event and some backstory tied to it instead of being "just another webapp", nothing more.


Dandy Highwayman of the Red Ribbon Army

#3 [en] 

Voted yes as i'd love to see further developement of the story without doubt!!!

Although your post does sound a bit ranty subo; come on, don't declare it dead before it is :)

Refering to most recent notice board post - I read it more as a quick clarification of where the site and a players access to it stood, in terms of roleplay and the disposition of our beloved homins in such. (ie we are all still running around with our lovely new iphones wondering what 'no network coverage' means)

Chin up mr grumpy boots xD


#4 [en] 

I think this may be a little premature... most havent even finished decoding all MegaCo docs...

But I am very interested in the new possiblilties this incident raises.

Last edited by Placio (1 decade ago)

#5 [en] 

Already started responding to this under Role play forum

Binarabi (atys)
2577 JY, AC 3, Folially (spring), 15, Tria 06:02

... Woha Mik'ito
I am alerting homins everywhere to the dangers of this C60 that I believe many are submitting to the alien object. Just yesterday Rollocks and I felt the wrath of the Evil Forces that underlie Megacorp.

I was stood near the crashed object assisting a guildie* with the mission when suddenly a white explosion forced me off Atyss and into the void of non-existence.

This also happened to Rollocks and I am convinced at this time that it is a Warning, possibly from Ma'Duk for using forbidden technology or from the evil force itself of Megacorp, as both Rollocks and I have been vocal in our warnings regarding both C60 and Megacorp

A guildie has very kindly offered to ask her friends to guard me over the coming days, whilst there is still time to campaign and beg homins not to submit C60 to Megacorp, after that it will be too late and then we must surrender to our fate, possibly as slaves to Megacorp.

I can only beg fellow homins, particularly the Kami who particularly aspire to "stand vigil over the plant kingdom and ensure that no one may destabilize the fragile equilibrium of the planet [we] cherish" to cease feeding this monstrosity

Proud Guild Leader of the most eclectic colllection of homins on Atyss, Guardians of Shadows, a guild who may come to live and campaign in the shadows and fight against whatever this Evil Force brings

*Guildies are free to choose their own path in this ... and like all homins many are filled with curiosity as to where this will lead, I am also begging them not to submit C60 which I am convinced will put us all in terrible danger

From the 4th doc on I think it can be rp'd and tbh would find it somewhat hard to ignore the "truth" and continue on old ways, should not have opened Pandora's box in the first place ...


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#6 [en] 

I consider the alternatives an insult of a sane mind and refuse to vote.

The event has been made by the event team. We can hardly vote how others do their volunteer job. We should comment in Events(OOC) when we feel event managers do not do a good job.

It is ridiculous only have the possibility to share Suboxide's opinion dictating the event team how to go on or "don't like chance and rather have the same old". "Other" would mean agreement to such undemocratic and manipulative methods.

I do not know how the event will go on. As a devout Kami follower I was somewhat relieved by Tamarea's announcement stating that there is no ingame necessity to fiddle with "C60" or "Megacorp". That sounds all pretty much Karavan and I do not like it. As a player I embrace the new offgame toy though I think it is not yet perfect to say the least (hint: https would be an idea).

In fact, as long as Suboxide does not design (and debug) the events I fail to see much of a point to waste my vote.

Kami'ata , Bingfa

#7 [en] 

Binarabi (atys)
From the 4th doc on I think it can be rp'd and tbh would find it somewhat hard to ignore the "truth" and continue on old ways, should not have opened Pandora's box in the first place ...
"Pandora's Box" has been opened several times over the years without people having a hard time ignoring it, why should it be different this time? Especially when this is just a quick peek inside the box compared to the other occurrences.


Dandy Highwayman of the Red Ribbon Army

#8 [en] 

True but I posted this after what happend in universe chat today. When somebody who just said someting in the lines of "megacorp are bad" got told of by some core rp group of ppl. Because event team had just posted that what is on megacorp shouldn't be taken into account for ingame rp. I found it a sad sight seeing this happening and I had a long rant about it in uni.
I wanna show em that ppl actually like the idea of megacorp idea and are ready for something new and epic instead of waiting on the next kittin of the depths att to collect tokens most collected years ago or the next goo infected timaris ...


#9 [en] 

I didn't put an other option there not to be manupilate the vote but because there is an abstain button wish is the same as other.
I can't see what other options i could have really put there or you don't like the magecorp thing or you love it or you abstain and explain in forum.  

If ppl make a 10 option vote ppl say it's manupilative if you keep it simple ppl say the same so pls choose abstain and explain I think thats the most fair way of voting. Even 100 voting options I would never be able to put each and everyones preffered option in there.


