#44 Added by Arfur 1 decade ago
[pre]Sorry, this will be a post in French , I 'm not good at English asse to express myself " fine " (as far as I can say in French is "fine" ^ ^)Copy of the post I made on the forum Guild:I find it very unhealthy, this is now , "everything" can be read from the outside, it looks a bit like the flicage the possibility of being watched constantly ...A guildoux absent for 6 months or a year , no subscription, could therefore know what is happening on our guild channel , out of the gameOf course , the immediate answer is that if we did nothing wrong , surveillance is just ... ( the same type of argument totalitarian police )This is not information , but the "making good" of all that can be said , even silliness , even the words too fast, even errors or infatuation , everything can be recorded , and emerged ....It is deplorable and "anti game" because the guild channel is still somehow a channel "game " . Ultimately, one can read outside Univ channels , it is less disturbing , though ....In short, if you have things to tell you , use cc team , or tell.For my part, the policing , surveillance, intrusion into what I say private , it's part of what disgusts me most revolts me . You will always be on the right to say what we want, even if it is bullshit ?Good ...Waiting for the end of the Event , we'll see , but I, for the moment, it does not please me at all."You want to know what happens in the game, you're connected to the game," there is the forum to discuss everything and anything.And I will vote when the Event is over, and we know more , permanently.If it is just make a web connection to the DC game , I think it's unnecessary work , then we would need so much content additions IN THE GAME.
#45 Added by Kaavi 1 decade ago
ps. Anyone who wants to get the english bible revision 9 (it's not perfect I know) can send me an Izam ingame and I'll gladly send it to them since it seems all the 'hardcore' roleplayers in this game have it and love to quote a spoiler or 2 from it now and then. Why should us normal folk not be allowed to know about the intersting tribes in it anyway (half the tribes they RP around i can only find in the bible and not on atys.ryzom.com anyway), pls don't read the 50 pages of tribes but just the intresting first pages and then from page 20 and so on. If you ban me then pls scan all pc's of the so called hardcore rp players since they all love to admit to own it aswell.< Do look out since even reading the first sentence of that doc might change how you see or think about ryzom forever, don't not say I didn't warn you. POWER TO THE PPL IS ALL WHAT RYZOM.COM SAYS we influence the game not a minority that want's to kill the game for 95% pf ppl playing.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Kaavi (1 decade ago)
#46 Added by Shackra 1 decade ago
It is ridiculous only have the possibility to share Suboxide's opinion dictating the event team how to go on or "don't like chance and rather have the same old". "Other" would mean agreement to such undemocratic and manipulative methods.
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