#10 [en] 

I have now read the posting on notice board, and it is confusing...
We had an in game event that led us to MegaCo where it shows ingame chat, how are we supposed to make that ooc?

#11 [en] 

How hard is it to understand?

Do you like megacorp and want to know more?

No. I do not like megacorp. Sounds like dubious and disgusting karavan stuff. I do not see that it contributes to the path of enlightenment.

No, I don't like chance and rather have the same old

That sounds like George W. Bush. If you are not for me, you are against me.

I like chance, I like change, and I like development. I do not want to have "the same old", though I have to learn a lot only to cope with "the same old".

I feel patronized by such alternatives.

#12 [en] 

Suboxide (atys)
I didn't put an other option there not to be manupilate the vote but because there is an abstain button wish is the same as other.
I can't see what other options i could have really put there or you don't like the magecorp thing or you love it or you abstain and explain in forum.  

If ppl make a 10 option vote ppl say it's manupilative if you keep it simple ppl say the same so pls choose abstain and explain I think thats the most fair way of voting. Even 100 voting options I would never be able to put each and everyones preffered option in there.

Umm... Suboxide --

The statement, "No, I don't like chance and rather have the same old" is not the same as "I don't want events with a megacorp involvement." A person could quite easily want change, but not this particular change. By phrasing it the way you did, you put a negative spin on choosing that option. That is "manipulation", though it is clear that you do not consider it so. It just isn't very effective as manipulation, given the commenting population.

I must also argue that "Abstain" is not the same as "Other". "Abstain" is a refusal to vote. "Other" is an indication that the voter feels you have missed options.

My feeling about this whole thing is that while the devs are saying that the site is outside of RP that the name is mentioned in the ingame activation process so the *name* is rp, and certainly the artifact is subject to rp discussion/interaction. Discussion of C60, however, would be (imho) out of character since the only place it is mentioned is on the website, not in game. I just wished they had taken the effort put into this event and put it into into sculpting, skinning and animating one small additional Atysian creature, advancing the "boat plan" plot line, or working on the Mara tattooists.

With respect -- Bittty


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#13 [en] 

I've not read the notice board but, if the event team said that megacorp is to be considered ooc, i think this is very crazy.

It was the tryker Gilgameesh that logged into Megacorp site, so how we can treat it as a ooc stuff?
Also we (the homins) were able to login into the site, after a research involving an artifact in Atys, not in real life.

I never understand people that suppose RP is just speaking some strange language in some chat window and nothing more. The site can be OOC, but the content of the site is pure IC and then it's RP.

If the event team wanted to introduce a new chat system outside the client and nothing more, then this idea (of an artifact and a human organization stolen from an old ryzom document, also stolen long time ago) is absolutely non-sense. So, I hope there is more than a chat system i don't see the reason to do.

What i dislike is the attitude of kamists that suppose to stay RP refusing an event because "the artifact sounds karavan".... rofl, are you so afraid to lose your power?

You should welcome any event as long as it keeps stuff going on Atys.

Binarabi got the rp the right way, just telling to start an anti-c60 movement, but accepting the event as it is, and everyone should ask for it to continue with some sense otherwise, as said, it's a very pure piece of non-sense.


Legion of Atys

#14 [en] 

As I (and Sherk) see it, a piece of alien technology -Karavan maybe?- fell on Atys. This proves that there is a form of intelligent life outside of Atys because it is crafted from a material that doesn't come from here... A lot of knowledge got lost during the First Great Swarming. Amongst it, the origins of hominity.

What if, because they couldn't terraform Atys, due to its organic nature, humans/karavan tried to mix their DNA with the primitives that already lived on Atys in order to create a species that would be able to survive (read breathe) on it without needing to wear a space suit all the time ? What if the Karavan got stranded here while trying to colonize exoplanets and we are the result of their experiments ? We weren't here from the very beginning, but we WERE born on Atys. That would explain the 4 races of hominity : result of a mix between human traits and the Frahars, Cutes, Gibbais and the now extinct Momos. It would explain a lot...


Crazy Marshmallow Lady
Former Guild Leader of Exodus Syndicate
Member of Phaedra's Tears
Girl Playing Roles

#15 [en] 

Placio (atys)
I think this may be a little premature... most havent even finished decoding all MegaCo docs...

But I am very interested in the new possiblilties this incident raises.

How the name of Ma Duk can you claim to know what other homins have decoded? Do you have a source for your claim or do you just make things up and thing that the yubos that read this will think it is true?


Disclaimer: Any resemblance between the characters in this post/thread and any homins, living or dead, is a miracle.* The characters in this post/thread are fictitious. Any homin resembling them is better off dead**
*You Nazty Spy
**I'll Never Heil Again
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